Chapter 102: As Soldiers

Barren and rugged, the terrain stretched out in vast expanses, broken only by great and complex formations of crystalline structures, their surfaces glowing with countless hues.

Some crystals reflected light in icy blues that glinted like frozen stars, while others let out deep purples that seemed to pulse and dance.

A lightning bolt split the clouds and, in a flash, landed on one of those crystalline structures.

As if split by that structure, four bolts shot out horizontally, before being themselves split as they landed on the surrounding structures of crystal, leading to rays shooting vertically, horizontally, and diagonally.

A gigantic and three-dimensional figure was drawn by the numerous reflected lights, before quickly fading away.

All turbulence had ceased.

The spaceship landed on Serolia.

“Oufff!!!” Rea stretched her arms upwards. “Holy shit, that was nerve-wracking.”

“Was it? You seemed calm to me.” Roka pushed herself off her seat after undoing the seat belts.

“Only looks that way. Well, it’s important to give that impression, hahaha! If the one driving is stressing out then… How will the passengers fell, you know?”

“I suppose you’re-”

“Now’s not the time for this!” Jay suddenly shouted.

“You’re right.” Rea yawned as she pushed herself off her seat too. “I’m going to sleep.”

“Ha? What do you mean going to sleep?”

“Exactly what I said. I’m tired.”

“How can you leave us now? What if we get attacked?? We just landed, you know? We need some kind of… Some kind of recon mission! And we need to be able to leave at a moment’s notice!”

“Yeah.” Rea nodded. She agreed. “The Commander can deal with that. Taking off is nothing for-”

“That’s not the point! How can you sleep now?”

‘This…’ Kris scratched his cheek. ‘Isn’t very productive.’ He thought to himself.

“How? I did my job. The rest is up to you. I’m exhausted, alright?” Rea waved dismissively as she started walking towards the command room’s exit door.

“How can you sleep when we might get attacked at any point? These Vi… These Visero are-”

“Don’t know.” Rea shrugged. “Whatever happens, happens…” She yawned again. “I guess.”

She left the room, and no one could keep her from doing so.

The Navigator had accomplished its mission expertly. It was now time for the rest of the crewmates to accomplish theirs.

‘Alright.’ The Paru undid his seat belts and the female Granilith’s.

She was barely shaking.

‘I’ll go then.’ He patted her on the head before he started heading towards the exit.

“Y-You can’t go alone.” Kris said suddenly. “You need someone with you, just in case.”

“Ha?” Al got up from his seat. “When we’re already short-staffed? Who would even want to go outside when-”

“I’ll go.” Roka interrupted as she took a step forward. “We just need to make sure that there aren’t any Visero around us for now. That should-”

“No.” Raya tapped her cheek with her index finger. “We can’t afford to send you. Firstly because you’re the only one other than Rea who can navigate the ship properly. Secondly, because you’re our Commander. We can’t afford to lose you, not temporarily, and not permanently.”

‘You’re saying that you can afford to lose me? How cold-hearted.’ The Paru chuckled internally.

“I can still-”

“I object to it.” Raya interrupted again.

“Then who should go?” Jay asked.

“I can.” Kris rose from his seat. “I can communicate with him well too, so-”

“You wouldn’t last a minute outside.” Raya chuckled. “Sit your ass down. This isn’t Tyl. None of you can make it out there.”

“Then who…?”

“Isn’t it obvious? There’s only one real option.” Raya’s gaze moved towards the person she thought most suited to the mission, and all followed her gaze. “It can only be you.”


“M-m-m-me?” Liz stuttered as she pointed at herself.

“Of course.” Raya waved her hand. “You’ve been there. You’ve fought Visero. You’re a Soldier, and the only one who can rival Roka in a contest of strength or speed.”

“Th-That’s true.” Liz nodded.

She scratched the side of her forehead.

‘Still, being out there alone with him sounds a bit…’

Liz quickly shook her head.

“That’s true. I’ll go get ready.”

She took a couple of steps towards the exit, before freezing.

‘If she freezes every time she sees my dick, that’ll cause a problem…’


Five minutes later, the crewmates were gathered in front of the spaceship’s deployable ramp.

‘Alright. Alright…’ Liz nodded repeatedly. ‘I can do it. I just need to focus. We don’t need to do much outside. Just scout the area for now. Yes, that would be enough. A thirty-minute mission. An hour at most. Just stay focused for an hour.’

Her body adorned a full-body suit.

Liz clicked on the portion of that suit that covered her wrist, and the mode changed.

Maximum insulation. Maximum conductivity. Those were the two modes.

It was very expensive equipment.

At her feet, three large bags filled with weapons and ammo, as well as a case with one of the Plasma weapons, fully loaded.

She nodded her head repeatedly, hyping herself up.

The mission would start right away. The instant that the Paru would re-appear.

He did seconds later,

“Pffft!” Liz suddenly laughed seeing him. “Would you look at that!” She laughed uncontrollably, feeling every ounce of tension leave her body. “You’re wearing them, just like I taught you!”

Indeed, the Paru had done so.

It was tight, and too short.

Still, it hid his junk, which was the goal of wearing pants.

The huge bulge wasn’t much better, but, at least, it was better than seeing it swinging.

Liz took a deep breath in, and slowly let that breath out as the ramp was lowered. The Paru stood by her side.

“Since we’re both taking the front and going out, that makes us the meat shields. The Soldiers.” Liz said without turning towards him once they were outside.

She stared dead ahead, as the ramp behind them was retracted, closing the only point of entry into the ship.

The Paru was standing to her left.

Liz took a step forward, and raised her left elbow while leaving her hand hanging below.

“Let’s do this, as Soldiers.”

Her eyes and tone were completely different, as if a switch had been flipped.

Letting her arm and hand hang like that, the Paru immediately understood.

He reached with his right hand,


Their palms collided.

“Let’s go.”

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