Reborn as a Transcendent

Chapter 353: Black-hearted Princess' Brutal ‘Burden'

Leave a comment [Kneeling Basketboy] Died!

Everyone was stunned. Extremely stunned! The crowd of spectators couldn't believe what they just saw.

That capable and cream of the crop player within Linhnan server, [Kneeling Basketboy], couldn't even survive one strike!

Also, after being struck with all those attacks, even a Level 25 Magic Beast would die in pain. Yet, Yunuen survived. Not only that, she counter-attacked and killed [Kneeling Basketboy] with a single wave of her staff. It was absolutely horrifying!

Those few bodyguards were in disbelief. They came to an understanding of Yunuen's strength by watching the videos. But now that they were facing Yunuen for the first time, she was actually akin to a humanoid T-Rex!


The wind sounded like the roar of a dragon.

Immediately after, everyone saw the dust being scattered and a crimson-red tornado surging.

Fast, intense, ferocious, aggressive, and powerful!

Such terrible attacks were impossible to dodge!

Kachunk kachunk!

Within the blink of an eye, they were all swept inside and bones were broken.

[Whirlwind Staff] ended its attacks. Yunuen with red light flashing on her body squinted her eyes. Tipping her toes, she instantly lunged in front of a player and swung her staff downwards.

Watermelon explosion!

The next moment, the red light on her body became stronger as killing intent flashed in her eyes.

Then, more watermelons were blasted apart.

She was incredibly fast. The people on the scene could only notice her afterimages. The moment Yunuen had stopped, 5 players had already dissipated into light particles. Within several blinks of an eye, 6 players were already killed on the spot.


It was shocking and sent chills down everyone's spine!

The players who came to lynch Yunuen were all shocked and mortally terrified. Within the moment, nobody acted. A good number of them even felt like retreating. Nobody dared to fight this humanoid T-Rex. They feared being killed.

Yet, although they didn't want to, it didn't mean Yunuen would stop. She was already reveling in slaughter. She wouldn't stop! Compared to her previous 2 battles, she was definitely much more proficient this time. She was now much more familiar with chaining her skills.

Back then when everyone focused their attacks on her, she simultaneously used Healing Halo and Holy Barrier to tank the damage. Then, she utilized her powerful physical strength from [Black Dragon's Bloodline] and counter-attacked.

The entire process was smooth and natural.

If Yaeger were here, she would've given her a thumbs up. Her improvement was unparalleled and unprecedented.

Of course, if Yaeger didn't deliberately pressure her, it would be hard to tell whether Yunuen would successfully grow up. After all, she had a weak and meek personality. It would be too hard for her to improve if nobody pushed her.

"Here she comes!" Someone somehow regained their senses and screamed hysterically.

At this moment, Yunuen was slaughtering everything like a wolf entering a sheep pen. The scene became bloody, with unending hysterical screams.

Those who lost morale turned around and ran without hesitation.

In the face of absolute strength, anyone's sense of justice and eagerness would become utterly meaningless. However, a few foolhardy kids still remained—despite their trembling limbs and pale complexions.

They still faced Yunuen head-on.

"Don't be scared. She isn't Black-hearted Princess. She has no Artifact, and not that much Mana!"

Someone shouted.

Hearing those words, everyone came to an epiphany.

Indeed. Black-hearted Princess was an overpowered freak. But Yunuen Lin wasn't. Based on their equipment alone, the Black-hearted Princess and Yunuen were on a whole different level.

Not only did the Black-hearted Princess possess an artifact, she also had numerous Epic Equipment.

On the contrary, Yunuen only had one Epic Equipment, with the rest of them being Rare. She was deeply inferior in this department when compared to the others.

An armed to the teeth Black-hearted Princess would fill people with despair, undefeatable, just like the world's final boss! Yet, Yunuen only made them realize that they had a chance to succeed.

"All of us, attack at once. Once she's dead, we'll have all her Epic and Rare Equipment!" A Level 15 Warrior raised his sword and shouted.

Those players who were covering still didn't respond.

"Everybody, don't be scared. Her Mana must be low already. Let's go and claim that loot!"

‘Her Epic Staff is worth ten million!'

The Level 15 fighter added.




Ten million!

The number exploded in everyone's minds and made them tremble uncontrollably.

"Ten million!"

"Ten million!"

The eyes of many players lit up with green light as they felt the flames of passion in their hearts.

Their eyes were no longer filled with fear when they stared at Yunuen. Instead, they were filled with blatant greed.

"Die!" Yunuen was now in a bloodthirsty state. She wasn't bothered if they were escaping or fighting. After all, they were all nothing but prey that she was about to slaughter!

"Go!" At the same time, those players were brimming with fighting spirit. In the face of massive benefit, they had no fear.

Of course, there were also some smart people who refrained from taking action. They were looking for an opportunity.

The brutal fight started immediately.

Yunuen was seeing red. Completely ignoring her injuries, she swung her staff madly and killed those players one by one.

Gradually, her aura began to waver and her strength was depleting. She was only supported by her overwhelming force of will.

Meanwhile, the mob sustained heavy casualties. However, the survivors' faces were filled with joy.

Because that humanoid T-Rex was finally tired. The real hunting would begin now! As if Epic and Rare Equipment were scattered all over the place, only waiting for them to claim it.

At this moment, those devious rats finally decided to act!

The number of attackers had increased to well over 100 people again.

Yunuen's previous efforts were obviously all in vain. However, she wasn't afraid in the slightest.

‘I'll do everything I can and fight until the very end!'

She clenched her staff tightly, her fighting spirit remained as strong as ever.

"Kill her!" Someone yelled.

Immediately, all players prepared to attack.

"Stop it!"

Just as they were about to attack, an attractive voice was heard from not far away.

On the road, a luxurious Beast Carriage traveled at high speeds.

Inside the carriage.

Lili was resting her eyes.

Due to boredom, Yaeger opened the forums and checked the latest news.

«Shocking! Stunned! Dazzled! Black-hearted Princess's burden is actually this brutal! Video evidence included!»

Clicking on it, Yaeger immediately saw the scene where Yunuen was facing countless attacks.

"If Yunuen wasn't enhanced, she would've been ground into dust straightaway. Unfortunately, my Yunuen is very strong right now."

The moment she spoke, Lili opened her eyes. After realizing that she wasn't spoken to, she slowly closed them again.

The battle soon reached peak intensity. Yaeger felt proud as she saw Yunuen constantly improving.

This was the Battle Priest that she had cultivated!

"Is it over?" Within the broadcast, Yunuen was in deep danger. However, Yeager wasn't worried at all.

The next moment, she saw the seventh princess Kastina showing up on the scene. Several hundred guards followed behind her.

Without any delay, Kastina waved her hand and those guards instantly apprehended all players on the scene.

These players would be sentenced to one day in prison.

The punishment wasn't harsh. Yet, time was incredibly precious in this game. Anyone's progress would be severely stifled if they were stalled for a day.

"You asked for it." Yaeger spoke calmly.

The fact that Yunuen would be targeted by players and the situation escalating to the point of no return were all within her expectations.

Kastina was the trump card that Yaeger had prepared.

Once it was used, it would undoubtedly cause a massive stir.

Turning off the forums, Yaeger slowly closed her eyes. The carriage was silent. The luxurious Beast Carriage continued traveling at high speeds as it became closer and closer to Jade City.

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