Reborn as a Transcendent

Chapter 444: Ah, The Beauty Saving The Damsel!

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The realization that she was about to face her imminent demise consumed Yaeger. The sight of the flashing silver light filled her with despair. Chris had recovered far more quickly than she anticipated. Before she could even equip the [Sword of Eternity], he had already launched his attack, leaving her defenseless and helpless. Her plan to regain mana with a drop of [Ocean's Tears] and continue the fight was shattered.

Without mana, Yaeger had no options left. She was now nothing more than a helpless victim, a lamb led to the slaughter. The audience could only watch in despair as she faced her impending death. Even Yunuen and Little Fairy, who were physically present near the scene, were powerless to intervene. They could only share in Yaeger's agony, longing for the strength to aid her against such a formidable opponent.

The real-life audience stared at their screens, their bodies trembling uncontrollably. Their hearts yearned for a miracle, a twist of fate that would spare Yaeger from her doom.

"Am I going to die again?" Yaeger wondered calmly, her mind operating at its maximum capacity even in the face of death. She desperately searched for a glimmer of hope that would allow her to escape her absolute despair. But to her dismay, she found none.

Or so she thought.

In the midst of her bleak realization, a faint memory surfaced in Yaeger's mind. She remembered that she possessed another trump card, one that could provide a temporary respite from her dire situation. A beam of light pierced through the darkness as she grasped onto this sliver of hope.

And just as she held onto that flicker of hope, a sudden and unexpected change shattered the tension.

A resounding sonic boom reverberated through the air.

Immediately, Yaeger witnessed the manifestation of sword energy before her, appearing out of nowhere without any warning. It shimmered in a brilliant shade of green, forming a formidable barrier that halted Chris' swift and deadly attack. The impact was so powerful that blood sprayed in all directions, and Chris cried out in pain.

Simultaneously, Yaeger felt a firm grasp around her waist, lifting her up and spinning through the air.

"I'm sorry I'm late." An alluring voice resonated in Yaeger's ears. As she turned her gaze, she beheld Alicia's incredibly captivating and beautiful face. Alicia now had a healthy complexion, radiating both beauty and a touch of assertiveness. It was evident that she had made a complete recovery.

Yaeger was utterly stunned, her heart pounding within her chest. It felt as if her brain had been filled with swirling pink hearts. After all these years, it was the first time she experienced the overwhelming sensation of her heart and mind being completely consumed. The combination of the suspension bridge incident and Alicia's newfound perfection was a double whammy that no one could easily endure. If only Yaeger's favorability towards Alicia could be quantified, it would undoubtedly be skyrocketing.

Ding, your Favorability towards Alicia has increased by ten thousand points.

The system notification chimed in Yaeger's mind. Startled, she questioned, "Sister System, really?" The mixed emotions swirling within her caused her heartfelt sentiments to vanish in an instant. "My Sister System really knows how to ruin the mood!" she thought to herself.

"Huh?" Alicia's brows furrowed in confusion. "Who is Sister System?" she wondered aloud.

Their spinning motion came to a graceful halt as they landed, their feet touching the ground.

"Alicia!" Chris roared with anger, realizing that his worst-case scenario had indeed come to pass. Despite having lifted some of his restrictions earlier, making him stronger than both Alicia and Yaeger, something unexpected caught his attention. His eyes widened, and shock washed over his face as he questioned, "Wait, what's going on with your aura?"

Alicia, clutching Yaeger's slim waist, halted her advance and stared at her nemesis with spiteful determination. She responded, "What happened to my aura, oh Great Warlock of the [Warlock Association], Silver Chris?" Her disdain for any member of the [Warlock Association] remained unabated, no matter how many she had already slain.

Yaeger regained her balance, her pupils shrinking slightly as she sensed that something was off with Alicia's aura. It wasn't normal for her strength to recover this rapidly, even with a fully healed physical body. However, Alicia's current aura unmistakably exuded the power of a Myth-ranked individual.

Chris clenched his fists, his gaze fixed upon Alicia, as realization dawned upon him. Despite his injuries and blood pouring from wounds inflicted by Alicia, he desperately wanted to stop the bleeding. However, a malevolent aura enveloped the injuries, preventing him from forcefully contracting his muscles to suppress them.

"After enduring the curse's torment for years, her strength was nearly nonexistent. Yet, now that she has just recovered, she already possesses the strength of a Myth-ranked individual. How is that possible?" Chris pondered. The situation seemed ludicrous, but he couldn't deny what he was witnessing. "Wait a minute… There's more than meets the eye. It's likely that she is deceiving me!"

The pieces started to fit together in Chris' mind. It was the only logical explanation, the only reasonable assumption. Alicia must have used some special abilities to forcefully raise her strength to Myth rank, perhaps capable of doing so only once.

"I'll test her," Chris resolved within an instant. "If she is genuine, I will retreat. If not, I will dispatch her swiftly!" Silver material formed spikes and blades all around his body as his aura surged, preparing for battle.

However, before he could make a move, an overwhelmingly deadly pulse surged forth. Chris' heart sank as he focused on Alicia. She held her sword with both hands, injecting concentrated power into it, causing it to radiate a brilliant green light. The immense sword energy twisted the space nearby, threatening to shatter it imminently.

Terrifying. Incredibly terrifying. Chris, being well-versed in such matters, quickly recognized it as a Legendary sword skill, possessing incredible power. In his current wounded state, he knew he couldn't withstand a strike of that magnitude.

Strategic retreat. That was the decision Chris made in an instant. He glared spitefully at Yaeger, blaming her attack for his grievous injuries that now left him fearing Alicia's might.

"Hateful!" He harbored a deep loathing for Yaeger. "Alicia and that b*tch, I'll be back!" Chris shouted, unleashing his full power by lifting all restrictions in his body. Horrifying Myth-ranked aura surged forth, causing space itself to tremble. Everyone witnessed a formless hand appearing in the air, which seized Chris and pulled him into a spatial gap. Despite his agony, he couldn't resist the force of the spatial gap. It closed, returning the scene to tranquility.

At that moment, Alicia spat out a mouthful of blood, her complexion paling, and her aura instantly diminishing. It plummeted from the Myth rank to the Platinum rank.

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