Reborn as a Transcendent

Chapter 432: To The Site Of Heritage

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"Hmph, hmph!" The adorable blue figure was on the verge of exploding with frustration. The consequences of her anger would be dire… or so she believed. Yet, in her current state, there was nothing she could do. It was infuriating. This person was truly unbearable, but she was powerless against her.

The maze had been meticulously designed, filled with traps and formidable Magic Beasts. However, none of it seemed to faze the annoying person. She was like a walking trap detector, effortlessly avoiding every danger. She was like an unstoppable force, obliterating everything in her path. It was beyond frustrating.

The cute figure racked her brains, using every trick at her disposal, but she couldn't lay a finger on Yaeger. She bounced around in the air, consumed by her own frustration. If she could, she might have resorted to cursing like a sailor out of sheer exasperation.

"@#Y&%% @!" she muttered incomprehensible words while clutching her head in pain. The cute figure's fear intensified as Yaeger and her companions ventured further into the maze. A dreadful premonition gnawed at her heart, foretelling a terrible fate awaiting her.

She was overwhelmed by a strong intuition that Yaeger posed a significant threat to her. The feeling grew so intense that it was almost suffocating. She knew she had to eliminate Yaeger as soon as possible.

With determination in her eyes, the cute figure stopped clutching her head and made a swift motion with her finger. In an instant, dozens of images materialized before her. However, upon seeing the contents, she couldn't help but swear in frustration.

"¥%¥#@&!" she exclaimed. Platinum-ranked Magic Beasts—garbage. Adventurers—trash among trash. Outsiders—trash among trash among trash. The only pawns she could rely on in this underground maze were these utterly useless beings. It infuriated her to no end.

Furious and seething with anger, the cute figure clenched her fists and struck the air with a forceful blow. "Huff… Huff… &@#!" she uttered incoherent words, releasing her pent-up frustration. Then, her eyes widened, and her pupils contracted as a bloody scene unfolded within her mind.

Amidst the images, one stood out. It depicted an ocean of blood, where a pale-faced adventurer exuded a menacing aura while laughing atop a mound of corpses. "Hahahaha, I can sense it! The power of the curse is drawing closer, Alicia!"

The cute figure tilted her head, as if the name held some familiarity. After pondering for a moment, she finally recalled. There was a woman standing beside that person. Realization struck her, and she understood.

The enemy of her enemy could become her ally.

"Huhuhu~" With this revelation, a mischievous smile curled upon the cute figure's lips as her eyes glinted with a dark resolve.

With a resounding boom, Yaeger's powerful fist collided with the stone wall, creating a loud impact. She calmly withdrew her fist as a peculiar-looking Magic Beast slid down the wall, twitching briefly before succumbing to death. The maze's Floor Master proved to be no match for Yaeger, who dispatched it with her bare fists.

Yaeger's motive wasn't to show off her prowess; rather, it was a strategic move. Her sword, [Sunscorch], had considerably low durability, prompting her to conserve its usage to avoid its sudden disintegration. Furthermore, she remained uncertain about the challenges that lay ahead and needed to save her best weapon for critical moments.

"I only have two swords at my disposal—[Sunscorch] and a replica of the [Sword of Eternity]," Yaeger contemplated. "[Sword of Eternity] is undoubtedly powerful, but it comes at a high cost. [Sunscorch], on the other hand, is more affordable to wield."

She had reserved the [Sword of Eternity] as her trump card and knew that using it prematurely would diminish its impact. Glancing at the time, she murmured, "It's almost dawn. Let's hope we can reach the hidden area before sunrise."

This underground maze harbored numerous hidden areas, but only one of them, referred to as the [Ancestral Land], held significance. To reach this sacred place, they had to locate a terminal area and traverse the upper region, designated as the High-ranked area. It was in the High-ranked area that they would find a teleporter leading to the coveted [Ancestral Land]. Having conquered several high-ranked mazes already, Yaeger and her companions believed they were nearing the terminal area.

"Princess, we've found the teleporter!" Yunuen's voice rang out, interrupting Yaeger's thoughts. Looking over, she saw Yunuen, Alicia, and Little Fairy standing amidst piles of stone, indicating a recently constructed area.

"Alright, I'm coming," Yaeger replied, joining her companions.

Within the underground maze, there existed a distinction between high ranked areas and no ranked areas. In the former, teleportation was only possible upon vanquishing the Floor Master or reaching the maze's conclusion.

"Now, two more teleportation formations. Which one should we choose?" Alicia inquired, her face noticeably pallid, and her aura displaying signs of depletion. It was evident that her strength was waning.

Pointing to the left, Yaeger decisively stated, "Let's take this one."

In the High-ranked area, choosing the wrong teleporter could lead to treacherous paths. A single misstep could land them in extremely dangerous territories. Yaeger's heightened Luck attribute proved invaluable during such crucial decision-making moments.

After a brief rest, the group entered the designated teleportation formation, and in a flash of white light, they found themselves in a distinctively white dimension. The floors and walls were covered in a pristine white material, with teleporters scattered in every corner.

"It's the transit terminal!" Alicia exclaimed, her excitement palpable.

"We've struck gold," Yaeger affirmed, feeling a mix of surprise and satisfaction. She had expected to conquer several more mazes before reaching this point, but her exceptionally high Luck stat had expedited their progress, allowing them to bypass many obstacles and reach the terminal area ahead of schedule.

Yunuen and Little Fairy breathed a sigh of relief. They had finally reached the end of their arduous journey. Due to Yaeger's deliberate training, Yunuen and Little Fairy had been constantly at the forefront and served as the vanguards throughout their maze explorations, they were truly exhausted. However, the rewards reaped were substantial. Yunuen had reached Level twenty-nine, while Little Fairy's leveling speed had skyrocketed, reaching Level twenty-five in a remarkably short time.

If she were to share this accomplishment, no other player would believe her. In fact, even Little Fairy herself found it hard to fathom. Were it not for the unalterable nature of the game interface, she might have assumed it was all a dream.

"Alicia, do you know which teleporter leads to the [Ancestral Land] of the royal family?" Yaeger inquired.

"Yes, I do," Alicia nodded in response.

Curiosity piqued, Yunuen asked, "Will it be dangerous?"

Alicia reassured them, explaining, "No, the [Ancestral Land] is a sacred site for our royal family. Those who successfully complete the trial are granted access and rewarded. Participants with royal lineage even have the chance to receive a special inheritance."

"I see. Let's hope for a smooth journey," Yaeger murmured to herself, expressing her hopes for an uneventful expedition.

After taking some time to rest, Alicia led the group towards the designated teleporter. As a low buzz resonated, a brilliant white light engulfed them, and in an instant, they vanished.

Meanwhile, a mysterious figure emerged from the shadows, their eyes filled with confusion.

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