Reborn: Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 176 - Saved. The Trashy Couple.

Chapter 176 Saved. The Trashy Couple.

The blow of death did not come. Her body, which had hurtled into the air slowed down. Then, a handsome and flawless face appeared before Mo Xuetong. There should have been a roguish smile on that extremely handsome face, but right now, it was terrifyingly dark and somber. His handsome face was icy cold and there seemed to be frost in his eyes. One felt cold looking at him.

Was it Asura? Asura was elegant and beautiful in the legends. Yet, the Asura killing on the battlefields was soaked in blood...

Asura was mighty and threatening, looking at her viciously as if he wanted to eat her up.

However, Mo Xuetong did not feel afraid at all. She felt more relaxed than she ever had. Her lips could not help but loosen, wanting to reveal a relaxed smile. The sharp porcelain shard she clutched tightly in her hands fell onto the ground. She was about to speak but then realized that she could not move at all.

Her nerves were so tightly wound she was in an extremely fatigued state. She saw Feng Yuran approaching and felt assured for some reason. She could not hear what he was saying and could only see his handsome lips moving. However, she could not hear him.

She subconsciously wanted to reach out to smooth out the anger in his eyes. However, she did not have the strength to lift her hand. Her head fell back and her hand dropped.

Feng Yuran saw her body relaxed suddenly and glared at the two people beside him. His brows knotted in anger. He glanced meaningfully at the guards beside him, and then looked at Sima Lingyun who had just crawled out from the horse carriage not far away. Sima Lingyun’s face was covered in blood and could not be seen clearly. The two men standing behind the tree who were about to approach him were shocked.

The two men had been hired to act with Sima Lingyun. They were going to swap positions with him once he emerged from the horse carriage. Sima Lingyun would become the hero who saved the beauty. Their words would be taken as the truth then. Mo Xuetong was just a girl whose reputation had been tarnished. What could she say?

However, they had not expected the current situation. They saw that some people had already heard what was happening here and was running towards them. Sima Lingyun groaned on the ground. A woman flew out from the horse carriage and landed in the arms of an extraordinarily handsome man. The man looked bloodthirsty and powerful. He made them feel suffocated. The two men were just hired thugs. Even though they were just regular folks, they could tell what a person was like with just one look.

The man looked like someone they should not offend. The two did not know if their employer, Sima Lingyun, was dead or alive. They looked at each other and ran. However, it was too late. There was a glint of light from a sword which struck the men. The sharp blade swung at a man’s chest while the other man lost his head. The head flew into the air and landed beside Mo Xuemin who was exiting the corner in a pleased manner.

Mo Xuemin looked at the shaking head and the terrifying eyes which bulged out. She did not have time to scream before she fainted together with Mo Xiu.

“Clean up this place.” Feng Yuran wrapped Mo Xuetong up carefully in his large cape. His eyes had never been so cold. The light in his eyes grew colder and colder and the intent to kill grew stronger as well. Those who went against him now would definitely be doomed.

The guards by his side already understood his intentions without him having to say anything. The coldness in his eyes said everything. They replied respectfully.

The two guards did not hesitate to move after they watched their master leave with Mo Xuetong in his arms. One of the guards went up to pull Sima Lingyun’s clothes open while the other dragged Mo Xuemin from the corner of the street. He did not hold back at all. He pulled her dress half-open. Because he wanted to make it look realistic, Mo Xuemin’s dress was torn apart...

The guard who tore Sima Lingyun’s clothes open kicked the porcelain shard that Mo Xuetong dropped. He nudged it beside Mo Xuemin’s hand. The bloodied shard pierced Mo Xuemin’s fingers. She felt dizzy and her fingers could not help but twitch.

The guard kicked Sima Lingyun to Mo Xuemin’s side. Sima Lingyun sustained even more injuries. His chest and face had already been stabbed several times. If not because he already understood what was happening, he would have already howled in pain. The guard kicked him viciously and he felt his injuries hurting. He could not hold back any longer. He cried out in pain as he flew into the air and landed on Mo Xuemin. Pain filled her vision and she almost fainted.

The voices of people in the distant were getting nearer and nearer. The sounds of people talking could be heard. Sima Lingyun’s mind was still rather clear. He tried to lift himself off Mo Xuemin. However, the blows that he had suffered made him lose his strength. His hands, which were propping him up, lost their strength. He slammed down on the soft body below his once more. His vision blurred because of blood loss and pain!

Mo Xuetong came around, feeling dizzy and faint. She looked at the lightly colored bed curtains with clouds embroidered on them. Then, she smelled the faint refreshing and calming scent of the incense burning on her headboard. She knew that she was back in her room.

She felt very dizzy and her head hurt. She wanted to reach out to touch her head. But when she lifted her hand, she could not help but yelp in pain.

Her palm felt as if they had been cut. It felt as if it had been bound tightly.

“You know how pain feels like too, and you know how to yell in pain. I thought you were made from a piece of wood. If you know everything, why can’t you do anything now? You can’t even lift your hand.” The cold mocking voice rang in the dark. Mo Xuetong turned in the direction where the voice was coming from. She could see him from the light that streamed in from the windows. There was another person in her room.

The man stood up when he heard Mo Xuetong’s voice. His purple robes with dragon embroidery sparkled in the light. He approached her and looked at her from above, his face slightly turned towards the window. Mo Xuetong could see the somber expression on his handsome face from where she was. His dark black eyes were like frozen pools of water. His long, slotted eyes were slightly narrowed and his brows arched coldly. He was not his usual lazy self. Today, he seemed like Hades with his sharp and cold look. His aura was dangerously menacing.

Those purple robes looked as if they were shone upon by a purple light. He approached Mo Xuetong and looked at her coldly.

It was Feng Yuran again. And it was a different Feng Yuran. It was an angry Feng Yuran.

She bit her lips. Mo Xuetong did not know why she could not speak to him boldly and confidently. She lifted her hands slightly and glanced at them. They were wrapped up tightly and she found it hard to move her finger even the slightest.

“Err, what are you doing here? Have I made a mistake? This is my room, right?” She laughed dryly. Her pink lips lifted slightly with a guilty conscience. Her large eyes looked like calm pools of water. If one looked at her carefully, they could see that she looked rather ill. One could not help but feel bad for her.

However, Feng Yuran could not be bothered with that. He said coldly, “I have already given you Mo Ye, and Mo Feng serves you too. How could Mo Ye not know what was happening after what Mo Yu told her? Are you really that worried that you have to act yourself? You don’t trust me?” His words were stern.

While Mo Xuetong wanted to pretend not to care, her heart twitched. Her eyes grew red even before she could speak. While she believed that Mo Ye and Mo Feng would definitely help her in secret, she was still not confident. Especially when she held the sharp porcelain shard, she was filled with hatred. It was a hatred that seeped down into her bones, and she could not tell fantasy from reality because of that.

The hatred and pain she felt would not allow her to think. She only had one thought. She wanted to eat Sima Lingyun’s flesh and drink his blood. Sima Lingyun had hurt her in her past life and she had died at his wedding. He wanted to ruin her in this life as well. It was a hatred that spanned two lifetimes. She wanted to seek revenge herself.

She had made meticulous plans earlier, but after that, she had just acted in anger.

“Look at you, you are a girl, and yet you risk your life to beat them. So what if you win? That place is full of writhing snakes. As long as someone sees you, you would have no choice but to end up with Sima Lingyun. Do you think the Duke’s Manor has good scenery or that Sima Lingyun is handsome? Do you want to marry him? Why don’t you use your brains instead of acting rashly in all things you do?” Feng Yuran saw that Mo Xuetong was not speaking. He could not see her slightly red eyes in the dark and could not resist reprimanding her.

It was bad luck for anyone involved in this matter. It did not matter whose fault it was. If someone saw that Mo Xuetong had been abducted by a man, her reputation would have been ruined. If Sima Lingyun touched her bare skin while saving her, then she would not be able to escape marrying into the Duke’s Manor.

Or perhaps, Sima Lingyun would allow her the position as his legal wife because of Mo Huawen and the General Manor. But so what? Something like this had happened before their marriage. What would the Duke’s Manor say in the future? Sima Lingyun would be allowed to do whatever he wanted. If they wanted to be nice about it, they could even say that they have helped her to save face.

If they did not put it nicely?

If that happened, Mo Xuetong knew that she definitely would not marry Sima Lingyun. She would not just watch as the tragedy that was her past life happened again. She would rather die than allow Sima Lingyun and Mo Xuemin’s plot to succeed. She could not hold back the resentment she felt after she heard Feng Yuran’s sharp and cold, mocking words. She clapped her hand over her face, wanting to hide her tears. But she had only just lifted her head when she felt a piercing pain. She realized then that her hands were wrapped up tightly.

“Why are you not talking? Why are you not explaining? Aren’t you usually good at talking? Why are you mute today? You hurt your hands and not your mouth. Don’t tell me that you have injured your mouth in such a short amount of time.” Feng Yuran’s veins twitched on his forehead. He could not help but scold her when he thought of how she had almost crashed into the tree.

It was a tall large tree. How could her slender body take it!

She would have died!

If he had not met Mo Feng coming back to report just as he stepped out of the palace, if he had been slightly later, he would have regretted it for the rest of his life. He could not force down the anger he felt. He wanted to drag her up and give her a stern beating to make her understand how weak she was.

How dared she go against Sima Lingyun so directly with a porcelain shard. Where had her usual intelligence gone?

Feng Yuran’s cold mocking voice broke the last straw. Mo Xuetong’s tightly gritted teeth relaxed and she could not hold back her tears any longer. They surged out. All the sadness, resentment, and fear she felt all turned into tears. She said, “Explain? Why should I explain? Why do I need to explain myself to you? Who are you to me to care so much?”

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