Chapter 969: Chapter 969 a man’s battle wins over Wen Bin (5)

Translator: 549690339

“He probably experienced a life-and-death struggle in Paddy Valley village, so he became indifferent to life.”

Lin Chuchen looked at her and saw her smile.

Lu Man did not say anything more.

The car arrived at the Zhai’s building.

Lu man slowly brought Lin Chuchen and Zhang Cui into the hall and walked straight to Zhai an’s office.

Zhai an prepared a small conference room.

This meeting was to be a public meeting.

Hence, both parties appeared very serious.

Zhai an projected her own content and said, “At present, all the development of the Zhai’s Corporation is ready. Because the software development is being carried out by the newly established project team, there are some delays in the development of the software. As a result, the start of the software development is late for all of you. Fortunately, all the personnel have been confirmed. From today onwards, all of them will be involved in the development of the software. “This is a concept that I worked overtime yesterday to create for CEO Lu. Compared to the advantages of our previous version, the most prominent point is that it is in line with international standards. CEO Lu should know that the only drawback of our current domestic software is that its stability is not as good as foreign products. Therefore, when we were researching and developing it, we specially applied for a group of software majors from abroad. Their research and development of software is much bolder than we thought. Currently, they are getting used to it together with the professional team.”

Lu Man looked at Zhai an’s narration and the planning and planning of all his work.

In fact, it was much better than what she had imagined. Of course, it was not the completeness of the project proposal that exceeded her imagination. She knew that Zhai an had the ability to plan the project well, but she had always thought that.., the project was still in Zhai An’s personal plan and had not been implemented yet.

From the looks of it, Zhai an was ahead of her.

She was thinking too much and asked, “Did you choose all the people in the project team?”

“Yes,”Zhai an said. “It’s because of the selection of talents that I occasionally fly around the country and abroad, delaying the progress of the research and development. But since I have promised you, I will definitely do it.”

“Will there be any sudden changes?”

“At present, I am solely responsible for this project. Other people can not interfere. The people are also mine, so there shouldn’t be any major problems,”Zhai an said. “What you are worried about won’t happen for the time being.”

“Yes, I believe you,”Lu man said and returned to her serious work, “I feel that there are almost no problems with your plans and plans. I will clarify the needs of our side. First, we need an accurate time for your mobile phone research and development, including the success of the research and development, testing, release and use. I need to clarify each time point. At the same time, I hope that you can come to the Lu Corporation for a live demonstration as soon as possible.”

“Okay.”Zhai an nodded and gestured for the secretary beside her to make a record.

“Second, our Lu Corporation has provided a large amount of funds to do strategic cooperative development with you. I need a list of your expenses so that if you are short of money later on, our Lu Corporation can sponsor and support you immediately.”


“Thirdly, this project is related to the success or failure of our Lu Corporation in the mobile phone market. Because relying on your Zhai Corporation would be a little passive. However, I hope that you can convey to your board of directors that the press conference was held at the same time by our two companies. If our mobile phones can not be launched on time and your software can not be popularized, your market will be affected as well. In fact, you might even face the same crisis as our Lu Corporation. I hope they realize the seriousness of the situation.”

“I know.”Zhai an nodded.

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