Reborn as a Transcendent

Chapter 362: Not Even My Dad Has Ever Hit Me!

The scene became quiet again.

The security guards were terrified after seeing Yaeger hitting someone with such ferocity.

Through the surveillance footage provided by the captain, they already knew the beauty in front of them was no different than a T-Rex.

It was easier to walk into the moon than to subjugate such a horrifying creature.

"Young Master Chen, are you alright?" At this moment, the handsome receptionist broke the silence and ran over to Young Master Chen while yelling.

Looking down, he instantly exhaled deeply.


He never expected that the Chen Family's Young Master was already beaten to a pulp within the blink of an eye. It was absolutely horrifying.

"Blood… Is this my blood?"

Intense pain woke him up. He was stunned after seeing the puddle of blood on the ground.

Then, he was reminded of something and caressed his face as it stung him with pain. Then, like an injured beast, he looked over to Yaeger with a fierce gaze and roared.

“How dare you hit me? Not even my dad has ever hit me!"

As he roared, a tooth flew out of his mouth. The scene was absolutely ridiculous. Yet, nobody laughed. None of them wanted to become the outlet for his frustration.

"So what if your father never hit you? What does it matter to me?" Yaeger said lazily.

A weakling's rage had no significance. It only drew mockery from others.

"B̲i̲t̲c̲h̲, I'm going to kill you!" Young Master Chen's anger had apparently reached its peak at this moment. His body seemed to be filled with energy as he stood up instantly. Yet, the handsome receptionist held him back in the moment he was about to rush out.

"You're not her opponent, Young Master Chen. Please calm down! You'll die!"

Those words ruined his fighting spirit like a bucket of cold water pouring on top of his head. He instantly wilted.

After some thought, he realized that she had pacified Max Zhou and the greasy middle-aged man within a few strikes. With that, wouldn't it be easier for her to deal with him?

Young Master Chen couldn't help but tremble.

Knowing that the other party had stopped acting recklessly, the handsome receptionist let go.


At the same time, a crisp noise was heard.

Immediately after, everyone saw the cowardly Young Master Chen who had submitted to violence, spun another two circles in the air before tumbling down again.

Just like déjà vu.

The difference was that Yaeger stood in place. She hadn't moved at all. Hence, Young Master Chen seemed like he was slapped by something invisible!

"Young Master Chen!" The handsome receptionist ran over again.

Looking at it, it was now symmetrical.

Previously, the left side of his face was swollen. Now, the same thing happened to his right. He looked like he had an actual pig's face.

Everyone was shocked after witnessing such a strange scene. They couldn't believe what they saw. Unfortunately, that was the truth. Young Master Chen having a pig's face was the evidence.

"The heavens are punishing you after all the evil deeds you've done. Hehe." Yaeger covered her mouth and chuckled.

Mylene also chuckled. She was the only one on the scene who knew that her sister was behind that strike.

The atmosphere at the scene gradually became ominous. Many people felt that the temperature had sharply plummeted as they felt chills down their spines.

At this moment, the security guard captain stepped up and pointed at Yaeger. "Woman, our boss wants to meet you. Follow us. Of course, you can refuse. But before you do, please prepare for the worst to happen."

He had no intention to care about Young Master Chen. His main priority was to follow his boss' orders.

"Mylene, listen, Is this what you say when you're inviting someone else?" Yaeger shrugged.

"Not at all, sister."

Mylene said with a smile.

Hearing that, the captain felt like he was in a bad spot. He was only following orders, and what he said there was nothing but a bluff.

In reality, they could only result to bluffing.

Max Zhou alone could defeat tens of security guards without the slightest hint of exhaustion.

If the beauty who squished Max Zhou like an ant turned against them, even an idiot knew it would lead to a tragic outcome.

"Forget it. I've nothing to do anyway. I'll come along with you."

It was undoubtedly a waste of time to deal with these nameless minions. Yaeger had no intention to hold a grudge against them. Moreover, it was always easier for someone to lead the way to the end goal than to fight her way there.

‘The cost of provoking me is immense.'

Yaeger smiled radiantly as her eyes turned into crescent moons.

The security guard captain heaved a sigh of relief and led the way.

"Should I go back to work, or…" Watching the group that left, and then glancing at Young Master Chen who laid on the ground, the handsome attendant was at a loss.


However, his predicament only lasted a second before it was ruined by a painful slap.

The remaining spectators saw the scene where someone spun two circles in the air before hitting the floor again. They were all instantly terrified as if they had just seen a ghost.

Before the handsome receptionist was about to faint, he vaguely saw that bright-red figure turning around and giving him a mocking smile.

‘It's her?' With this in mind, he lost consciousness.

"He thought you didn't know, sister." Mylene laughed.

"If you don't want to be caught committing evil, then don't do it." Yaeger said.

The security guard captain was confused after listening to those words.

Soon, they were led into a spacious office that was decorated with sparkling items. At a glance, all they could see were golden foil and beautiful jade stones.

"Looks like he's someone who got suddenly rich." Yaeger shook her head lightly. She didn't like this style at all.

"It is very crude." Mylene also shook her head.

There were about 20 or so people in the office. All of them seemed fierce and unfriendly.

A man sat behind the golden office desk.

He was about 40 years old, wearing a black suit, and had a buzz cut. His eyes were as sharp as knives and a cross scar was on the left side of his face. He didn't seem like a good person at all.

This person was the owner of the entertainment center. Everyone in the underworld called him Scarry Nan.

Seeing that Yaeger and Mylene glanced around without any nervousness, Scarry Nan instantly frowned and his expression became grim.

A man wearing black kung-fu slacks stood behind him. His looks were average but he seemed like a kind and easygoing middle-aged man.

This man had a protruding temple. His exposed muscles seemed tough, but not excessive like those professional bodybuilders. His body seemed like tempered steel!

There were also people behind Yaeger.

The greasy middle-aged man, Doug Wei, was brought inside with the stretcher. He still had a pained expression, but he glanced at Yaeger ferociously as if he were a man-eating tiger.

He wasn't critically injured despite being kicked by Yaeger. This middle-aged man was clearly no ordinary person.

"Are you the one who injured my men, and my valued guest?" Scarry Nan folded his hands and used them to brace his chin, while staring daggers at Yaeger.

The moment he looked at her, he actually failed to avert his gaze and was deeply attracted!

Over the years, he had dealt with all kinds of people. He initially thought he wouldn't be all too interested in women.

However, the moment he saw Yaeger, he felt like his blood was boiling.

"You're going to die for sure!" As soon as he was placed on the ground, Doug Wei pushed his obese body up and shouted hysterically while pointing at Yaeger.

"Yes, it's me." Yaeger shot him a glance before looking at Scarry Nan and nodding.

"Very well. How do you plan to compensate for our losses?" Scarry Nan leaned back and clapped his hands, his eyes became grim.

Hearing the signal, more than a dozen men in suits instantly moved and pounced at Yaeger like a pack of hungry wolves!

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