Chapter 134: Tsero And…?

Slowly but surely, both the Paru and Roka made their way up the mountain.

At times, walking while keeping their center of gravity forward. At times, using their hands and feet.

Eventually, Roka made it to the peak of the mountain.

Her heart rate was up, but she was nowhere near exhausted. It was a rather small mountain.

Upon standing at the top, Roka turned back, staring down the way she had just taken.

The Paru froze for a moment. Without Invisibility, she would be staring right at him.

‘The clouds are thicker and darker than they were then…’ Roka noted. ‘I can’t see the ground… I can’t see most of the path I just took…’ All of it had been swallowed by the dark clouds. ‘The Tsero Crystals duplicate the energy directed at them. If lightning strikes at the right areas, it might be enough to keep the Visero away…’

Tsero are triceratops-like Visero.

On Serolia, there are only three areas where this particular Species of Visero can be found.

All three of these areas can be found at the top of mountains.

Because Tsero are such a dangerous Species of Visero, and because getting to the peak is no easy feat, no other Species of Visero can be found there.

Knowing this allowed Roka to calm down and take her time a bit.

During her whole time on Serolia after exiting the spaceship, she had remained on high alert, making sure to notice Visero before they could notice her.

“Alright…” She muttered after taking a moment to breathe. “Let’s get to it.”

Roka turned from the cliff she had just climbed.

A forest of crystalline pillars barred her way. Some stood tall, some were more long and wide than they were tall, some had been knocked down and shattered.

Moving through them felt much like walking through a rainforest, the way obstructed by countless vines, lianas, and fallen trees.

Roka had to continually crouch, crawl, climb, and jump to advance through the area.

‘Since Tsero are on the bigger side, they would have trouble moving through these…’ The Paru thought to himself as he followed a dozen steps behind. ‘Well, except if they can push everything out of their way like a Giganto Zilla could.’

While Roka energetically moved through, the Paru couldn’t help but scratch his chin, wondering.

‘It’ll depend on the size of Tsero of course… But hiding here doesn’t seem to be a bad idea. Using it as cover, or at least hiding in the spots that Tsero can’t reach because of their size… I can already see a few good spots. Mm… I should’ve talked to Liz about their time here some more…’

As minutes passed, Roka’s movements started growing a bit slower.

The Paru could see a drop of sweat on the side of her face.

Of course, she wasn’t sweating from the physical effort.

‘Having dozens die somewhere, then going back to that place must be tough… Doing it alone, with no backup or support only makes it tougher… I would enjoy seeing her get this victory alone, but knowing that I’m here alone might make her less anxious… Well, she deals well with pressure anyways, I know that much. Since I’ve seen her operate perfectly despite the pressure many times already…’

Roka took a deep breath in.

The moment of truth was approaching.

‘I’m not suicidal though.’ She thought to herself. ‘I’ll check how the Tsero are positioned. If there’s a Tsero Crystal that isn’t surrounded by many of them, I’ll go for it. I’ll circle around the area once I get to it and look for the right time to strike. Even if they follow me, I should be able to run, as me, Liz, and others did last time. But I’ll need to get lucky. Very lucky. Since last time… A distraction was necessary for us to be able to reach a Tsero Crystal. But it’s still possible! I just need luck to be on my side!’

Low growls and loud breathing could be heard.

‘We’re getting close…’ The Paru activated his “Enhanced Vision Lv.3” Skil. ‘Very close.’

Roka lowered her knees to the ground and crawled under fallen crystalline pillars.

‘I just need to peek and find the right place to hit…’

She crawled and crawled, until they were visible.

‘Tsk…’ Roka clicked her tongue internally.

Her vision was blocked by a yawning Tsero, lying a handful of steps into the area.

‘Bigger than a Wizzo, but slightly smaller than their Alpha. Smaller than both Giganto Zillas that I’ve seen too.’ The Paru nodded to himself.

Roka started crawling towards the right.

‘I’ll stay here where I can hide under and behind the pillars and debris for now… I need to move a bit.’

The Commander did just that, and the Tsero slowly exited her field of vision, allowing her to peek at the area.

‘The Tsero Crystals are at the center… The Tsero are more peaceful than I remembered them to be. Hm. That’s only because they haven’t noticed me yet. Once I appear, they’ll become enraged-‘

Roka’s whole body froze. Her breathing had suddenly ceased as well.

A Tsero was staring right at her, despite her body being buried under a thick pillar and hidden by its shadow.

The Tsero let out a low growl and shook its head, causing Roka’s hand to twitch.

She could already see the scene of the Tsero charging right at her.

The Tsero let out another low growl, and turned away.

The Commander didn’t move a finger again for a while.

She slowly lowered her gaze to the ground right below her feet.

Her clenched fist lay on the ground.

‘Fuck…’ She cursed internally, her lips pressed together.

Twenty minutes later, Roka had moved.

She was seated against one of the fallen crystalline pillars with an expressionless face, back at the cliff.

‘There’s just… No way…’

No matter how much she tried to picture it, it was impossible.

Hundreds of Tsero filled the large area. There were dozens of Tsero Crystals, each surrounded by more than thirty Tsero.

The energy of their Plasma weapons gets absorbed by the Crystals on their backs.

“It’s…” She muttered, a tear running down her face. “Impossible… With, or without-”

Roka reached for her shotgun as noise resonated, coming from the cliff ten steps in front of her.

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