Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 333: The predecessor

Chapter 333: The predecessor

"A dragon?" The revelation that Lumina had received assistance from a dragon in shaping her realm left me surprised, as a surge of anticipation coursed through me. Could it be possible that the dragon she spoke of was my predecessor?

My eyes widened as I contemplated the implications. Lumina's nod confirmed my suspicions, and I felt a mixture of surprise and curiosity intertwining within me. The thought that the mysterious dragon who had once wielded cosmic power had played a role in creating this realm left me amazed. Why? Who was he? What was his connection to Lumina? And what finally what happened to him?

As Lumina's gaze turned distant, I could sense the memories resurfacing within her. The weight of time hung in the air, and I listened intently, eager to learn more about this ancient connection.

"Yes, it was a very long time ago," Lumina said, her voice carrying a touch of reverence. She gestured with her hands, encompassing the vast expanse of her realm, "He helped me build all of this," she continued. The cosmic energy pulsated within the surroundings, casted an ethereal glow upon us.

Curiosity burned within me as I yearned to know more about Lumina's connection with the cosmic dragon. The question slipped from my lips, carrying my genuine interest. "If you don't mind me asking, what was your relationship with the late cosmic dragon?"

Lumina's expression softened, and she gently shook her head in response. "I am afraid you will be disappointed," she began, her voice carrying a tinge of nostalgia. "Our relationship was not a close one, but I did have the privilege to fight alongside him once. At that time, my powers were nowhere near where they are today, and he ended up saving my life."

I listened intently, captivated by the tale of their encounter.

"After the battle," Lumina continued, her voice tinged with a hint of melancholy, "he helped me set up this place before he left, and I haven't seen him ever since." Her words lingered in the air, carrying a sense of loss.

I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of curiosity and admiration for the previous cosmic pillar. Although he was gone, the echoes of his presence were now intertwined with Lumina's realm, and resonated with the cosmic essence within me, creating a tapestry of interconnected destinies.

"I see," I replied, my mind processing the information shared by Lumina. Ynos, always brimming with curiosity, spoke up before I could ask the question burning within me. "What did he look like?" he inquired, his eyes shining with excitement.

Lumina's gaze softened as she reminisced about the cosmic dragon. "He was truly a sight to behold," she began, her voice carrying a touch of reverence. "His form was magnificent, with shimmering violet scales that reflected the vast expanse of the cosmos. His wings spanned wide, bearing the ethereal patterns of constellations, and his eyes held a depth that seemed to hold the secrets of the universe itself."

Ynos and Sidus both leaned forward, eager to hear more, while I absorbed Lumina's description, attempting to visualize the cosmic dragon in my mind. Breta's eyes swept between me and the Goddess, but she remained silent.

Lumina continued, her voice tinged with a mixture of nostalgia and admiration. "He possessed a regal presence, commanding respect with each movement. His aura was infused with cosmic energy, radiant and vibrant. Though our encounter was brief, his impact on me and this realm remains."

"And-" I began to speak, but our conversation was abruptly interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps. Lumina's attention shifted, and she gracefully acknowledged the arrival of the deities.

"Ah, it seems like they have arrived," She said as they approached us, their expressions filled with reverence and respect, before humbly dropping to their knees in a show of deference.

Lumina's presence commanded their unwavering attention as she addressed them, her voice resonating with both authority and warmth. "Rise," she said, her voice carrying a gentle yet undeniable power. "These are our guests, who have come from afar to assist us."

The deities stood up, their eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and hesitation as they observed us. While most of them seemed genuinely interested in our presence, I couldn't help but notice Sidus's slightly disdainful expression. He maintained a stoic demeanor, attempting to conceal his true emotions, but I could sense his underlying dislike. His feelings were transparent to me.

Nonetheless, I remained composed, as the eldest, acknowledging the complexity of the situation. The arrival of these deities marked an important juncture in our mission, and it was essential to maintain a harmonious working relationship with them. I exchanged a brief glance with Sidus, silently conveying the need for cooperation and mutual respect.

Ynos's gaze, on the other hand, was filled with unconcealed curiosity. He studied them intently, seemingly assessing their strength and abilities, searching for potential worthy opponents. I could sense his eagerness to find someone who could challenge him, someone who could ignite the fire of battle within him.

However, it didn't take long for Ynos to shake his head in disappointment, his interest fading as swiftly as it had arisen. He seemed to find the gathered deities lacking in the qualities he sought, unable to capture his attention or ignite his competitive spirit.

I observed my little brother's reaction, understanding his desire for formidable opponents. With a subtle nod, I subtly conveyed to Ynos the need to remain focused on our mission, even if the immediate prospects of a thrilling battle seemed limited.

Breta's indifference towards the gathered deities, on the other hand, was palpable. Her eyes scanned them briefly, as if sizing them up, before she dismissed them entirely from her attention. Her stoic expression remained unchanged as if their presence held no significance to her.

The arrival of the nine minor deities signaled the formation of our teams. Lumina's intention became clear as I observed her assigning three of the newcomers to each of us. It seemed that Breta and I would be joined by three additional deities, making our team a total of five members.

My eyes inspected the three members, one female, one male, and the last one, an animal of sorts. The female possessed a delicate beauty that mirrored the fading light itself. Her silver-lilac hair cascaded like strands of spun dusk, while her serene twilight eyes reflect the hues of the setting sun. She was adorned in a diaphanous gown of lavender and dusky blues. The second member, exuded an aura of haughty grandeur through his imposing physical presence. Towering above others, his muscular form was chiseled with an air of self-importance, an embodiment of his inflated ego. With a mane of fiery red hair that billowed like unruly flames, his piercing, stormy eyes conveyed an unwavering sense of superiority.

Clad in regal robes of deep crimson and gold, he carried himself with an air of entitlement, striding with a commanding presence that demands attention. His arrogant countenance, was marked by a contemptuous sneer. Just looking at him already gave me a headache, since I was sure he would be a pain in the ass to deal with.

The last member, had an appearance close to that of a bird, with feathers as dark as midnight cascading down their lithe form, they possess an enigmatic allure. Their eyes were like pools of gleaming onyx. Adorned with intricate patterns that mimic constellations, their wings stretch wide, each feather poised for flight.

'So this is what I'll be dealing with.'

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