Reborn as an Extra

Chapter 240 The Tournament Of Supreme Talents, Starts! Part-2.

After the fireworks show ended, the excitement of the audience reached its peak.

Amidst the endless cheers of the public, the opening ceremony of the tournament finally started.

An energetic young elf who was sitting on the seat of the commentator held the mic in her hands and marked to opening of the show.

"Welcome guests from all over the world!" (Commentator)

"The Elf nation welcomes everyone who came here to watch this exciting tournament and we also appreciate the enthusiasm of the audience who is looking forward to this event from their homes!" (Commentator)

"Today is the day when the opening ceremony for this event will be conducted! So let me paint the whole picture for everyone!" (Commentator)

The Elf girl's sweet yet energetic voice rang out throughout the stadium and her sweet voice made everyone who was watching the show no matter from their phones or TV feel comfortable.

"The first thing on the List is! Of course the Entry of the 'pride' of the world, the SS-rankers!" (Commentator)

"SS-rankers from all over the world have gathered to this place today, thus we can guarantee that the whole tournament will be conducted fair and square!" (Commentator)

"After all, no one can do shady things right under the nose of so many SS-rankers!" (Commentator)

"Then let us welcome them first!" (Commentator)

In the excited eyes of the crowd, Ryul was the first one to enter the sight of the people, he came out of a portal and stood right in the middle of the sky above the stadium so that everyone could see him easily.

"First up is the beloved King of the Elven empire, Ryul Yeljyre!" (Commentator)

Ryul waved his hand at the audience and the excitement in the eyes of the elf folk skyrocketed instantly after seeing him.

Ryul didn't stay there too long, he directly teleported to his designated seat in the VVIP area where all SS-rankers are supposed to sit.

"Then Next up is the world-famous SS-rank healer, Syvis Leocaryn!!" (Commentator)

At her arrival, the whole audience was mesmerized by her beauty and the cheers became noticeably louder.

"The third person is a special one! Everyone welcomes the world's strongest Man! Ashtel Rex!" (Commentator)

The eyes of the audience widened in sheer shock at the fact that even Ashtel had arrived at this tournament.

When the announcement was made that SS-rankers from all over the world would come, people thought that just some less famous SS-rankers from other races might get invited.

But who would have thought that even Ashtel Rex, one of the most famous SS rankers would appear here too.

The popularity of this tournament's show on all social media platforms instantly increased upon Ashtel's arrival.

(Don't underestimate his popularity, he is more famous than an international movie star… his fan base is massive!)

Ashtel also didn't stay too long and directly teleported to his designated seat just like the two did before him.

One by One all of the Other SS-rankers appeared through the teleportation portals and waved at the audience before going to their designated seats.

None of them stayed for too long as each of them didn't care too much about popularity at all, they were all popular enough already.

Today it's not their day to show off in front of the people, it's the children who are supposed to be showing off in front of the audience today.

All SS-rankers understood this fact, thus they only announced their arrival and went back to sit in their designated seats silently.

They didn't even say any extra words to avoid getting too much popularity.

But obviously, the audience wasn't thinking like them, the whole world was boiling like crazy after seeing so many SS-rankers appear in one place together.

Those who had bought tickets to come to the stadium in person felt so lucky that some of them were even crying in happiness.

(SS-rankers in this world are considered real demi-gods, and being in the presence of so many demi-gods all at once, this is already enough to be considered a feat that is worth bragging endlessly…)

The excitement of the crowd was so huge that if not for the protective barrier that was keeping the crowd isolated from the stadium ground, the audience would have already rushed over to take a closer look at the demigods.

After half an hour, all the SS-rankers had arrived one by one and had taken their designated seat.

Even though they were all suppressing their aura, with so many SS-rankers being concentrated in one small place, the atmosphere in the VVIP area became extremely heavy and tense on its own.

Even the space-time fabric started to bend and stretch due to their collective presence.

Fortunately, no one below SS rank was present in that area, otherwise, they would have likely fainted on the spot.

(The meeting hall earlier was enhanced by an SS-rank barrier thus the aura of the SS-rankers didn't affect the S-rankers standing near the walls, too much… but things are different in this place, there's no SS-rank barrier here…)

"Now that all of the SS-rankers are here, let us start the opening ceremony by cutting the ribbon on the phoenix torch!" (Commentator)

The whole audience's focus was diverted onto a massive bowl placed high above the central area of the stadium.

The massive bowl seemed to be hanging in mid-air and elven-style craftsmanship could be easily noticed on the giant bowl.

Quite a few broken branches of the world tree were placed in that massive bowl and the flame extracted from a phoenix was burning those branches with an intense heat.

If not for that bowl, the whole stadium would have been incinerated by those intense flames.

(Phoenix is a rare SS-rank creature, it's a species equivalent to dragons of this world, but Phoenix's are rarely seen, and even in the long records of the human race, it has rarely been mentioned before…)

Al appeared near the crowd along with the two other SS-

rankers of the Elven empire.

"The Crown prince of the Elven Empire, Ailduin Yeljyre will be the one to cut the ribbon on the phoenix flame today!" (Commentator)

"The crown prince has broken through S-rank recently and as a reward, he has been awarded this great opportunity!" (Commentator)

Hearing those words, the whole elven audience was left in shock and awe.

No one expected Al to get such an honorable duty at this massive-scale tournament.

His bad reputation has started to show some signs of recovery in this event.

Al waved his hand at the audience and cut the ribbon with a bright smile on his face.

Rio who saw all this from his smartphone while sitting in the waiting area felt quite weird after thinking about how Al turned over a new leaf so fast.

"And now! With the ribbon cutting already done! We can finally announce the events of this tournament!" (Commentator)

"The tournament will be conducted in two phases! There will be a team phase and then there will be an individual battle phase!" (Commentator)

"In the first phase, all the students will be working in pre-

determined teams! All of the candidates will work together with their fellow team members to win three team matches!" (Commentator)

"The team which wins three matches against other teams will move to the next phase and the defeated teams will be eliminated!" (Commentator)

"There is no freedom of losing even a single match, losing even once means direct elimination!" (Commentator)

"Once the team match ends, all of the candidates who will pass the first phase will have to fight in a knockout tournament!" (Commentator)

"All participants will get rewards based on how far they make it into the tournament, but there will only be one winner!" (Commentator)

"The winner will be rewarded with the 'Blessing of the world tree' itself!" (Commentator)

The enthusiasm of the audience increased even further after hearing about the rewards and the events of the match.

In the hidden corners like bars and underground casinos people even started to bet on who might win and who might lose.

The whole world seemed to have become lively and active at this moment.

Compared to the excited audience the atmosphere in the waiting area became more competitive.

Link stretched out his hand in the form of a fist towards Rio and said with a smile on his face.

"Hehe, it seems we will be fighting in the finals then…" (Link)

Rio didn't hesitate much and returned the gesture with his fist.

"It will be interesting I guess…" (Rio)

Liam who was standing nearby also stretched out his fist and said in a proud tone.

"Don't forget me too, who knows, I might end up defeating the two of you, hehe!" (Liam)

Just when the three of them were having a happy competitive moment an irritable distraction also decided to raise his voice.

"Heh, this is what I was waiting for! In this tournament I will beat you all rich bast*rds and win it easily!" (Fade)

"The time to give the humiliation back by a millionfold has finally come!!" (Fade)

Fade pointed his finger at Liam and Link and smirked at them while talking in a mocking voice.

(For some reason he automatically ignores Rio's existence… as if he can't even see him, perhaps a result of the trauma caused by Rio during that system crash moment…)

Link and Liam glanced at Fade with a look as if they were looking at some roadside trash.

"Shut up!" (Link and Liam)

Author's Notes.

Yo! It's your beloved author here! It seems that we might be able to see Rio and Link go all out this time…

Question of the day.

How far do you think Fade will make in this tournament?

(Tell me in the comments!)

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