Reborn: Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 407 - See Mo Xuemin in the Sima Manor Again to Clear the Past

Chapter 407 See Mo Xuemin in the Sima Manor Again to Clear the Past

Mo Xuetong met Mo Xuemin in an empty courtyard.

The yard’s door was locked, and there were a few littered bowls on the ground with some spoiled leftovers. It was not too cold today, but the dishes had been sour. Obviously, the food had been put there for a long time.

Mo Lan helped Mo Xuetong into the yard and saw Mo Xuetong at first sight.

Mo Xuemin was all skin and bone with sunken eyes and prominent cheekbones. She looked like a middle-aged woman in her 30s and 40s at first glance, totally dispossessed of her beautiful face. She was dressed in rags and her broken clothes were screwed randomly. But her eyes were still full of wickedness.

Seeing Mo Xuetong come in finery, Mo Xuetong fixed her eyes on Mo Xuetong tightly and said in a trembling and hoarse voice full of hatred. “It’s you, right?”

Mo Xuetong wore an ice-blue light gauze dress with silk sash at the waist and a hemmed skirt of the same color to make her slender figure softer and more charming. Her black hair was sculpted into a graceful shape with little headwear and semi-curved jewelry on the forehead, noble and gorgeous, which lightened her face as beautiful and bright as the lotus just out of water.

Her eyes were glittering. She was no longer as weak and shy as she was seen in the capital at first sight.

Mo Xuetong didn’t answer her, but just raised her eyebrows slightly to look Mo Xuemin up and down with a flicker of mockery in her eyes. Mo Xuetong stood there, peaceful and beautiful like a fairy.

Mo Xuemin just felt that hatred rushed into her head and thought that things should not have been like this. How could Mo Xuetong, the bitch, live so well, but she, Mo Xuemin end up so miserable? Because of resentment and hatred, Mo Xuemin just felt that Mo Xuetong’s beautiful face seemed to jeer at her. Then, Mo Xuemin gritted her teeth and screamed loudly with hate. “Now, I end up like this. Are you satisfied? Do you like it very much? It is all because of you, slut! If it were not you, I would have become the legitimate daughter of Mo Family, and married into a rich family. I will kill you. I will kill you...”

Mo Xuemin rushed to Mo Xuetong madly with her hands grabbing to Mo Xuetong’s face fiercely. Mo Xuemin was going to tear that beautiful face. Since Mo Xuemin was unable to live a good life, she did not allow Mo Xuetong to live well. Both of them were daughters of the Mo family. Why was Mo Xuemin a daughter of a concubine, but Mo Xuetong born to be a legitimate daughter?

Mo Xuemin thought she had worked herself to get everyone’s recognition. But Mo Xuetong’s appearance destroyed everything she had. Mo Xuemin refused to accept as final!

Mo Ye’s figure flickered and blocked in front for Mo Xuetong, and raised her hand to hit Mo Xuemin exactly.

Mo Xuemin was beaten back two steps and crashed to the trunk heavily. A spurt of blood sprayed out of her mouth, and her body fell down along the trunk.

“If you can, just hit me to death.” She said maliciously and gave a cold smile, as if she feared nothing. She would rather die than continue to live life like that.

“You think I wouldn’t dare?” Mo Xuetong asked with a faint smile.

“You will die without an antidote. Don’t you want to go to hell to accompany me?” Mo Xuemin burst into wild laughter. She did not believe that Mo Xuetong didn’t want to live and that with the antidote, Mo Xuemin herself would not die. So what did it matter that Mo Xuetong lived a good life? Without an antidote, Mo Xuetong would also have a dead end. Perhaps, she would die earlier than Mo Xuemin. At the thought, Mo Xuetong could not help laughing wildly and arrogantly.

“What if I say you have no antidote at all?” Mo Xuetong looked at her calmly, and then, smiled indifferently.

Mo Xuemin trembled as if she had been burnt by sparks and changed her countenance instantly. She goggled at Mo Xuetong with a flash a fear. But she still bluffed sharply. “Mo Xuetong, I have an antidote, but I put it in a special place. If I die, you will never get the antidote, and you will die with me.”

Her fear did not escape Mo Xuetong. Mo Xuetong curved up her lips slightly and waved her hand to signal Mo Lan and Mo Ye to retreat.

The two maidservants hesitated for a while, and then backed out slowly when seeing Mo Xuetong’s persistent look.

The two maidservants did not dare to stay too far from them, but just stood at the door of the yard. Although they could not hear clearly, they could see them. If something went wrong, Mo Ye would have time to help. No matter how fierce Mo Xuemin was, she was just a woman too weak to stand a gust of wind and unable to compare to Mo Ye who had swift movements and strong skills.

Mo Xuetong walked to Mo Xuemin slowly and stood in front of her. She narrowed her eyes to look down at Mo Xuemin. “Eldest Sister, have you ever thought you would end up like this when you pushed me out of the carriage that day? Have you ever thought it is punitive justice when you poisoned me? To tell you the truth, your situation today is caused by me. Don’t you want me to marry Sima Lingyun and pave the way for you? Don’t you want to grab my dowry and occupy my position as a legitimate daughter?”

“Do you know why didn’t Father look into the baby in Auntie Fang’s belly?” Mo Xuetong smiled softly and continued to say before Mo Xuemin’s answer. “Because in Father’s heart, it is just a bastard. Even if she escapes the miscarry this time, Father will put an end to the baby next time. How can our father endure his concubine to cheat him and make him a cuckold?”

“You and the second son of the Duke Mingguo were tied together and thrown in front of Sima Manor, and it was also retribution to you. You framed me again and again, but have you ever thought that your evil-doings would rebound on you, and that you would be bound and thrown with another man in untidy clothes, and let people crowd around you? Is the baby in your belly not Sima Lingyun’s child? Pity that you and Auntie Fang are both pregnant with bastards!”

Although Mo Xuetong wore a smile on her face, this smile was piercingly chilly and grim in Mo Xuemin’s eyes.

How could Mo Xuetong forget that in the last life, the baby she had given birth to was scolded by Mo Xuemin as a bastard? It was Mo Xuemin who had poured the drug into Mo Xuetong’s baby. Hugging the baby’s body and feeling the body becoming cold, Mo Xuetong felt her heart was broiled in the hot oil. Therefore, Mo Xuetong would drag Mo Xuemin to hell at any cost.

Mo Xuemin was struck by Mo Xuetong’s chilly and grim look and crawled back two steps involuntarily, but paused and shouted hysterically as Mo Xuemin was still unwilling to acknowledge defeat. “You, it is you! Little bitch, I will never forgive you!”

“Mo Xuemin, blood will have blood! I don’t need your forgiveness. In this life, you are destined to be ruined in my hands.” Mo Xuetong smiled more and more tenderly, but there was bloodthirsty hate in her eyes. What happened before eyes overlapped inexplicably with some scenes of the last life. Blood incarnadined her eyes.

Mo Xuetong could sense that the fire was burning her bones and skins fiercely. Outside, two people were laughing wildly and watching her writhing in the flames. At that moment, a person rushed into the flames. It was a man, and he held her out of the fire. The two people outside stopped their wild laugh, looked unbelievably at the person in front and exclaimed, “Mr. Qin!”

“Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin...” Mo Xuetong staggered back and held the trunk beside to calm herself down. She wondered if she had not died at that time in the flames. Some fragments flashed in her mind, and unexpectedly, they were about Qin Yufeng.

“Mo Xuetong, I curse you. Curse you not to die a natural death!” Mo Xuemin did not notice Mo Xuetong’s unusual expression, and just hid back frantically and scolded. “I will not give you the antidote. I will never give you the antidote.”

Mo Xuetong collected herself, looked calmly at Mo Xuemin and asked, “Do you have the antidote?” The corners of Mo Xuetong’s lips rose slightly. She seemed to smile, but the smile was alienated and indifferent. Her words sounded like a question but a negative remark actually.

The scolds ceased instantly. Mo Xuemin goggled at Mo Xuetong in horror, unable to say a word.

“With your character, if you do have the antidote, you have used it to coerce Yuran. Mo Xuemin, you don’t need to pretend to have it. Then, King Xuan’s Manor will not give consideration to you any longer. You just fend yourself from now on.” Mo Xuetong gave a faint smile, and then, the smile became pleasant when she looked at Mo Xuemin’s scared face. Mo Xuetong picked her skirt and left slowly.

Today, Mo Xuetong did not come to get the antidote. Mo Xuemin could not have the antidote. If she did have, Mo Xuetong’s mother would not have died so early. Although Mo Xuetong’s mother had had a firm death wish, Mo Xuetong was too young at that time. If given more time, Mo Xuetong’s secret guards were able to get the antidote from Auntie Fang’s hands.

However, Mo Xuetong’s mother still died at a young age!

This meant that Auntie Fang and her daughter did not have the so-called antidote at all. According to their dispositions, they were bound to put Mo Xuetong and her mother to death, so what use of antidote was?

Usually, Feng Yuran was deep and astute in schemes. But this time, he was cheated by Mo Xuemin. It was called “concern makes trouble”. Mo Xuetong did not let Feng Yuran caught by others. At this crucial moment, any details caught by others would lead to a fatal disaster.

Mo Xuemin’s frantic voice came behind.

“No, I have the antidote. I have! Mo Xuetong, save me! Take me out here! I will give you the antidote. I will give it to you right away...”

Mo Xuemin’s scream came in an entreating but crazy way, along with her recklessly rushing figure. But this time, Mo Xuemin was kicked and rolled back again. She bumped into the steps behind the tree, and blood sprang up from her forehead immediately.

Mo Xuemin covered the blood on the forehead and roared like a beast. “Sima Lingyun.”

At the gate of the courtyard, Sima Lingyun stood there with a blank look. He, who used to be a chivalrous gentleman, lost one of his eyes, and now, he stared at Mo Xuemin with ruthlessness in his only eye, as if he were about to eat her.

Mo Lan and Mo Ye came to help Mo Xuetong. Mo Xuetong did not throw a glance at him and walked past him slowly.

She once loved this person, and loved him with all her life. However, he and Mo Xuemin schemed her basely. After rebirth, Mo Xuetong was determined to wreak vengeance on him. But now, he had no trace in her heart. But for seeing him today, Mo Xuetong could not remember his face at all!

But it was just a pity that his final expression fixed in her mind was a screwy smile.

“Consort Xuan!” Sima Lingyun’s timid voice came behind.

Mo Xuetong paused for a moment, and took a firm step forward.

When walking out of the gate, Mo Xuetong felt the sunshine was right brilliant. The sun in late spring was a little hot, and people could feel its warmth. The sunshine seemed to sweep away the dullness and give Mo Xuetong a feeling of being alive again. She exhaled fully, letting out all the inner remnant breath. This place made her feel it was deadly silent.

She sat on the carriage, lifted the curtain, and watched the heavy door close in a spiritless manner, just like Sima Lingyun’s face.

“My Lady, shall we go back to Mo Manor now?” Mo Lan let out a long sigh. Everything was too depressing in Sima Manor. A few servants were too old and shaky. The flowers and plants were left unattended in some yards. When entering the manor, Mo Lan could not hear any sound, as if coming into a grave. It was really stifling.

“Go back to the manor first. And then, you send some children’s items to the madam as my compliments.” Mo Xuetong closed her eyes slightly. What she had sensed just now disturbed her heart. It was not suitable to return to Mo Manor, so she decided to change her schedule. Xu Yan was pregnant, so Mo Xuetong asked Mo Lan and other maidservants to embroider the items for the child.

“My Lady, how about sending the gifts in a few days? Madam will be glad to see My Lady present in person.” Mo Lan persuaded in a low voice and knew that Mo Xuetong was not in the mood now. No one would have the mood to speak more, as they had seen the crazy and dull scene just now.

However, it would be proper that the Lady gave the gifts to the Madam’s children in person!

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