Chapter 58

A little bit? fr𝚎𝗲𝐰ebnov𝐞𝐥.𝐜o𝗺

That was a lot!

Yi Feng tugged at the corner of his mouth, feeling gloomy inside.

“Let it be, looks like this porridge is inedible. I’ll go wash my face, and let’s go out for noodles instead.”

“Gu Muxi, you’re paying!”

Yi Feng glanced at her.

Gu Muxi pouted, “Fine, I’ll pay!”

After Yi Feng washed his face, the two went out together to find food.

They found a noodle shop outside the staff residential area and ordered two servings of pig offal noodles as usual.

“Gu Muxi, how’s your review going?” Yi Feng slurped his noodles and asked casually.

“It’s okay, I’m somewhat confident about getting into a first-tier university. What about you?” Gu Muxi replied.

She was quite worried about Yi Feng. Although his scores had improved significantly in the last test, placing him in the top ten of his class, his scores in the comprehensive science section were still not quite stable.

It would be great if both could get into a first-tier university and attend the same college.

“As for me, I feel like I’m in top form. I’ve been cramming for Chinese and comprehensive science lately, so I should be able to achieve a decent score.” Yi Feng smiled slightly.

“Really? You’re that confident?” Gu Muxi was surprised.

“Of course.” Yi Feng smiled.

Since the last test, he had been doing targeted practice for his weaker subjects. Recently, he had been scoring close to full marks in mock comprehensive science exams, and as for Chinese, focusing on essay writing was likely to earn him high scores.

As for mathematics and English, those were Yi Feng’s strengths. He had already passed the level 6 English test, so the college entrance examination for English was not a problem.

Mathematics was his strongest subject; for computer science, his mathematics scores were nearly perfect. Testing with college entrance examination papers, he could almost get full marks, or miss by just a few points at most.

Passing the threshold for a first-tier university was almost guaranteed, but his goal was beyond that, to score as high as possible.

To bring home a good result and make his parents happy.

“Then you keep it up!” Gu Muxi encouraged.

“Yi Feng, the college entrance examination is tomorrow, let’s go back to review after eating, for a final sprint.”

Yi Feng nodded seriously, “Okay, I’ll speed up first, it’ll be fast.”

“What speed?”

“Uh… the speed of reviewing.”

After breakfast, the two went home to study together, in Gu Muxi’s room.

Gu Muxi took out a math workbook, thinking to do some more practice problems to consolidate her knowledge.

She turned her head to look at Yi Feng, only to see him taking out four books of “Mock Questions,” covering math, English, Chinese, and comprehensive science.

“Uh… Yi Feng, what are you doing? Isn’t that a bit too much?!”

“You’re not planning to finish these mock exam papers today, are you?”

Gu Muxi was dumbfounded.

Yi Feng smiled lightly, “Yes, any problem?”

“I’ve already done half of these four books, just half left, should be able to finish today.”

“Finishing these four books, pretty much ensures success.”

Gu Muxi was astonished, “I don’t believe you can finish them!”

Yi Feng glanced at her, “What’s so difficult about that?”

“For mock exams, 90 minutes per subject, just an hour and a half, four subjects also just 6 hours.”

“Practicing two rounds, 12 hours, should be no problem, might even be a bit quicker.”

Gu Muxi looked at him as if he were crazy.

“Yi Feng, have you lost your mind? 12 hours!”

“It’s 9 o’clock now, you’ll have to write until 10 or 11 tonight!”

Yi Feng chuckled, “That’s what you said, a sprint.”

“Alright, I’m starting!”

Yi Feng opened his workbook and began the mock examination on his own.

Gu Muxi, seeing him immersed in the mock exams, started her own practice.

Time slowly passed as the two were engrossed in solving problems.

From daylight to nightfall, and then the crescent moon rose high, besides having a quick egg noodle lunch and barely eating at night, they kept working on problems.

Suddenly it was 9 o’clock at night.

Gu Xingzhong and Li Wan were in the living room reading magazines.

“It’s 9 o’clock already, are those kids still reviewing? They’re really pushing themselves.” Li Wan glanced at the time and then at Gu Muxi’s room door.

Gu Xingzhong flipped through a magazine nonchalantly, “Well, the college entrance exam is tomorrow, they’re a bit pressured.”

“Ah, I hope they don’t overpressure themselves. It’s easy to underperform. They need to relax a bit.”

“I’ll go make some juice for them, let them take a break.” Li Wan stood up and went to the kitchen.

After a while, she came out of the kitchen with two glasses of watermelon juice, walked to Gu Muxi’s room door, and knocked.

“Xixi, little Feng, take a break and have some juice.”

“Okay, Mom, I was just getting thirsty.” Gu Muxi’s voice came from inside.

Li Wan entered the room, seeing Gu Muxi with a lackluster look, exhaustedly slumping in her chair, while Yi Feng was still intensely scribbling away.

“Here, you both worked hard today. Drink some juice, take a breather.” Li Wan placed the juice on the table.

Gu Muxi, rubbing her sore temples, said, “Indeed tired, doing questions all day has made my head spin!”

She grabbed one of the glasses of watermelon juice and gulped it down.

“Yi Feng, aren’t you having some?” Gu Muxi looked at Yi Feng.

They had spoken less than ten sentences to each other all day.

Yi Feng had been doing questions all day, and it was high-intensity mock exams!

It was surprising he could last so long.

“Little Feng, you too, take a break.” Li Wan looked at Yi Feng’s focused demeanor with some concern.

Afraid that he was putting too much pressure on himself, which could be counterproductive.

“Uh okay, Auntie, just a moment, I’m almost done.” Yi Feng replied without looking up.

“Alright, remember to rest, don’t stay up too late. Tomorrow is the real battle; you need to be fully rested.” Li Wan advised.

“Okay, Auntie, I got it.” Yi Feng still didn’t look up, his pen never stopping.

Li Wan left the room, and after another half-hour, Yi Feng finally put down his pen, exhaling deeply.

“Two rounds of mock tests, finally done…”

He hadn’t felt this intense sensation of doing questions for a long time, this fully immersed state was really magical, he didn’t feel tired while writing.

But now that he had finished, a strong wave of fatigue rushed over him.

His fingers were sore from holding the pen for so long.

Gu Muxi was amazed, “Yi Feng, I didn’t expect you to last so long!”

“More enduring than I thought!”

Yi Feng raised an eyebrow, “I’ve always had stamina, okay!”

“Are you doubting my endurance?”

“Let me tell you, a mere hour or two is no problem at all.”

Gu Muxi felt his words were strange, but still huffed, “I didn’t know you were so enduring before.”

Yi Feng grinned, “Then you’ll definitely find out later!”

“If there’s a chance, you can experience it for yourself.”

Gu Muxi rolled her eyes at him, proudly saying, “I don’t want to!”

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