Reborn as a Transcendent

Chapter 428: Bloom, Young Lady!

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Omega made a firm decision. Evading the mantis's blade attack, he propelled himself forward with all his might. With agile footwork, he sprinted towards Yaeger, his mind set on causing chaos and finding an opportunity to eliminate the Eldest Princess. His mission remained ingrained in his thoughts, guiding his actions.

Meanwhile, Yaeger effortlessly dealt with the two enemies before her. However, the prolonged battle was starting to test her patience. The constant back-and-forth exchanges were becoming annoying.

"I need to finish off these pests quickly. I can't afford to be worn out when I have to face five Magic Beasts at once," Yaeger resolved, abandoning her energy conservation strategy and opting for a swift battle.

However, her focus was abruptly interrupted as she noticed a figure rapidly approaching from the corner of her vision. Instinctively, she sensed trouble upon recognizing Omega, and her apprehension intensified when she realized the giant mantis trailed closely behind him.

"Dream on if you think you can divert them!" Yaeger's lips curled into a grim smirk as she instantly grasped Omega's intentions.

In a swift motion, she shifted her weapon from the sword to the purple crossbow, known as [Berserk Thunder]. Expanding her wings of wind, she maneuvered with astonishing speed, appearing behind the wolf and scorpion in a split second. With a sudden turn, she unleashed a barrage of bolts.


The first energy bolt tore through the air, instantly splitting into a hundred projectiles that descended upon her enemies like a relentless thunderstorm. The wolf and scorpion finally reacted, but their movements were sluggish, unable to evade the onslaught of bolts.

As they realized the ineffectiveness of their defense against these projectiles, their field of vision was suddenly inundated by tens of thousands of bolts. Omega, witnessing this scene, was momentarily stunned. His plan to divert them had crumbled before it even began. His opponent remained unfazed, capable of handling more adversaries without being hindered.

This Empire's scourge was far stronger than Omega had anticipated. A mixture of horror, surprise, and regret flooded his heart. Had he known of her true power, he would never have dared to provoke her. If they had cooperated from the beginning, their chances of survival might have been greater. Alas, it was too late now.

The rain of bolts was upon them, not just him but also the mantis behind him. Reacting swiftly, the mantis shielded its head with its blade-limbs, bracing for the onslaught. The human and the three beasts experienced the intense shower of bolts, feeling the tingling sensation of electricity coursing through their bodies.

In an instant, crackling noises filled the air. Purple electricity sparked and crackled, coalescing into a swirling vortex. The vortex grew into a colossal purple electric storm, lifting the human and the three beasts off the ground and into the swirling chaos above.

Simultaneously, Yaeger unleashed a flurry of skills, bombarding the electric storm with a relentless assault. With each strike, the storm grew more chaotic and tumultuous, inflicting misery upon the opposing side.

The ice lizard and boar reveled in their slaughter, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Players and adventurers found themselves trapped in an unending nightmare, their attempts to escape futile. Desperate cries filled the air as they futilely fled from the relentless pursuit of the Magic Beasts, just as Omega had predicted.

The ice lizard emitted a chilling aura, freezing several unfortunate individuals in their tracks before devouring them with a satisfying crunch. The boar, with its brute force, either trampled its victims under its hooves or impaled them on its formidable tusks. The killings were gruesome and agonizing, providing sadistic pleasure to the Magic Beasts.

Time passed, and the game of death reached its gruesome finale. The boar delivered a crushing blow with its hoof, flattening the last remaining person. The ice lizard glanced back, only to witness the devastating rampage of the electric storm in the distance. Within it, it barely noticed three imposing figures and a smaller one.

Similarly, the mountain boar surveyed the scene, its bloodshot eyes widening with recognition. A silent agreement passed between the Magic Beasts, and they sprinted forward with enhanced synergy, charging recklessly toward Yaeger and her allies.

"Sister Alicia, the Magic Beasts are returning!" Yunuen's sudden shout startled both Little Fairy and Alicia, sending a shiver down their spines. They had anticipated the beasts' eventual return, but the speed at which they came back caught them off guard.

From their perspective, Yaeger could handle three Magic Beasts effortlessly, but facing five simultaneously would pose a significant challenge. "What should we do, Sister Alicia?" Yunuen asked, her voice filled with concern.

Alicia placed a reassuring hand on Yunuen's shoulder and replied, "Let's wait and observe." She understood that getting involved in a battle of this magnitude would only result in their demise.

"But Princess…," Yunuen started to protest, but Alicia cut her off. "It's alright. Can't you see that she hasn't unleashed her most formidable ability yet?"

The mention of Yaeger's untapped power brought back memories of her awe-inspiring performance in the arena for Little Fairy and Yunuen. "Oh, how forgetful of me! Princess hasn't even used her strongest ability!" Yunuen lightly tapped her head, chiding herself for forgetting such an important detail.

In response, laughter filled the air, lightening the atmosphere. Little Fairy and Alicia found amusement in Yunuen's realization. If Yaeger had overheard their conversation, she would have been exasperated. After all, her most potent skill, [Lethal Hit], was currently on cooldown and unavailable to her. In other words, she couldn't access her so-called "strongest ability" at the moment.

The ice lizard and boar closed in, their sights fixed on Yaeger. They paid no attention to Alicia and the others as they continued their relentless advance. In their eyes, Yaeger posed the greatest threat and had to be eliminated first.

"@$&!" Meanwhile, a small, adorable figure in the air flailed her tiny hands with delight. She seemed to be cheering on the beasts, urging them to kill Yaeger. Her excited gestures conveyed a clear message: "Finish her off!"

The cute figure observed that Yaeger was growing weary after unleashing her relentless attacks. Facing five Magic Beasts simultaneously would undoubtedly lead to her demise. The figure believed it highly unlikely that Yaeger would be able to unleash her terrifying strength again. The thought of Yaeger harnessing that power evoked a strong physical reaction, causing the figure to tremble uncontrollably.

Suddenly, Yaeger's voice pierced the air. "Take this!" All eyes turned upwards, witnessing the dissipation of the electric storm and the human and beasts plummeting towards the ground. Before they could land, a semitransparent giant palm materialized from above and violently slammed down with immense force.

The impact resonated with a deafening boom, shaking the very fabric of the dimension. The indestructible ground prevented the transfer of the attack's energy, resulting in a devastating impact that left Omega feeling as though his bones were shattered and his organs scattered. The pain was unbearable, leaving him yearning for death. The Magic Beasts shared the same sentiment, teetering on the edge of unconsciousness.

However, just as Yaeger was about to follow up with another attack, the ice lizard and boar arrived, putting her at a disadvantage. Despite the odds, Yaeger's face displayed an intriguing smirk. She raised her hand and gently touched the beautiful white flower adorning her head.

"Bloom, Flower of the Tall Peak!" This was the perfect opportunity to test out a special effect of her headpiece.

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