Yi Feng had only asked tentatively, not expecting Pan Chengfu to admit it so openly.

“Then congratulations are in order for Manager Pan,” Yi Feng said calmly, though his heart sank.

If Pan Chengfu secured more mainstream product agency rights, he could potentially control the supply!

This was extremely dangerous!

“Ah, so Manager Pan and Mr. Yi know each other. Let’s all sit down and have a chat,” Lu Xinzhi was somewhat surprised, but considering Yi Feng was a channel distributor, it was normal for him to know different agency companies.

Hearing Yi Feng congratulate Pan Chengfu made him silently speculate about their relationship. Initially, he thought they were on good terms, but after sitting down and carefully observing their expressions, he felt the atmosphere was a bit strange.

“Manager Pan, what brings you here this time?” Lu Xinzhi distributed cigarettes to everyone.

“It’s not so much a directive as it is coming to discuss cooperation with Manager Lu,” Pan Chengfu lit a cigarette and blew a smoke ring, his eyes glancing towards Yi Feng.

His look implied that it wasn’t appropriate for Yi Feng to be here.

Lu Xinzhi found himself in a difficult position but then said to Yi Feng, “Mr. Yi, weren’t you busy with something?”

Yi Feng could guess what they wanted to discuss.

Using advantageous supply sources to privately make Lu Xinzhi a tertiary agent for certain hot accessories.

Like those three accessories.

Perhaps… it also included other conditions from Pan Chengfu, such as restricting supplies to him.

“Indeed, I have other matters to attend to. You all go ahead; I have to leave now,” Yi Feng didn’t take a cigarette, stood up, and took his leave.

“Hehe, Mr. Yi, take care then,” Pan Chengfu sneered.

Yu Guangchun also laughed, watching Yi Feng and Wang Tie leave.

After leaving Kaiheng Company, Wang Tie immediately asked, “Brother Feng, what do we do? I feel like Pan Chengfu came specifically for us.”

“Remove the feeling; of course, it’s also targeting us,” Yi Feng’s expression was grim.

“What do we do then? If Manager Lu agrees to cooperate with Pan Chengfu, our partnership with Kaiheng Company might be in jeopardy,” Wang Tie was worried.

Yi Feng snorted, “Shengde Company doesn’t have the capability to monopolize the market. Do they really think they can dictate the computer accessories market in Guangxi?”

“Wang Tie, call the business manager we interface with at Kaiheng Company and tell them that Xifeng Electronics will double the order volume for the original accessories. Also, hint that we’re planning a big promotion and might need even more accessories.”

“Let’s secure Lu Xinzhi first. The profit from a few accessories, compared to our order volume, isn’t enough to sway him.”

After pondering for a moment, Wang Tie clapped his hands, “Great idea, Brother Feng. I’ll call them as soon as I get back to the office.”

Yi Feng nodded, then after a moment of thought, said, “Wang Tie, let’s make a trip to Nanqiao Commerce.”

“Bring two packs of good tea.”

“Uh, okay,” Wang Tie agreed.

They purchased two packs of premium tea before heading to Nanqiao Commerce.

Feng Ze welcomed them in the tea room.

“Ha ha, Mr. Yi, what brings you to me today?” Feng Ze asked with a smile, pouring tea for them.

“Manager Feng, I came specially to enjoy your tea and also to discuss that matter with you. How have you arranged it?” Yi Feng asked calmly.

Last time, Yi Feng gave Feng Ze an idea to dig a big pit for Shengde Company. Over a month had passed, and Yi Feng had communicated with him several times, with the plan in progress.

“It’s almost ready. I’ve contacted a friend from Xingcheng Company. They’ll soon issue a tender, and then… we’ll participate in the bidding. Another company, Hanhai Company, is also ready, using a joint venture with our third company.”

“Caiyi has already arranged everything, and the plan can proceed soon,” Feng Ze spoke confidently, as if everything was under his control.

Hearing this, Yi Feng felt relieved, “President Feng is indeed efficient; I can rest assured.”

“Without Shengde Company, President’s Feng’s business is sure to reach new heights.”

Excitement flickered in Feng Ze’s eyes, but he restrained himself, instead looking at Yi Feng, “Ah, compared to Mr. Yi, what’s that?”

“I’ve heard that your Xifeng Electronics now has six stores, probably earning over a million a month, right?”

Yi Feng sensed his indirect probing and shrugged, “Hey, how could it be that much? It’s just enough to sustain the company, not like President Feng with such a large business.”

Feng Ze took out a pack of cigarettes, offering one to Yi Feng and Wang Tie, “Ha ha, don’t be modest. Just the goods you purchase from me contribute to a net profit of more than three hundred thousand a month, right? You, don’t play poor.”

Yi Feng chuckled, accepting the cigarette without confirmation or denial.

Wang Tie chimed in from the side, “President Feng doesn’t know how much we spend, hiring so many people. Monthly salaries and rent alone cost over a hundred thousand, barely making any money.”

Feng Ze poured more tea, glanced at them, and said, “Actually, Mr. Yi, Mr. Wang, I’m quite optimistic about the development of Xifeng Electronics.”

“If it weren’t profitable, it wouldn’t have grown so fast.”

“I’ve heard that a lot of computer store repair businesses have shifted to you guys. That’s a significant market with low costs and high profits.”

“Actually… we could deepen our cooperation.”

Yi Feng asked without showing emotion, “Oh? How does President Feng propose we deepen our cooperation?”

Feng Ze exhaled a smoke ring, staring at him, “For instance… I could invest in your company. With additional capital, Xifeng Electronics could quickly seize the Guangxi market. Plus, I could increase supply on my end to ensure no worries about stock. It’s a win-win!”

Since Yi Feng’s rapid rise, Feng Ze had been contemplating a stake in the company. Watching Yi Feng earn so much money in the market had left him envious.

He had wanted to discuss this issue with Yi Feng. If Yi Feng was willing to share a slice of the pie, all would be well.

Otherwise… he might use Yi Feng’s business model to enter the market.

That would turn them from partners into competitors.

He didn’t want it to come to that, hence the proposal to invest.

In his view, it was beneficial for both.

Feng Ze couldn’t stand being just a distributor. Watching Yi Feng’s company flourish and rake in money made him covet a stable offline channel of his own to earn market money.

Seeing Yi Feng pondering, Feng Ze’s heart warmed, continuing to tempt, “Think about it, Mr. Yi. If I were to invest, we’d be insiders from then on. I’d definitely give you the biggest discount when purchasing goods. It’s all good!”

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