Chapter 132: Playing With Lightning

Because of both the difference in size and the quantity of crystals covering their bodies, the Paru couldn’t utilize lightning as well as Giganto Zillas.

Through using the limbs protruding from his back as lightning rods, about half of the energy had been dissipated.

The other half filled his body, sending his cells into overdrive.

If the surplus of energy isn’t used within one minute, his cells would succumb and start burning, eventually dying.

The Paru had no intention of letting something like that happen, but the feeling of wielding the energy of lightning made him so ecstatic that he wished it would last longer.

The energy coursed through his skin, muscles, bones, and cells, powering and firing them up.

His reaction speed had increased countless times. His neurons could relay information much, much faster. His muscle fibers gained much in explosiveness, allowing for greater speed and strength. His vision and other senses had also grown sharper.

As every one of his cells was filled with a dozen times more energy than it needed, his cells started moving faster, working faster.

This not only allowed for a great increase in Stats,

Crack- Crack- Crack!

A leg kick connected with one of the Giganto Zilla’s crystals, causing it to shatter!

Pain originating from the Paru’s knee was felt, but it only lasted for a second.

Other than his Stats,

[Your Skill “Regeneration” Temporarily Becomes “Regeneration Lv. MAX”!]

His Skills, too, through the cells of his body becoming much more efficient and productive from the surplus of energy, were strengthened.

The Paru smirked as his fist collided with the Giganto Zilla’s chin.

Its head was launched upwards, and before it could even lower its head back, one leg kick landed on each side of its head.

“Too easy!” The Paru muttered, the tingles and shivers running wild throughout his body.

The Giganto Zilla swiftly moved its arm towards the Paru, and the latter disappeared.

[Your Skill “Blade of Bones” Temporarily Becomes “Blade Of Bones Lv. MAX”!]

With so much energy running into his cells, the Paru’s cells showcased their maximum potential.

‘In other words, this is what Skill Points do! They bring out the potential of a portion of my cells!’

As the Paru’s body moved through the air, his arm changed.

Unlike the usual, his arm didn’t turn into a blade. Inspired by the weapon that had been given to him by Liz, his arm turned into a hammer of bones.

But the hammer was nowhere close to the size of the blade usually formed.

‘Holy shit…!’ The Paru smiled nerveously, holding with his left hand, the large and long hammer that his right arm had turned into.


It was lowered against the Giganto Zilla’s back, sending countless pieces of crystal into the air!

The Paru’s feet landed on the ground, and as soon as they did, he was standing in front of the Giganto Zilla’s head, unleashing more heavy and swift punches!

Moving with such speed would have normally been impossible, and doing so consumed dozens of times more Endurance Points that moving at his usual top speed would have.

The Paru’s eyes widened.

His slit pupils plunged in clear blue irises moved.

[Your Skill “Enhanced Vision” Temporarily Becomes “Enhanced Vision Lv. MAX”!]

[Your Skill “Electric Perception” Temporarily Becomes “Electric Perception Lv. MAX”!]

The Paru could clearly tell that the excess energy wasn’t simply being consumed.

Every time that his hits and body came into contact with the Giganto Zilla, a portion was absorbed by the latter’s body and crystals.

Normally, this would have been a good thing.

Running against the clock, having an additional portion being stolen should be good… But the Paru was feeling too greedy for that.

‘If you’re going to steal it, then…’ A blade of bones much sharper and deadlier than the usual lacerated the Giganto Zilla’s side, and the Paru jumped upwards with insane speed. ‘I’ll just have to steal it back!’ The Paru thought to himself with a wide smile as he extended the two upper limbs protruding from his back.

The limbs made out of the red ruby-like crystals with the ability to store and -steal- energy.

The sparks and faint light that had started appearing on the Giganto Zilla’s crystals quickly disappeared.

[You have Developed the Skill “Electrical Vampirism”!]

‘Ha!’ The Paru chuckled and he jumped over the Giganto Zilla’s body, holding both of his palms in front of him as he fell.

Once the Giganto Zilla’s head was in front of those hands,

[Your Skill “Burning Mist Expulsion” Temporarily becomes “Burning Mist Expulsion Lv. MAX”!]

The next second, a great explosion covered the Giganto Zilla’s body with smoke!

[Endurance Points: 32000/1900.]

[Time remaining: 30seconds.]

‘Ha! Well, damn!’

The Paru once again focused on breaking the Giganto Zilla’s Crystals.

Moving with high speed and hitting with all the strength granted to him consumed a lot of Endurance.

Each hit against the Giganto Zilla’s Crystals forced him to use the “Regeneration Lv. MAX” Skill, which also used a lot of Endurance.

Additionally, the Giganto Zilla’s Crystals stole some of the electrical energy within the Paru’s body with every hit.

[Endurance Points: 28000/1900.]

[Endurance Points: 26000/1900.]

[Endurance Points: 21000/1900.]

[20 seconds left.]

11.000 Endurance Points had been used in 10 seconds.

Twenty seconds would be enough…

[Your Skill “Electrical Vampirism” Temporarily becomes “Electrical Vampirism Lv. MAX”!]

[Endurance Points: 24000/1900.]

“Ha… Hahahaha!” The Paru laughed out loud.

He continued breaking the Giganto Zilla’s crystals… And taking back the energy.

[Endurance Points: 20000/1900.]

[15 seconds left.]

[Endurance Points: 16000/1900.]

[10 seconds left.]

[Endurance Points: 12000/1900.]

[5 seconds left.]

One by one, the last seconds passed.

The Paru was standing in front of the Giganto Zilla’s head.

The latter had its jaws opened wide.

[Endurance Points: 9000/1900.]

[3 seconds left.]

The Paru was standing with his right arm extended forward.

His index finger pointed at the Giganto Zilla’s opened mouth.

“Time to get a taste of your own medicine.” The Paru whispered with a smile.

The Paru’s index finger was pointing at the Giganto Zilla, but also at what lay beyond the Giganto Zilla’s body. At what lay behind it.

[Your Skill “Electrical Discharge” Temporarily Becomes “Electrical Discharge Lv. 9”!]

One of the lightning rods previously placed by Roka.

“Die.” The Paru whispered, and a lightning bolt was shot, moving, in an instant, from his index finger to the lightning rod, passing between the Giganto Zilla’s jaws and through its body.

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