Reborn as a Transcendent

Chapter 348: Sorry, We're Too Late

Lili nodded in approval. She would oblige unconditionally since she was here to assist Yaeger anyway.

Furthermore, any plague-related affairs should be handled first and foremost. She knew small countries would be wiped out within a single night if a plague broke out!

Even in larger countries, the outbreak of a plague would cripple it.

The moment she thought about the worst case scenario, Lili became restless.

Unlike Yaeger, who was an outsider, she was born and raised in this Empire. It was her obligation to defend her homeland.

Moreover, it would benefit Alicia greatly if they could minimize the impact of the plague.

‘Anyone who dares to cause trouble to sister Alicia will be killed without mercy.'

Lili's eyes became grim for a split second. In her heart, she had already sentenced this mysterious man to death.

"So… Is that guy really spreading the plague in our village?" Angelica's face turned pale as her hands trembled nonstop.

She knew well how horrible a plague could be. A few years ago, a plague had broken out in a village 20 km away from [Aoma Village]. In the end, that village's population had reduced from a thousand to just a few dozen.

Those people who had suffered a plague and survived were now living in [Aoma Village]. Every time they talked about the veritable hell on earth they escaped from, Angelica felt chills running down her spine.

She would never imagine that such a thing that terrified her greatly would now appear in [Aoma Village]!

And she was infected!

In retrospect, if she knew that mysterious man she rescued was the source of the plague. She would kill him personally right then and there.

"Unquestionably." Yaeger spoke straightforwardly.

Angelica's face became paler. ‘It's all my fault. Only if I minded my business back then…'

"It's not your fault. Even if you didn't rescue him, such a thing was bound to happen anyway."

Seeing that she was blaming herself, Yaeger comforted her.

A village girl like her would never be able to interfere with the activation of such an ominous dungeon. Her actions wouldn't change a thing. That mysterious man would just survive anyway and spread the plague even if she wasn't around.

"I…" Angelica swallowed her words, still unable to forgive herself.

Yaeger ignored her and glanced at Lili before asking, "Lili, in your opinion, what kind of method will that guy use to spread the plague?"

Lili pondered while blinking her eyes. "If I were him, I'd focus on the source of drinking water. For example, I'll dump infected corpses into water wells and reservoirs."

"That's too much!" Angelica suddenly looked over and shouted.

"It's hypothetical. Why are you so worked up?" After receiving a glare from Lili, the latter instantly shrank her neck and trembled.

"Water source? Wouldn't that be inefficient?" There were more than a dozen drinking wells in the village. It wouldn't be effective if he tainted it one by one, and it was also very conspicuous.

Who would ever drink water from a well if they discovered a corpse in it?

Lili shook her head. "On the contrary."

“Why did you say that?” Yaeger was a little perplexed.

"This place is close to the sea. All sources of water underground are practically salty, so they can only import water from somewhere else. As long as he infects the source, it's only a matter of time until everyone gets infected."

Lili said.

Hearing that, Yaeger instantly came to a realization. "That's right. Why didn't I think of that?"

Coastal villages lacked freshwater because they were close to the sea. Underground water sources were practically non-drinkable without distillation.

Distillation was costly and inefficient. Gaining drinking water using this way was pointless.

On the contrary, diverting drinking water from other places was a lot easier.

"That's right. The drinking water in the surrounding villages, including ours, is supplied by a hidden aqueduct from Mistmountain. Angelica said.

"You have a reservoir there, right?" Yaeger asked.

"Yes…" Angelica nodded and instantly realized something. "Perhaps he went to that reservoir?"

Her face was filled with uncertainty and fear.

If the reservoir was tampered with, this entire region would be done for!

"Most likely. Angelica, take us to the reservoir immediately!" Yaeger was flustered.

Lili clenched her fists as killing intent flashed in her eyes.

She would never spare such a demented maniac!

They went to the village entrance and stumbled upon a Beast Carriage, which they requisitioned.They started making their way to Mistmountain's reservoir.

It was quite far away from [Aoma Village]. They spent 15 minutes despite traveling at full speed.

"We can only walk for the rest of the way." After disembarking the carriage, Yaeger looked up, only to see a massive mountain in front. Their destination was halfway up the mountain. The path ahead was very narrow and steep, so they couldn't use the Beast Carriage.

Angelica walked in front and led the way. As an expert swimmer, she was quite capable and had great stamina. She moved quickly as she ascended the mountain.

Yaeger and Lili followed closely behind. These mountainous roads were nothing to them.

Suddenly, Angelica halted her steps and yelled, "looks like someone's on the ground!"

Looking over, Yaeger and Lili saw something laying on the path ahead.

After examination, they knew it was a person. A humanoid, at the very least.

"I'll go check it out." Yaeger said.

"I'll go too." Lili wasn't comfortable with letting her go alone.

"Sure." Yaeger nodded. She would be even safer with Lili close to her.

They advanced cautiously while Angelica remained in place.

"He's dead." After approaching the humanoid, Yaeger finally got to examine the man closely.

He was a young man in his late 20s. Currently, he was already dead and his body was stiff.

Moreover, there were many pitch-black pentagrams on his exposed skin.

"Angelica, come and check if he's that guy." Yaeger beckoned.

The latter approached quickly.

She couldn't help but exclaim after looking down, "Isn't this Dibala, from the tavern?"

"I guess he isn't that guy. Looks like he was held hostage and brought here." Yaeger squinted. "The objective was clear. He wanted to find a water source and then infect it, in order to spread the plague."

The easiest way for an outsider to find the source was to let a villager lead the way.

This man named Dibala was obviously killed after fulfilling his purpose.

"Such a cruel man…" Angelica covered her mouth as her body trembled.

"Let's be quick. Maybe we can still make it in time." Yaeger said.

That's what she hoped, however, the corpse's stiffness indicated that it had expired for at least 3 to 5 hours.

The mysterious man had most likely succeeded in his schemes and had escaped by now!

Yaeger became flustered after realizing that fact.

"The… Reservoir should be guarded by armed villagers. It… Should be fine, right?" Angelica said uneasily.

Yaeger exhaled deeply and looked at her. "Those villagers… Are most likely dead by now."

"No… No way. Those villagers are pretty strong!" Angelica was still hopeful.

Yaeger and Lili looked at each other, feeling no desire to speak further.

As they say: talk is cheap, seeing is believing.

They reached the destination after spending 2 minutes. With a single glance, they could see the reservoir not far away.

It was just as Yaeger had expected.

They saw a lot of corpses lying lifelessly beside the reservoir.

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