Reborn as a Transcendent

Chapter 392: Spatial Teleportation Activates, The Crimson Meteor Appears

All of this happened too quickly and too suddenly. The commander, Blei, couldn't react for a moment.

"All hands, obey my orders. Do not leave your designated positions or you'll be court-martialed!" An energetic voice was heard within that helmet with a blood-red horn.

It didn't matter how chaotic the plaza was, as long as none of it happened on their side, by the fake Fake Mountain.

After giving his orders, Blei's robust body rushed towards the entrance of the underground maze like a cannonball. With him guarding that place, Yaeger and the rest would most likely be discovered once they came close.

Since he was such a powerful being, his sensory abilities and intuition would be mighty as well.

Upon receiving his orders, the soldiers and magicians surrounding the Fake Mountain instantly regained their senses and reformed their formations.

‘Looks like there's no chance of going to the entrance. We can only try its surroundings.' Yaeger thought.

At this moment, nobody noticed that 3 people had already snuck in. Their footsteps were quiet as they carefully snuck through the gaps of the soldiers' formations.

‘By the way, Alicia really knows everything about the imperial city.' Yaeger couldn't help but sigh quietly after reminding herself of the scene where two war chariots fell from the sky and landed with extreme precision.

It was clear that Richard's preparations had completely failed.

‘This is strange. It's too easy.' The closer she approached the Fake Mountain, the more alarm bells rang in Yeager's heart. She couldn't help but glance at Alicia. The latter also slowed down with a solemn expression.

Even Yaeger, who didn't know much about Richard, knew that he wasn't a fool. In fact, he even deserved to be called a dirty schemer. It would be weird for someone like him to not prepare traps for them.

With that in mind, Yaeger stepped out. Alicia and Yunuen followed closely after. They were like conjoined twins right now, as they couldn't be separated. Otherwise, the invisibility effect would fade and they would be exposed.

Suppressed by the ordinary soldiers, the chaos in the plaza soon subsided. As for how they would deal with the aftermath, they hadn't received any orders yet. The players were all grumbling. They were initially allowed to explore the maze by 11 o'clock. Yet, their hopes were dashed by two natives.

By now, nobody knew if they were even allowed to enter anymore.

Wild Arrogance and S.K.Y. were deeply resentful. If they couldn't enter the maze because of this, they would definitely take revenge against those natives. However, nobody noticed that those two natives had already disappeared soon after the chaos unfolded.

Commander Blei stood in front of the maize's entrance while emanating a terrifying aura. Like a massive wall adorned with spikes, nobody dared to approach.

He concentrated on sensing his surroundings. The Magicians on the tall platform also toiled in frustration. They were casting detection spells nonstop. Little did they know, their efforts would be meaningless. Because Yaeger and the rest were about to enter in range, so the spatial teleportation would soon be available.

‘This is strange. Has that old schemer turned a new leaf?' The closer she reached that range, the more anxious Yaeger became. Her instincts told her that Richard had definitely prepared something here.

Unfortunately, she couldn't spot anything so far.

‘Alicia, you know anything?' She asked with her eyes.

‘Don't worry.' Alicia blinked.

Since the main character had said so, Yaeger no longer bothered about it. They were about to reach the 100 meter range. Finally, after many seconds, they entered the range without any trouble.

Once they went through another line of defense, Alicia would be able to use the spatial teleportation. However, the moment Yaeger and the rest went through that line of soldiers, a white jade tied to the waist of one of the black-armored soldiers suddenly emitted a faint glimmer of light and started vibrating.

At the same time, that soldier instantly glared at Yaeger and they made eye contact. This person clearly couldn't see her. However, Yaeger felt like he was staring right at her.

‘Oh no, he has a special tool on him!'

Within an instant, Yaeger instantly realized that the soldier in front of her had discovered them!

‘This is the end!'

The moment this soldier shouted or attacked, other soldiers and even the commander standing by the entrance would notice them. This wasn't something they could ever handle! This was the end, they were definitely dead!

‘Damn it. That dirty old schemer is really the worst!' Yaeger clenched her fists. Feeling both anger and helplessness. The feeling of spending all her efforts in vain was awful!

"Young lady, it's safe ahead." At this moment, the black-armored soldier suddenly grabbed the jade with his hand and whispered.

Hearing that, Yaeger was stunned. She then remembered that people in [Hidden Kill] seemed to refer to Alicia as ‘young lady'. Could it be…

‘Go.' Sure enough, Alicia winked at her.

Yaeger immediately regained her senses and kept moving. They walked past the black-armored soldier.

‘You even planted spies in his direct army. You're truly capable, Alicia.' Yaeger felt mixed emotions. She realized that she had been paranoid.

Alicia shook her head. What happened just now was purely good luck. After all, they only assigned a few undercover agents here. It was pure luck for them to stumble upon this soldier.

‘As expected of the [Child of Destiny], she's immensely lucky.' Alicia sighed in her heart.

The white jade on that soldier was prepared by Richard not long ago. It was meant to completely counter Alicia. That piece of jade could sense royal bloodlines! As long as Alicia appeared nearby someone holding this jade, she would be instantly detected!

If this undercover agent wasn't secretly marked with a [Hidden Kill] insignia and allowed Alicia to recognize it, they would definitely end up in failure. By then, none of them would survive!

‘All thanks to the [Child of Destiny] for leading me to this position. Otherwise, the consequences would be dire.' With that in mind, Alicia heaved a sigh of relief.

The three of them came to a spot about 90 meters away from the entrance. This was a good place to use the key, since it was somewhat far away from the next line of defense.

Alicia took out the silver sphere and held it with one hand while the other was kept above the air. Yunuen and Yaeger stared silently.

Soon enough, a drop of red liquid flowed out of Alicia's tender middle finger and dripped onto the sphere. The next moment, silver light glimmered and spatial energy emanated. Immediately after, a powerful pulse penetrated the [Cloak of Invisibility] and spread into all directions.

‘Oh no!' Yaeger was the first to notice this issue.

It was without question that they would be discovered as soon as the energy spread out.

"There she is!" As expected, the commander by the entrance, Blei, instantly looked over. Stomping on the ground, his robust body instantly flew over like a red meteor!

"Alicia, is it done?" Yaeger hurriedly spoke as she watched her opponent flying over in breakneck speeds.

"Almost!" Alicia was also flustered. It was her first time using spatial teleportation, so she had no idea how long it would take.

Yunuen grabbed Yaeger's hand in deep anxiety.

"Die!" Within the blink of an eye, Commander Blei arrived. His fist covered in flames flying towards Yaeger!

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