Reborn: Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 285 - King Xuan Confessed His Love in the Moonlight

Chapter 285: King Xuan Confessed His Love in the Moonlight

On the large bed in the room, Feng Yulei was lying on his back, blood all over him. At the beside, a woman dressed in maidservant’s clothes laid on the ground. She kept her eyes open and stared blankly into the air. Blood oozed out of her and to the door. The base of the partition was already tainted with blood...

Mo Xuetong couldn’t help trembling in fear. That blood-covered face of that servant, Yirong, seemed to have shown up before her. Almost like a reflex action, she jerked her eyes open.

By her ears, a familiar voice rang. The languid voice no longer sounded as casual as before, instead, it carried affection she could even feel. Faint masculine smell and his particular scent seeped into her lungs. Her restless heart got comforted by the low whispers of comfort. “Tong’er, don’t be afraid. It’s just a dream. I’m here.”

She subconsciously circled her arms around Feng Yuran’s waist, her voice uncontrollably shaking. As if in need of comfort, she pitifully accused the maidservant. “That, that woman wanted to kill me.”

Feng Yuran hugged her and gently patted her back to comfort her. “Tong’er did right. If she wanted to kill you, we’d have to kill her first. There, there, it’s all over.”

He saw her standing there so helplessly, her fair face with desperate aura. Though her hand that held the sword was shaking, she still stabbed down, determined. At that moment, strings in his heart almost snapped broken. Fierceness seeped out from his usual attractive eyes. If he should be here one second later, Tong’er would have...

Feng Yuran couldn’t bear to imagine it!

Perhaps Feng Yuran’s gentle and calm voice comforted her. Mo Xuetong looked up, with only vulnerability and helplessness in her eyes. She started to see things clearly. It was in her room and Feng Yuran was sitting beside her. There was no Feng Yulei, no killing or getting into a trap. She escaped!

She finally didn’t need to die, and Father didn’t need to confront King Yan. What happened to Feng Yulei wouldn’t have anything to do with her anymore. She felt she had survived a disaster. She couldn’t suppress her tears anymore. She felt such desperation under such a circumstance. Though she had led two lives and had a heart of stone, she couldn’t accept her killing someone at that moment.

She killed someone whose face she didn’t even recognize!

Feng Yuran’s faint voice rang by her ears to comfort her. “Don’t worry. She deserved to die. If she didn’t die, you would, and she’d also drag your father down.” She slowly relaxed and her terror gradually faded away. Just now, the moment she saw Feng Yuran, she completely relaxed and then fainted.

“Is King Yan alright?” Eyes closed, she let him hold her in his arms. His temperature spread from his clothes onto her body. It seemed to sweep away the ice and terror in her heart. After quite a while, she feebly asked.

“Of course he’s alright. He’s just frightened. He won’t take a maidservant so seriously. Now, he’s going to the palace to complain to Father.”

If he could still complain about it, it meant he was fine. When he complained about it before Emperor Zongwen, it meant he knew who set him up but couldn’t do anything to that person so he reported it to Emperor Zongwen, which meant it had nothing to do with her father.

Mo Xuetong leaned her head against him without her noticing it. She felt relieved and her brain started to calm down. “Is it King Chu?”

Feng Yuran faintly said as if it were about other people. “What a well game Eldest Brother played, throwing you into Third Brother’s bed! After it’s exposed, he’ll not only force your father to back him up, but also make Third Brother and me enemies.” However, there were traces of cold grimness in his attractive eyes. Whoever dared to touch his woman couldn’t walk away unharmed.

Mo Xuetong pushed him away, leaned on the headboard, touched her head, and closed her eyes to ask, “How did you find me?”

He spoke very casually as if he just had accidentally found her. “You’re missing all of a sudden. In the Qin Kingdom, only my two elder brothers can act so suddenly and escape my notice. Third Brother was throwing a party and Eldest Brother wasn’t in. I heard Third Brother liked to wash the beauty and send her into his room so I decided to drop by. Well, then I found you.”

However, Mo Xuetong saw he had never been so flustered when he saw her. She could feel his terror back then! An explicable urge to cry surged up in her. “Someone really cares about me in this word. I didn’t chase after him and he isn’t like Sima Lingyun in my last life, who was kind to me on the surface, but in fact, he didn’t care about me at all.”

At that moment, she already felt desperate, but then, she saw his pretty and charming eyes, which instantly cheered her up, as if as long as he were by her side, everything would turn out just fine. Biting her lips, she found tears streaming down her face. Nevertheless, she was faintly smiling. Sniffing, she should find herself a little lighthearted. Warmth rushed up to her heart and relieved her fear and anxiety.

Feng Yuran’s voice was low and faint, but Mo Xuetong cried even harder. “What, why are you crying and smiling? In the future, if you’re in danger, don’t decide on your own. Wait for me to rescue you. Trust me!” In her last life, she was hurt by love and burned herself to death. She thought she would never love in this life.

She would respect her father’s wish to marry a decent man. She did not seek fortune or power, but only a safe life. Perhaps her husband would have a few more concubines, and maybe she would give birth to some children. However, that was all. If she didn’t love, she wouldn’t get hurt. That was why later, when Feng Yuran proposed, she just casually agreed.

Moreover, she could also protect herself by doing so. After her mother’s strange death and a series of later incidents, she found it hard to protect herself on her own. She needed stronger backup to avenge her mother and herself. Therefore, it was also part of her plan to agree to Feng Yuran’s proposal.

She thought the pretty and rakish prince must be in the same situation as her. Since they all took things lightly, they could just respect each other. In the future, he could have as many concubines as he liked, and she only wanted the title of a main wife. Perhaps, her heart would race for his occasional affection. However, she never expected that she would see his real heart as she did now.

“Does he really love me?” How could it not shock her so much that she didn’t know if she should feel happy or sad? Tears uncontrollably dripped down. Through her blurry vision, she looked at his pretty and charming face in tears. She couldn’t say a word. She only felt no matter what she wanted to say, they all turned into a low sob when they reached her lips.

Feng Yuran picked up a handkerchief to wipe her tears, teasing her. “Aright, what’s this for? I’ve told you to give yourself to me. You’ll be mine sooner or later, so I definitely would have defended you.”

Well, he couldn’t act seriously on any occasion.

After quite a while, Mo Xuetong finally collected herself. She wiped her tears and lay against the headboard. Feng Yuran smilingly said, “Tong’er, you must have known Qin Yufeng, don’t you?”

The name made Mo Xuetong uncontrollably shiver. In her last life, the man left a great shadow over her heart. In her memory, the man never failed. Something suddenly occurred to her, and she grabbed Feng Yuran’s hand, saying, “Qin Yufeng follows King Chu, so he set me up?”

“No wonder I sensed something weird and seemed to have witnessed such a scheme in last life. The man chased me closely and didn’t leave any chance for me to escape. He must have been Qin Yufeng. In the last life, he let Mo Xuemin and her people feed me with a fatal potion, made me see them bow in their wedding ceremony, and made me light the fire...”


Everything was part of his plan. No matter it was in her last or this life, he was still against her. “I thought he hid behind the scenes for Mo Xuemin. Now I know that he serves Feng Yuxuan. So that’s why he backed Fu General Manor into a corner, right?”

In the dark, he was the man who held her last, wasn’t he?

Mo Xuetong analyzed, unable to calm down. “He serves King Chu, so he set me up. On the one hand, he wanted to force Father to support King Chu; on the other hand, he did it because of grandparents’ family. If I die, Father and Fu General Manor will fight King Yan to death. So today, I should have died!”

Knowing he was the mastermind behind, she could slowly figure something out!

“Right, how can a man like him take it lying down? Assisting the future emperor is much more rewarding than supporting others! This is what he wants! I’m just one of his shields. I can figure out something I didn’t understand before. Everything happened because of the fight over the throne.”

She thought in her last life, she was hurt and lost everything because of the fight in the harem in Duke Zhenguo’s manor. It turned out that she was already plotted against long ago. It was a shame that in her last life, when she died, she couldn’t see that she was already in a trap. She was so stupid to look only within the family and failed to know Death was already waiting for her at the end of the road.

In her last life, Qin Yufeng had planned her death; in this life, he again wanted to force her to death. She really didn’t know if their destinies were about to crash. However, would she really escape from his trap this time?

He seemed to notice her uneasiness. Feng Yuran held her hand and squinted his beautiful eyes, smiling. “Should we avenge ourselves?” Moonlight flowed in from the windows. The seemingly laze eyes seemed to carry ice, and no trace of a smile could be seen. Was he angry?

For some unknown reason, she said, “How to do it?” Instantly, she blushed and involuntarily lowered her head. She knew Qin Yufeng was a great plotter and she should believe Feng Yuran could set Qin Yufeng up, as if as long as Feng Yuran said it, she would trust him. “Since when do I start to do things by instinct?”

Feng Yuran detected uncontrollable dependence and trust in her words. He felt happy and couldn’t help smiling. His handsome face seemed to be shining. His narrow and long eyes carried a trace of affection. In the pale moonlight, they looked like a piece of light feather, gently streaking across her heart, which left her limbs pleasantly soft.

Feng Yuran was in a good mood, blinked, and grabbed her hand to affectionately pat on it. “Rest assured. I’m your husband and I’ll help you get back at him.”

Looking at the smile on his handsome face, Mo Xuetong glared at him and said coyly, “I want it sooner.” She somewhat just wanted to stop his smug smile. It was a kind of childish mindset. Nevertheless, the smile on Feng Yuran’s pretty face grew even wider. He fixed his pair of phoenix eyes on her. “Don’t worry. It’ll never be late. I promise I won’t let you down.”

Finishing his sentence, he tightly grabbed her hand and iridescent lights burst out from his eyes. “Tong’er, my heart is yours!”

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