Reborn as a Transcendent

Chapter 442: Can't Do It Without Hurting Myself

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A resounding blast echoed through the air, causing even space itself to tremble. Yunuen and Little Fairy instinctively shut their eyes against the blinding silver light, overwhelmed by a sense of dread. Such a colossal explosion was no laughing matter—it spelled certain danger.

In the real world, Nangong and the others watched in solemn silence, their hearts filled with concern. Rakshasa, too, fixated on the screen, her unwavering faith in her Princess providing a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos.

Within the confines of the Ability Management Department's apartment, Mylene wore a worried frown, nervously biting her lip as the screen turned entirely silver. Her thoughts chanted like a desperate mantra: "I hope she's unharmed! I hope she's unharmed! I hope she's unharmed!"

And then, the scene shifted, engulfed in billowing clouds of dust. Two figures emerged from the epicenter of the explosion.

The first to come into view was Chris, his body adorned with superficial wounds. The attack resembled a self-destructive strike, but Chris' immense strength shielded him from serious harm. Even at the heart of the explosion, he remained relatively unscathed.

Then, all eyes turned to Yaeger.

"Oof!" She stumbled to the ground, coughing up a darkened mouthful of blood. Struggling to regain her footing, she swayed unsteadily, as if the slightest breeze could topple her. The tattered remnants of her armor exposed her fair skin, while a faint, translucent film shimmered just above its surface.

"That was too close," Yaeger murmured, wiping the corner of her mouth, her heart pounding with trepidation. Had she not assumed her fox form at the crucial moment, using it as a shield against Chris' onslaught, she would have been blown to smithereens.

‘Only ten percent health left… Actually, no. I have ten percent left after that explosion. This shield seems a little strong despite being constructed haphazardly,' Yaeger thought, a hint of pride in her voice. But her pride was short-lived, quickly replaced by a throbbing headache. With only 10% of her health remaining, it wouldn't be enough to last much longer.

Although she could try to replenish some of her health by drinking potions, their slow recovery rate meant she would likely be killed before seeing any significant improvement. Furthermore, if she were attacked while drinking potions, it would spell instant death.

Just then, a strong gust of wind blew, dispersing the dust and revealing Yaeger unharmed. The sight of her standing strong invigorated everyone who witnessed it, filling them with excitement and hope.

Meanwhile, Chris's pupils contracted in disbelief. "Why isn't she dead? There's no way she could have survived an explosion like that! Something must be wrong! It must be an illusion!"

Upon closer inspection, Chris realized that the living, breathing Yaeger stood before him. The explosion that had harmed him hadn't succeeded in taking her life. It was impossible, but undeniable.

"No matter how she survived that, I will kill her this time!" Chris resolved, seeing Yaeger appear incredibly weak, as if he could finish her off with a single hand.

"Chris, hold on a moment!" Yaeger suddenly shouted, causing Chris to maintain his stance without attacking. "Hold on?" he replied, a mix of amusement and anger in his voice. "Is your brain functioning properly? We are in the midst of killing each other!"

"I know," Yaeger said, her voice calm yet resolute. "That's exactly what I want to ask you. Can I drink potions during this process? After all, the disparity in our strengths is quite significant. Why don't you allow me to improve my odds a little by drinking a potion?"

Before Chris could respond, Yaeger swiftly produced a vial containing a blue liquid and drank a single drop. This was the treasure she had obtained at the Empire's docks, the legendary [Ocean's Tears], capable of instantly replenishing 5,000 Mana.

Considering her current Mana reserves, using such a rare item seemed like a waste. However, in the face of the dire circumstances presented by Chris, the luxury of recovering through normal potions was clearly out of the question. In a life-or-death situation like this, the cost didn't matter.

Realizing that he had been tricked, Chris’ face turned as red as a beetroot, seething with anger.

"You wretched woman, I will slice you up and reduce you to dust!" he spat, his fury boiling over. As a Myth-ranked legend, no one had ever deceived him like this before.

Consumed by his rage, Chris had one singular thought in his mind—to torture her in the cruelest and most abominable manner until death released her from his clutches.

However, what happened next left him dumbfounded, along with the rest of the audience.

There was a muffled thud, followed by a sickening sound.

"Pfft!" Yaeger expelled a mouthful of blood, but it wasn't due to the previous explosion. Instead, it was the result of a semi-transparent fist colliding with her abdomen. She had actually hurt herself!

Was she out of her mind?

Witnessing this inexplicable scene, the spectators' eyes widened, their minds freezing like malfunctioning computers. Yaeger had previously taken such actions to avoid fatal attacks, but now she was purposefully punching herself without any apparent reason. It was madness.

"It hurts…" Yaeger regained her balance, smirking meaningfully at Chris. "The preparations are complete. It's time to send you on your way."

Her words sparked further confusion and questioning of her sanity among the onlookers, particularly Chris, who was on the verge of bursting into laughter. However, before his laughter could escape, a sudden change occurred.

Yaeger's pitch-black aura surged forth, emanating a wave of destructive energy that instilled a sense of impending doom in everyone present, including Chris. The terror was palpable.

In the blink of an eye, her black aura enveloped [Sunscorch], transforming its color into a menacing blend of black and red, resembling a venomous snake poised to strike.

Then, Yaeger's eyes glowed with an eerie red light as her jet-black hair billowed around her. The aura within her intensified tenfold, sending shivers down the spines of all who witnessed the spectacle.

Shock gripped the crowd, leaving them utterly stunned. As they beheld Yaeger's transformation, Chris couldn't help but feel a chill run down his spine. It was as if he was witnessing a tiny kitten evolve into a formidable tiger before his very eyes.

The more Chris pondered, the more fear gripped his heart. "Was she holding back all this time? Is this her true strength?" A dreadful realization dawned upon him. "How is she able to unleash such power without the restrictions of the underground maze? Could it be…"

As Chris' apprehension grew, the spectators in the real world, including Nangong Lin and the others, transitioned from shock to delight. Among them, Rakshasa alone understood the truth behind Yaeger's transformation.

It was the Celestial Race's Talent: [Final Strike].

When Yaeger's health points dropped below 10%, there was a 5% chance that her attack damage would increase tenfold. Her self-inflicted harm earlier had triggered this special effect.

In the present moment, Yaeger gripped her weapon with both hands and activated [Go All Out], channeling every ounce of her power into her sword. Red and black destructive energy erupted, causing the surrounding space to tremble violently. The unleashed attack was destined to be lethal.

"Farewell, Silver Chris!" she proclaimed, swinging her sword with unwavering determination.

The world around them was instantly cloaked in hues of red and black, akin to the onset of an apocalyptic catastrophe.

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