Chapter 80

Feng Ze was sizing him up when Yi Feng suddenly turned his head to look at him, their gazes crossing each other.

“President Feng, good day. I’ve heard from Brother Ning before about how righteous you are. It’s an honor to meet you in person today,” Yi Feng greeted with neither humility nor arrogance.

“Hehe, Young Brother Yi is also quite the looker and now even has his own shop. Quite promising for someone so young!” Feng Ze replied politely.

Yi Feng smiled, turned his head towards the others, and greeted each one by one.

When he greeted old Wan, old Wan just responded indifferently and didn’t even look at him properly.

Yi Feng immediately got the measure of him.

From the brief exchange of pleasantries, he could roughly figure out who was worth befriending and who wasn’t worth paying much attention to.

Especially when he saw Ning Feipeng introduce old Wan with a somewhat cold attitude, he understood that Ning Fei Peng was somewhat dissatisfied with old Wan.

Yi Feng knew then that old Wan was even less worth bothering about.

“Brother Ning, I didn’t come empty-handed today. I couldn’t just freeload a meal from you, so I brought something for you as a small token of my appreciation,” Yi Feng said with a smile, turning back to take the gift bag from Wang Tie and handing it to Ning Fei Peng.

This statement was somewhat aimed at old Wan.

After hearing this, old Wan’s face showed an embarrassed expression, as he had indeed come empty-handed and could only sit quietly, not daring to make a sound.

Lan Caiyi pushed up her glasses, looking at Yi Feng with interest.

This young man, quite adept at handling matters, interesting.

A smile appeared on Ning Feipeng’s face, “What’s with bringing gifts to a meal? Really!”

“Just take it, it’s nothing expensive, just a can of tea leaves,” Yi Feng stuffed the gift bag into his hands.

“Hehe, thanks!”

Ning Feipeng took out an exquisitely made sandalwood box from the gift bag, opened it, and saw a can of Wuyi Shuixian tea leaves inside.

“Eh? Wuyi Shuixian?” Ning Fei Peng showed a bit of surprise. He hadn’t drunk this tea much, but he quite liked its unique fragrance.

Yi Feng giving this tea showed that he had put thought into it.

“Yes, take it back and try it, but don’t finish it too quickly, haha. I’ll come to your shop next time and try the taste there,” Yi Feng said with a smile.

“Ha ha! Sure, you’re welcome anytime!” Ning Feipeng said happily.

Feng Ze, listening to their conversation, increasingly felt that Yi Feng’s manner of speaking was extraordinary. In building a relationship with Ning Feipeng, he was seamless and unforced, very natural and appropriate.

And unlike old Wan, who bypassed the intermediary directly, Yi Feng first gave the gift to the intermediary, showing enough respect. This is really knowing how to behave.

This young man is impressive!

No wonder Ning Feipeng appreciates him so much, it’s not without reason.

Ning Feipeng noticed that Wang Tie still had other gift boxes in his hand and asked in surprise, “Brother Yi, what are these?”

“Right, these are small gifts for President Feng, President Cheng, and President Jiao.”

“Meeting for the first time, I hope for more guidance and care from my seniors in the future,” Yi Feng said modestly.

“Hm? For us too?” Feng Ze was a bit surprised, not expecting Yi Feng to bring gifts on their first meeting.

Prepared gifts for the meeting, really thoughtful.

“They’re just small gifts,” Yi Feng said with a smile, handing the gift boxes to Feng Ze.

Feng Ze opened the box to see a dark brown, exquisitely made fishing rod inside.

His eyes lit up.

It was a fishing rod!

And not just any, but a limited edition Kawei fishing rod, hard to come by!

“Haha! Really, thank you, Young Brother Yi!”

“This fishing rod is not common!”

“How did you know I liked fishing? Must have been Feipeng who told you, right?” Feng Ze asked with admiration.

Ning Feipeng was startled, “Uh, I did mention it in passing, but I didn’t expect Brother Yi to remember?”

Yi Feng simply smiled, “Hey, just a bit of a good memory.”

Then Yi Feng gave two sets of the Four Treasures of the Study to Cheng Bo and Jiao Tongxing, who also showed surprise and thanked him repeatedly, warming up considerably in their conversation with Yi Feng.

“Right, there’s one last gift, and that is…” Yi Feng took the gift.

Old Wan immediately straightened up, raising his hand to receive.

“To give it to Secretary Lan,” Yi Feng said with a smile.

Old Wan: “……”

His hand awkwardly froze in mid-air.

Ning Feipeng, seeing this, secretly laughed. Old Wan was played, haha!

Old Wan’s face showed embarrassment, and he withdrew his hand in annoyance.

Damn it, even though I’m also a boss, why don’t I have one?

Instead, it goes to that Miss Lan?

She’s just a secretary!

Crap, this kid really has no taste!

“I have one too?” Lan Caipi was surprised, then took Yi Feng’s gift.

Upon opening it, she found a very exquisite pen inside, engraved with peach blossoms and inlaid with shiny beads, practically an artwork.

Lan Caiyi showed a happy expression upon seeing the pen.

Most girls like these exquisite things, and she was no exception.

“Such a beautiful pen, thank you!” Lan Caiyi exclaimed happily.

She couldn’t help but take a new look at Yi Feng, who seemed young but spoke smoothly and was worldly-wise, not something common among young people!

“It’s nothing, just a small gift,” Yi Feng said with a smile.

Yi Feng turned his head to old Wan and said apologetically, “I’m really sorry, president Wan. I didn’t know you would be coming today, or else I would have prepared an extra gift.”

“Let’s leave it for another day, I’ll definitely bring you one next time.”

Old Wan’s face was weird, showing some dissatisfaction, and said sarcastically, “Hehe, no need, no need to be so polite.” 𝚏𝚛ee𝐰𝗲𝚋n𝐨𝘃𝗲l.𝐜𝐨m

Though he said it politely on the surface, the underlying message was clear: we’re not close, no need to be overly familiar.

Yi Feng naturally understood the meaning behind his words but just smiled, not bothering to pay him any mind.

Yi Feng didn’t sit down but casually took out a pack of Zhonghua cigarettes from his pocket, offering one to Ning Feipeng and lighting it for him.

Ning Feipeng laughed and accepted the light, lighting up the cigarette.

This small detail made Feng Ze appreciate Yi Feng even more.

Remembering the one who digs the well when drinking water, this young man really knows how to behave!

He’s much younger than old Wan but acts much more maturely!

Compared to him, old Wan is just a fool.

Yi Feng then offered cigarettes to everyone else, and Lan Caiyi unexpectedly didn’t refuse, lighting up one for herself.

“Secretary Lan smokes too?” old Wan said in surprise.

“You didn’t offer me one, but if there’s a cigarette, of course, I’ll smoke,” Lan Caiyi said half-jokingly.

Old Wan’s face turned red, even more embarrassed.

Feng Ze laughed it off and changed the subject, “Little Brother Yi is also here, and the dishes are served. Let’s not just talk, everyone sit down, let’s eat and chat!”

Old Wan glanced at Yi Feng, dissatisfied with Yi Feng stealing his thunder.

He said sarcastically, “Young Brother Yi drinks alcohol, right? Or should we get you a bottle of yogurt first?”


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