Reborn as a Transcendent

Chapter 358: There's A Beauty Here!

Yaeger focused her attention, her exuded aura coalesced into a Domain.

Click, click, click!

The noise was getting more and more intense.

After attentive hearing, she realized that the noise came from the main entrance, instead of the room door.

‘Who is this? They actually came to my doorstep the moment I went offline. That's just impeccable timing!'

The main entrance was a little far away from here so her aura couldn't permeate that place. Yet, she could listen to any sound from that place as long as she paid attention.

The clicking noise stopped and a man's voice was heard.

"Strange, it's locked."

‘Assassins? No. I feel like I've heard of this voice before…' Yaeger was a little perplexed.

At this moment, another man's voice was heard.

“Is that kid sneakily living here already?”

"But the surveillance footage at the main entrance didn't show anyone else entering this place though?"

Their voices were hushed. Under normal circumstances, anyone inside the room wouldn't hear anything.

However, little did they know, a Grandmaster was here. In such a close proximity, even the faintest noise would be revealed to her.

‘What a shocker. Turns out they're people from the Nangong Family.' Combining their conversation and their behavior, Yaeger had already figured out the identity of those people. She instantly heaved a sigh of relief.

"The electronic lock is unlocked but it can't be opened. This means it's locked from the inside."

"Could he have sneaked in?"

"Most definitely."

"S̲h̲i̲t̲! He acts like a burglar in his own house. This kid must've done something horrible!"

"I heard he owes people millions."

"No way. How can he rent and live in such a high-grade condominium if he owes people so much money. Indeed, the deeper in debt, the richer they are!"

As they spoke, their voices became louder.

‘I only owed one million! And the creditor is dead, so I don't have to pay it back!' Yaeger shouted in her heart.

"Shush, keep your voice down."

"Tell me. Is the kid hiding here to evade his debtors?"

“Very likely.”

"Then why does the young lady care so much about this kid? I don't get it."

"Same here. If the young lady likes boys, then this kid might have a chance. The problem is…"

"Sigh. What a massive waste."

"Forget it. Since we know the kid is already here, then we'll just tell Miss Snowy about it and move on."


That was the end of their conversation.

Immediately after, Yeager heard two pairs of gentle footsteps.

"Looks like I won't be able to stay here any longer."

She sighed softly before letting out a faint smile. "However, I'm currently in the Grandmaster Realm.

Now, I can do whatever I want. I can go invisible whenever I feel like it. I'll never live a life of worry like I used to anymore."

She stroked her long black hair, confidence burning in her eyes.

Beep Beep!

At this moment, the screen on her Huawhey phone lit up and sounded.

Yaeger picked up the phone, only to see a new message.

Mylene: Sister, at 5:30, Glory Entertainment Center's KTV on the third floor. See you in room 201!

After reading the message, her expression changed. "Is my Mylene corrupted?"

Glory Entertainment Center was the most famous entertainment spot in the city. There were karaoke bars, cocktail bars, arcade centers, massage spots, and premium clubs.

"This isn't a place for children."

Then, Yaeger suddenly realized that her sister was now 18 years old. She was no longer a kid.

"Still, it's not appropriate to go to such places…"

After some hesitation, Yeager replied in affirmation.

Perhaps Mylene had a reason to meet her in a karaoke bar.

Looking at the time, there was some time left before 5:30.

Yaeger decided to freshen up.

With her female body, she was a neat freak. Although her body had self-cleaning capabilities, she still washed herself as a force of habit. It was a ritualistic thing, an irreplaceable step.

While she was bathing, Nangong and Pixie were drinking tea and listening to Snowy's report in the Rosen Hotel.

After discussing the importing things, Snowy started talking about Yeager.

It was fine when she didn't, but when she did, Pixie became heated.

They have been chatting on WeChat these days and haven't met for some time. She dearly missed her brother.

"He moved over there?" Nangong asked.

"Yes. But secretly. The people I arranged over there found the door locked from the inside."

Snowy said.

"That rascal. Why is he acting like this in his own home?" Nangong spoke in displeasure.

"All thanks to those Gangsters. Don't fret, Lil' Yaeyae, this sister will be here for you! My embrace is very reassuring!"

Saying that, Pixie stood up and was about to leave.

"Where are you going!" However, Nangong pulled her down the moment she stood up.

“Little Lin, what are you doing? My Lil' Yaeyae's in a state of terror right now. What a pity. I must go to his side immediately and give him the warmest embrace~"

Pixie spoke in dissatisfaction.

"Warmest embrace my a̲s̲s̲!" Nangong facepalmed. "Listen, Lil' Pixie, Yaeger never told you his current address. How would he feel if you suddenly showed up?"

"Well, I'm afraid he'll take me for a creepy stalker." Pixie's lips twitched.

“I'm glad you understand. If you really want to see him, then slowly coax him into leaking his address, then go to him. You can hug him however you want by then. Anyway, you must never let him know that we already know where he is!"

Nangong said.

She checked Sachiel's phone nearly daily. Learning that Yaeger had never told Sachiel about his current whereabouts and the fact that they had nothing but tame conversations.

She wasn't worried for now.

However, if Pixie and she inflict too much pressure on her, Yaeger might disregard all consequences and get closer to Sachiel.

That wasn't the outcome they were hoping to see.

"Young lady, do you want to continue spying on Yaeger?" At this moment, Snowy asked.

"Tell them not to go upstairs. Keep spying on the ground level." Nangong said.

Although she knew that Snowy's subordinates were competent and wouldn’t be discovered by Yaeger, there was always a risk for mishaps to happen if they continued working for a long time.

"Got it." Snowy drank all the tea in the cup and left the room.

"Little Lin, tell me, how long will it take until I reach the main city if I enter the game now?" Pixie took a sip of red tea and said suddenly.

Hearing that, Nangong was slightly stunned before smiling. "Why? Didn't you say that you're tired of playing games?"

"That's in the past. I changed my mind."

"Oh, What made you change your mind? Let me guess…" Nangong pondered. "Is it [Princess]?"


"Your greed has no limits. Having Yaeger isn't enough for you. Now you're actually aiming for my [Princess]!"

Nangong reached out her hand and pinched Pixie's exposed skin on her stomach.

"Oh, nasty girl! Are you itching for a beating?"

The latter squealed in pain.

"That's what you get for being greedy." Nangong let go and grunted.

Pixie rubbed the painful spot and spoke in exasperation, "[Princess] is for everyone, not only yours. It isn't good to be overly obsessive, Little Lin."

"Hehe, but I want her all for myself." She pouted like a little girl.

"Before that, you should deal with that Rakshasa." Pixie spoke calmly.

The moment she heard ‘Rakshasa', Nangong's expression changed. She knew this woman was no easy foe to deal with!

"No. Let's not talk about that. If you want to play the game, you best talk it over with [Princess].

[Princess] knows a lot of things about the early game. She'll point you in the right direction, as far as progression goes."

Nangong changed the topic.

"Huhu." Pixie squinted her eyes and laughed as a response.

"You, what are you laughing at?"

“Nothing. Aside from that, I'll ask [Princess] about the game later." Pixie's smile remained on her face.

"So annoying."

Nangong rolled her eyes and then looked in front. "I wonder what she's doing right now?"

In Jade Flower Garden.

After bathing, Yaeger put on a bright-red dress and tied her long hair into a ponytail. She put on her hat, donned her sunglasses, then picked up her purse.

"No one will recognize me like this, right?" Yaeger muttered while looking at the charming reflection in the mirror.

After reaching the Grandmaster Realm, she could undoubtedly do whatever she wanted in Roc City. Yet, it was best to avoid any and all unnecessary trouble.

After all, she was just too popular. She was more famous than all those internet influencers and viral celebrities. The moment she was exposed to the public, it would cause a lot of unnecessary chaos.

"These sunglasses are huge. It'll work for sure." She wore sunglasses that almost covered half her face. With the addition of a hat, people who weren't deeply familiar with her wouldn't recognize her with a single glance.

"Isn't this dress a little too exposed?"

Shifting her gaze, she could see lots of bare skin below her collarbones.

The skirt had a deep V neck. It was naturally sexy since she wore it.

"Should I change it…" After some hesitation, she shook her head. "I don't have much time. Besides, it's completely appropriate attire."

Just as she spoke, her body flashed and she disappeared.

Downstairs, a silhouette instantly disappeared like a phantom the moment it touched the ground.

After some time, a figure in bright-red appeared in Glory Entertainment Center, which was about 10 kilometers away from Jade Flower Garden.

"Looks imposing." Yaeger looked up. True to its name, it looked like a city filled with glory.

The remaining rays of dusk illuminated its surface and shrouded it in gold, making it glisten.

However, no matter how glittery and luxurious it was, it was insignificant when compared to this figure that was strolling across.

At this point in time, the place wasn't too crowded nor too empty. Along the way, everyone laid eyes on that refined figure in red.

Despite having most of her face covered by the sunglasses and hat, her pale white skin and flawless figure captivated and charmed everyone at all times.

"E-excuse me, are you alone?" Seeing such an elegant and charming girl for the first time, the handsome receptionist was swayed and even slurred his speech.

"Yes. I've already booked a room." Yaeger named the room number and the latter summoned a female attendant to lead the way.

Shortly after Yaeger left the main lobby, that handsome receptionist instantly pulled out a phone and dialed a number.

The call was instantly accepted.

"Hey, Young Master Chen, there's a super hot chick here. You want to come and take a look? I'm not lying to you! Her figure is crazy good and her skin is white as snow! And especially her long legs, they're flawlessly beautiful~!"

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