Chapter 106

In the evening, to celebrate Yi Feng becoming the top scorer of Guangdong province and Gu Muxi passing the first-tier university examination line, the Yi and Gu families gathered for a lavish dinner.

A table full of dishes, roast duck, roast goose, white-cut chicken, steamed fish, and other delicacies usually reserved for New Year’s celebrations, were all prepared today.

Gu Xingzhong raised his glass, his face glowing with happiness, “Come on, everyone, let’s drink to celebrate these two children!”

“They are all promising children!”

“Especially Little Feng, the top scorer of Guangdong province!”

“This is an honor we never even dreamed of!”

“Come on, let’s drink to that!”

Everyone raised their glasses in response.

Seeing Yi Feng’s glass filled with juice, Gu Xingzhong couldn’t help but laugh, “Little Feng, you’re an adult now, stop drinking juice, how about some liquor?”

“Indeed, Little Feng, it’s a happy day today, you can drink some liquor with your Uncle Gu!” Yi Jianbing also said with a smile, happy to see him grow up.

He wasn’t a conservative parent; now that they were of age and graduated, it was time to drink if drinking was called for, especially knowing his son was going into business, where drinking and smoking were essential skills.

“Alright, since it’s a happy occasion, I’ll drink a few with Uncle Gu.” Yi Feng stopped pretending and poured himself a full glass of liquor.

Meng Xiaoyun smiled and whispered a word of caution, “Just be happy, don’t drink too much.”

“Mm, okay, Mom, I know.” Yi Feng responded with a smile.

Gu Xingzhong cheerfully said, “sister Xiaoyun, don’t worry, we’re happy today, we won’t get drunk.”

“Come on, let’s all raise our glasses and celebrate for the two kids!”

“Wishing them a smooth and prosperous life ahead!”

Everyone clinked glasses together, creating a lively atmosphere.

The two families talked and laughed, enjoying themselves more than they did during the New Year.

After three rounds of drinks, Gu Xingzhong asked Yi Feng, “Little Feng, have you decided which university you’re going to?”

“Not yet, I’ll fill out the preference form next week, so I have some time to think about it.” Yi Feng replied.

“Ah, it would be great if you and Xixi could attend the same university. You’ve been studying together since elementary school. It would be nice if you could go to the same university for college and take care of each other.” Gu Xingzhong expressed his honest opinion.

“Old Gu, Little Feng is the top scorer of Guangdong province, he’s definitely going to Tsinghua or Peking University. How could he possibly go to the same school as Xixi?”

“Although Xixi’s scores are also good, getting into Tsinghua or Peking is still a bit difficult.” Li Wan said regretfully.

Hearing this, Gu Muxi smiled somewhat despondently, then bowed her head to eat, not revealing what she was thinking.

Yi Feng laughed, “Auntie, Tsinghua and Peking are good, but I’d rather stay in Guangxi, closer to home. That way, I can come back for meals on weekends and see my parents.”

Hearing this, Li Wan was overjoyed, praising, “Little Feng is such a filial child!”

Meng Xiaoyun laughed heartily, “Little Feng has grown up. I can’t control much anymore. As long as he decides for himself, we all support him.”

Yi Jianbing nodded in agreement, “Yes, Little Feng can make his own decisions.”

At that moment, the two families seemed to reach a tacit understanding without needing to say much.

No matter whether Yi Feng chose to go to Beijing or stay in Guangxi, they all supported him.

The dinner lasted more than two hours in a lively atmosphere.

Gu Xingzhong was very happy today, frequently clinking glasses with Yi Feng.

It was expected that Yi Feng might get drunk, but in the end, it was Gu Xingzhong who was overwhelmed by the liquor, mumbling about wanting to sleep while lying on the table.

Although Yi Feng had drunk more than a liter of liquor and was somewhat tipsy, he managed to remain conscious.

“Really, getting drunk with Little Feng?” Li Wan said, torn between laughter and tears.

“Xixi, give me a hand, let’s get your dad back to bed.”

Just as Gu Muxi was about to get up, Yi Feng quickly stopped her, “Let me do it, I’ll take Uncle Gu back.”

“Yi Feng, can you do it? You’ve also had quite a bit to drink!” Gu Muxi eyed Yi Feng skeptically.

“A man should never say he can’t!” Yi Feng patted his chest, indicating no problem.

Then Yi Feng helped Gu Xingzhong up and walked towards the Gu residence.

Li Wan and Gu Muxi followed behind, ready to assist at any moment.

However, Yi Feng managed to get Gu Xingzhong back to his room smoothly, where Li Wan began to take care of the drunken Gu Xingzhong.

“Really, every time you get drunk, you mess up your shoes!”

“Look at you, vomiting all over your collar, it’s so dirty.”

“Drink drink drink, I told you to drink less, but you never listen!” Li Wan nagged, but still tenderly wiped his face and neck clean.

Yi Feng and Gu Muxi stood at the door, watching this scene and listening to Li Wan’s nagging, and they both smiled at each other unwittingly.

Li Wan might nag, but her love for Gu Xingzhong was evident in her actions.

Perhaps… this was ordinary love.

Enviable love.

Suddenly, Yi Feng felt a wave of drunkenness hit him; the liquor’s delayed effect was kicking in.

“I can’t take it anymore, I need to rest a bit.” Yi Feng staggered out, naturally entering Gu Muxi’s room and lying down.

Gu Muxi quickly followed, hands on her hips, angrily saying, “Stinky Feng, jerk, you’re lying on my bed again!”

“Ah ah, little master Gu, don’t mind it so much, let me rest, I’ll be fine after a rest…” Yi Feng lay on the bed, refusing to get up, starting to act shamelessly.

Gu Muxi was both annoyed and amused, but helpless against the drunken Yi Feng.

“Damn it, then you have to wash the sheets tomorrow!” Gu Muxi pouted.

“Okay, okay, no problem, I’ll wash the sheets for a lifetime, hehe.” Yi Feng shamelessly said.

Gu Muxi’s face turned red, she glared at him, “Hmph, who told you to wash for a lifetime? Showing off!”

After speaking, Gu Muxi left the room, planning to prepare a cup of warm water for Yi Feng.

Yi Feng always drank warm water after getting drunk, a habit he had developed.

According to Yi Feng, it was essential to rehydrate promptly after getting drunk to better protect the stomach and prevent dehydration due to vomiting.

In the living room, Li Wan also came out to boil water. Seeing Gu Muxi, she whispered, “Xixi, is Little Feng in your room?”

“Mm, yes, that guy got drunk too and took over my bed!” Gu Muxi puffed her cheeks.

Li Wan covered her mouth and laughed, then hesitantly asked after a moment’s thought, “Xixi, although, although you’re both adults now, there are still some things to be careful about, safety first.”

“Eh? What? What things?” Gu Muxi was completely confused, not understanding Li Wan’s cryptic message.

“Hey, don’t be like that, Little Feng already told me, mom’s not an old fogey, don’t worry, I’m very open-minded.” Li Wan said with a laugh, giving a “I understand everything” look.

Gu Muxi was even more baffled.

What did mom understand? What did she know?

Li Wan thought Gu Muxi was just too shy to speak up, but now was the time for some adult education. She thought about how to phrase it in a more acceptable way.

“Cough cough, Xixi, it’s about raincoats, remember to wear a raincoat, cough cough, um… wearing a raincoat is safer.”

Gu Muxi: “???”


“Ah, Mom, I got it!”

Li Wan’s face showed relief.

Her daughter finally understood!

Not in vain had she put so much thought into it!

“Rest assured, we’ll remember to bring raincoats if it rains tomorrow, very safe!” Gu Muxi obediently said.

Li Wan: “……”


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