Chapter 321: Clean up

In a breathtaking display of agility, my grandfather's figure blurred as he traversed the space with unparalleled speed. His sights were set on a massive mass of writhing dark flesh and tendrils, adorned with an array of countless eyes. It desperately attempted to escape amidst the chaos of crumbling planet fragments and floating debris.

The intensity of the moment captivated my attention, as I marveled at his swift and decisive movement. It was a sight that showcased the pinnacle of his mastery and the unparalleled grace with which he moved.

In a blink of an eye, my grandfather closed the distance, descending upon the abomination with the force of a celestial body hurtling through space. His flames erupted in a brilliant display, engulfing his claws as he unleashed a devastating strike upon the monstrous entity. The countless eyes that adorned its form widened in sheer terror as the abomination desperately extended its tentacles, futilely attempting to shield itself from the impending onslaught.

My grandfather's lightning-fast assault left an indelible impression upon all who witnessed it. The abomination's multitude of tentacles shattered into a cloud of dark mist, but rather than succumbing to defeat, the creature seized the opportunity to retreat, using the force of the attack to push itself away. In a display of its resilience, additional appendages sprouted from its form, wielding massive fragments of earth as projectiles. With a calculated maneuver, it hurled these fragments toward my grandfather, hoping to ward off his relentless pursuit.

Grandfather emitted a cold snort of disdain, his scales blazing with intensified flames that disintegrated the incoming earth fragments before they could make contact. With a powerful flap of his massive wings, he swiftly closed the distance, effortlessly overtaking the abomination's large, twisted form composed of dark flesh, countless eyes, and writhing tentacles.

His accelerated pursuit showcased the immense speed and agility at his disposal, leaving no doubt as to his superiority in this encounter. The sight of his imposing figure chasing down the abomination heightened the intensity of the battle, evoking a sense of awe and anticipation inside of me.

The weakened monster futilely attempted to retaliate, but its feeble attacks proved no match for Grandfather's relentless pursuit. With each passing moment, its strength waned further, leaving it vulnerable and unable to effectively defend itself. Its desperate tentacle strikes were effortlessly dodged as Grandfather swiftly maneuvered past its flailing limbs.

Seizing the opportune moment, Grandfather's right claw sliced through the abomination, cleanly severing it in two. As the fiery flames of his mana engulfed the monster's divided form, its existence was swiftly consumed by the unrelenting assault of his flames. Within a matter of mere breaths, the abomination was reduced to ashes, erased from existence by the overwhelming power of my grandfather's fiery prowess.

As I watched everything unfold with bated breath, with a decisive and swift motion, Dralina suddenly broke free from the confines of the protective mana shield. As her majestic form emerged, her presence surged, radiating an intense aura that was difficult to behold directly. The sheer brilliance of her being commanded attention and held onlookers in awe.

Without hesitation, she swiftly redirected her focus towards an elusive dark figure, barely discernible amidst the chaotic aftermath. Like a streak of light, she darted in its direction, her determination evident in every movement. Though the target proved challenging to spot, to me, for the old dragoness it didn't seem like much of a challenge.

It was then that the commanding voice of the elder resonated within the minds of all present, cutting through the chaos and commanding attention. His authoritative tone left no room for doubt or hesitation as he issued a clear directive to the gathered dragons.

"Move out! And leave none alive!" The words echoed in our minds, rousing a sense of urgency and purpose. The call to action spurred us into swift motion, igniting our determination to eradicate every remaining threat. The directive was unequivocal - we were to exterminate all survivors.

With resolute determination, the elders were the first to take the lead. Following in their wake, a wave of dragons surged forward, their wings beating with purpose as they descended upon the remnants of the battlefield. Amidst the chaos, Breta's figure shone brightly, a deity among dragons. Yet, to my surprise, there were other deities as well, their divine forms joining the fray.

I turned to my siblings, with a swift exchange of glances, Sidus and I acknowledged our shared purpose. Sidus, driven by his fierce determination, wasted no time in dashing towards the battlefield, eager to be a part of the fight. However, as I turned my attention to Ynos, I sensed a hesitance in his stance. It was apparent that the weight of his previous defeat had impacted him far more deeply than I had anticipated.

I looked directly into Ynos's eyes, conveying my unwavering support. "Let's go, we'll wash away the shame with their blood and make them regret ever messing with you. You are not alone now!" I said.

It seemed like that was all he needed to hear as the aura around his body suddenly surged, and his eyes regained their usual liveliness. "Let's go, brother!" He suddenly said and shot forward following after Sidus, a hearty laugh escaped my mouth as I hurried behind.

The transformation in Ynos was remarkable, his spirits lifted and determination burning bright. With a renewed sense of purpose, he joined the fray, eager to make a stand alongside us. His words filled me with joy, and I quickly followed after him, feeling a surge of adrenaline as we charged into battle together.

With a thunderous clash, Sidus engaged in a fierce battle against the formidable behemoth. The monstrous creature, headless yet menacing, possessed a shadowy form that exuded an aura of darkness. Its presence alone caused me to frown. One arm, adorned with gigantic claws, bore eerie eyes at its fingertips, while the other arm was conspicuously absent, replaced by an unsettling mist that billowed out ominously.

Just as I was contemplating how to approach, with remarkable agility and strength, Ynos fearlessly charged towards the formidable behemoth, catching it off guard. While Sidus skillfully occupied the monster's attention with his agile maneuvers, Ynos seized the opportunity and launched himself headfirst, his horns serving as a formidable weapon. The impact of his powerful ramming attack caught the abomination off balance, sending it hurtling backward through the vast expanse of space until it collided with a colossal fragment of the shattered planet. A sense of surprise and amusement filled me as I realized I had momentarily forgotten about Ynos's impressive physical abilities.

'Forgot he could do that,' I inwardly chuckled.

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