Reborn as a Transcendent

Chapter 430: Showed Off Too Much Again, Lethal Formation Appears!

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As her voice resonated, time came to a standstill, freezing in its tracks.

The Magic Beasts and Omega were overcome with mortal terror. This being before them surpassed the boundaries of mere humanity, exuding a beauty so pure and graceful that it transcended their understanding. And yet, she also emanated an aura that evoked visions of apocalyptic monsters—truly horrifying!


The frantic cries echoed within their minds, urging them to escape, to flee with all their might. But despite their desperate pleas, their bodies felt as if encased in solid concrete, immobilized and unable to respond.

At this moment, it seemed as if the entire world had ceased to move. Time held no meaning, its passing rendered inconsequential. And in this timeless void, Yunuen too experienced the same sensation.

Within this suspended reality, where time no longer held sway and all existence seemed to fade away, they found solace. A sense of reassurance permeated their beings, growing stronger with each passing moment as Yaeger's power soared to unimaginable heights.

In the real world, Nangong and the others were left in a state of confusion, witnessing only a brief flash of blinding white light. They were oblivious to the events unfolding within the game.

Before Nangong could inquire about what had just occurred, the broadcast abruptly shifted, revealing a captivating sight. A finger, exuding an otherworldly aura, grasped a black sword and streaked across the screen with astonishing speed.

Within the game itself, sword energy erupted, engulfing the entire white dimension in radiant brilliance. Vision was obscured for all, except for the enigmatic figure suspended in mid-air. She alone bore witness to Yaeger's attack, every detail etched into her consciousness.

The maneuver executed by Yaeger was deceptively simple—a swift flick of her sword, like an arrow released from a taut bowstring, darting past the Magic Beasts and materializing behind them with uncanny stealth. Then, the eruption of sword energy ensued, akin to the blossoming of a deadly flower.

If not for her unique position and exceptional capabilities, she would have failed to discern the blistering speed of the attack. Frustration and disbelief welled up within her as she realized the extent of Yaeger's formidable abilities, causing her to involuntarily clench her fist in vexation once again, "Hmph!"

Time resumed its steady flow, and the formidable sword energy gradually dissipated. Yaeger, feeling the weight of exhaustion, exhaled softly, her expression betraying signs of weariness. The utilization of [God Slayer] was an arduous endeavor, as it entailed a profound fusion between wielder and weapon. Her previous attack had drained her reserves, leaving her fatigued.

Amidst the aftermath, a distinctive sound reverberated through the air, drawing the attention of everyone present. Their gazes converged upon the sight unfolding before them. Hundreds of luminous cracks emerged across the torso of the black scorpion, mirroring the fate that befell the wolf and Omega.

In a violent eruption, the black scorpion and wolf disintegrated, their remains scattering in a gruesome display of blood and carnage. Omega, on the other hand, was reduced to a crimson mist in an instant.

As for the mantis, lizard, and boar, though they suffered comparatively lighter injuries, their bodies were marred by dozens of visible cracks. Agonizing pain coursed through their beings, evoking harrowing screams that pierced the air. Blood spewed forth, painting the scene in shades of crimson turmoil.

‘Three down, three to go,' Yaeger contemplated, acknowledging the remaining adversaries as somewhat troublesome. However, she was confident that she would dispatch them soon once she replenished her depleted mana reserves.

Yet, her thoughts were abruptly interrupted as something snapped within her mind. A surge of disbelief washed over her. "No way, it actually triggered," she exclaimed. In that moment, an ancient formation pattern materialized within her consciousness, accompanied by the virtual projections of four blades.

Panic gripped her heart as she realized the predicament she was in. "No, I have no energy left!" Yaeger mourned inwardly. Initially, her intention had been to test the effectiveness of the [Flower of Tall Peak]'s special effect. However, she had hit the jackpot on her first attempt. But now, the issue at hand was that activating the [Celestial Carnage Sword Formation] would drain her even further, leaving her completely spent.

"Stop! Stop! Stop! Stay dormant!" she desperately cried out, her voice echoing with futility. Unfortunately, no matter how vehemently she pleaded, she could not halt the unfolding catastrophe.

A low buzzing sound reverberated, and the once serene white dimension plunged into darkness. An ancient formation materialized, casting an eerie pall over the surroundings. In the next instant, space quivered, and an aura of dreadfully sharp energies permeated the air. Gusts of wind stirred, and bolts of lightning lanced through the atmosphere.

Every living being on the scene felt an icy chill, as if billions of razor-sharp particles had pierced their very beings. Horror, inexplicable and suffocating, took hold. Despair and hopelessness loomed inescapably. In the blink of an eye, it was as if they had been cast into the depths of hell. Sweat trickled down their brows, and their bodies trembled in fear.

The three surviving Magic Beasts, who had only just begun to find solace after surviving Yaeger's previous assault, were now confronted with an apocalyptic sword formation. It was a tragic fate, an absolute calamity. Without warning, the formation descended upon them, its arrival accompanied by an ominous silence.

And just as abruptly as it had materialized, the formation merged seamlessly into the ground, vanishing from sight.

"Pfft!" A burst of blood erupted from Yaeger's mouth, signifying the toll on her health as she lost a third of her vitality in an instant.


Simultaneously, dark energy surged forth from the ground, coalescing into an intricate and foreboding formation. The aura emanating from it intensified, imbued with an even greater sense of sharpness and lethal intent.

Clack clack clack!

The once serene white dimension quivered under the weight of this terrifying force, cracks spiderwebbing across its surface. Witnessing this scene, the cute figure was overcome with panic. She couldn't bear to see this place torn asunder.

Summoning her resolve, she extended her hand, conjuring mystical energy within the white dimension. Desperately, she clashed her energy against the encroaching formation, striving to prevent further damage. However, her resources were limited, and she could only stall the progress of the cracks.

Meanwhile, Yaeger grimaced in agony, feeling as though her organs had been forcibly removed and her body subjected to ruthless torment on an infernal rack. The pain was excruciating, to the point where she longed for release.

"Stop! I told you to stop!" she screamed inwardly, her voice reverberating with desperation. But the relentless sword formation paid no heed to her pleas, forging ahead without relent.

In an instant, a miniature version of the [Celestial Carnage Sword Formation] took shape, emanating an overwhelming aura of destruction. Now, all that remained was the activation of the four divine swords, and its devastating power would be unleashed.

A thunderous rumble echoed through space as the projection of the first divine sword slowly materialized. Its appearance was ancient and adorned in a vibrant green hue, exuding an overwhelming aura capable of shattering the very heavens. This was none other than the [God Slaying Sword], one of the four swords.

"Pfft!" As the sword took form, Yaeger involuntarily spewed forth yet another mouthful of blood, losing another third of her diminishing health. It became increasingly apparent that her life force would be depleted before the formation could be fully activated.

Confronted with the unimaginable oppression of the sword's presence, the three magic beasts teetered on the edge of madness. Gripped by unrelenting fear, their trembling bodies rendered escape an impossible task. Their resistance had crumbled entirely under the weight of the relentless killing intent. Death was inevitable—an inescapable fate that loomed over them, engulfing their beings with a pervasive sense of despair.

"Slash!" In a desperate struggle, Yaeger attempted to seize control of the incomplete formation and launch her attack. As the [God Slaying Sword] gradually materialized, her health dwindled with each passing moment. With no other recourse, she mustered her strength and commanded the formidable power within.

Instantly, the atmosphere shifted and space convulsed under the might of the ancient sword. The [God Slaying Sword], imbued with a terrifying aura, flashed with blinding speed. The three magic beasts below were swiftly torn asunder, their bodies cleaved into innumerable fragments by a single slash.

It was a sight both terrifying and horrifying—Yunuen, the onlookers present, and even Nangong and the others watching the broadcast found themselves collectively exhaling a breath they hadn't realized they were holding, their senses overwhelmed by a profound shock.

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