Chapter 91

Meanwhile, in Shanghai, on the 18th floor of the Fashion Building, an emergency meeting was being held in the technical department of a portal website company.

“Director Cai, our servers are under a DDoS attack, and most of the computers in the company, including those in the PR and technical departments, have been hijacked by a virus!”

“This virus is called the Trojan horse, a very powerful virus program from abroad that is difficult to crack!”

“The virus replicates extremely fast, and our firewall has been rendered ineffective!”

“Now, users are reporting that they cannot log into the website!”

Technical staff exchanged worried looks and comments, each face etched with tension.

This foreign virus hijack was unlike any before, rendering computers uncontrollable, either shutting down or crashing.

“How are the computers in the technical department?” asked Director Cai, his expression grave.

“My computer is unusable!”

“Mine too!”

“Yes, mine as well!”

“This virus is dreadful, and it seems like the attacker knows the internal network address of our technical department!”

“Mine has crashed too. Without computers, we can’t even begin to repair the servers. Damn it!”

In the meeting room, the majority of the technical staff were furious, their computers hijacked by the virus.

Director Cai slammed the table in anger, “What’s the situation? Is there not a single computer we can use?!”

Suddenly, a young intern wearing round glasses timidly raised his hand.

“Director… my computer seems to still be working.”

Everyone in the meeting room turned to look at the young intern, their faces filled with surprise and incredulity.

The young intern lowered his head, chuckling nervously, “I saw a post on a forum early this morning, sharing an antivirus software that was said to be quite effective, so… I downloaded it and gave it a try.”

“Uh… unexpectedly, it seems the software actually managed to eliminate the virus.”

The technical staff were all astounded.

“What antivirus software is so powerful that it can even eliminate the Trojan horse?!” they exclaimed.

Director Cai, eyes wide, urgently asked, “What’s the name of that software?”

The young intern scratched his head, puzzled, “It’s called 361 Computer Security Manager…”

In the South Sea, at the Wanghai Technology Industrial Park.

The Tianya forum’s administration department, a small team of only three employees, had managed the forum since its inception two years ago, without any need for additional staff.

Despite being a small team, their job was relatively easy and relaxed.

They didn’t actively manage discussions on the Tianya forum, adopting a laissez-faire approach, relying on netizens from all over the country to maintain order on their own.

That morning, Qin Wenhua clocked in as usual, turned on his computer, and went to make a cup of coffee, preparing for another leisurely day.

Humming a tune while waiting for the hot water, his colleague, Xu Ke, rushed over in a panic.

“Brother Qin, have you checked the forum?”

Qin Wenhua, pouring hot water and stirring his instant coffee, yawned and said, “Not yet, what’s the rush? Calm down.”

It’s just the usual nationwide chat and boasting on the forum.

“No, no, Brother Qin, you don’t understand. The whole forum is buzzing about something, and it’s almost being spammed!”

“Do we need to… intervene?” Xu Ke asked for instructions.

“What’s causing such a stir? And spamming?” Qin Wenhua was taken aback.

Spamming was rare since the forum’s inception, occurring only once during a flame war that attracted many onlookers.

“I checked the records, and early this morning, a self-proclaimed tech enthusiast posted a share about giving your computer a check-up, introducing an antivirus software called 361 Computer Security Manager!”

“That post gained over a hundred thousand views and thousands of discussions in just a few hours!”

“By morning, it seemed many had downloaded the software and started sharing discussions. It’s unstoppable now; the whole forum is about this!”

“And when I visited Sina, they were also discussing this post!” Xu Ke briefly explained the situation.

“How many? You said that post has how many views?” Qin Wenhua suddenly asked, alarmed.

“Uh, a hundred thousand,” Xu Ke replied, puzzled by his question.

Qin Wenhua’s eyes bulged, “Our forum doesn’t even have a hundred thousand online at night?!”

“Ah?” Xu Ke was baffled, completely lost.

In the morning, after waking up, the first thing Gu Muxi did was open the window and shout towards Yi Feng’s room, “Lazy pig Yi, wake up!”

But there was no response from the other side.

Gu Muxi poked Yi Feng’s window with a clothes pole, still no movement.

“Is this stinky guy not at home?” Gu Muxi tilted her head, puzzled.

Stinky Yi Feng, what are you up to?

Muxi pouted, closed the window, changed clothes, and went out to wash up.

Today was Sunday, and Gu Muxi’s parents were resting at home.

Li Wan brought out the prepared breakfast, pork porridge, and looked at Gu Muxi, who was ready to eat, with a smile.

“Muxi, when can you check the college entrance examination results?”

Gu Muxi licked her lips and replied, “The teacher said it should be next week, always at the end of the month, but the exact time is not yet known.”

“Anyway, the school will call to notify when the results are out!”

Li Wan hoped, “Hopefully, we’ll have good news next week. If you get into university, our family will finally have a proper college student.”

“Hehe, Mom, don’t worry, I will definitely get into university!” Gu Muxi laughed.

Li Wan nodded, knowing Gu Muxi’s grades were always in the top ten of her class, so getting into university shouldn’t be a problem.

“By the way, what about Little Feng? Didn’t you call him over for breakfast?” Li Wan asked, puzzled.

“I did shout, but it seems like Yi Feng isn’t at home,” Gu Muxi spooned some pork porridge, casually responding.

“That’s strange, I thought I saw his house lights on this morning. I hope nothing’s wrong.”

“I’ll go check.” Li Wan wiped her hands on her apron, took it off, and left the house.

A moment later, while eating breakfast, Gu Muxi suddenly remembered something and her face changed.

Oh no!

My sheets and duvet cover are still hanging at Yi Feng’s place!

She slapped her forehead, hoping her mom wouldn’t misunderstand!


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