Chapter 753: Chapter 753 the Battle of Conspiracy (6)

Translator: 549690339

Lin Chuchen left.

Lu man focused on her work.

At 5 pm.

Lu man called for a meeting of the marketing department, attended by the senior management of the marketing department and the Central Manager.

Lu Man said straightforwardly, “We don’t deny our achievements, nor do we need to be modest, but we can’t be too proud. “I know that everyone has worked hard, but the real battle is still to come. None of us can imagine when the next popular mobile phone will be produced, and which company will produce it. So, it’s best to seize the opportunity to do the current marketing well. “Director Wu, here is a copy of the quantity of goods that the secretary has just given to my agent. I hope that before you submit this kind of unrealistic goods to me, you can do a preliminary audit, and it should be approved according to the sales ability of the agent.”

“I just feel that...”Wu ran wanted to explain.

“I know what you’re planning,”Lu man said bluntly. She did not like to waste a lot of time in meetings, so the pace would be faster, “But the agent is our partner. We should be responsible for them, not to satisfy their current interests, but to make a long-term plan for them. “Just like how we treat our own employees, put some effort into it. Don’t just squeeze them, think about how to let them develop better. “This is a responsibility that we need to have as the top management.”

“It’s my fault for not thinking things through. I’ll take note of it next time,”Wu ran said seriously.

“Okay.”Lu man nodded slightly.

In business, there was no need to care too much about feelings. As long as people who knew her well, they would know that she did not take things personally.

“I’ve made an adjustment to the distribution table. Director Wu, you will produce and distribute according to this amount. “At the same time, assistant Lin, I hope that you will continue to do further marketing expansion on this project. Continue to tap our target users and increase the sales force once again. “In addition, there is also a very important thing that I want to remind the sales department. The more mobile phones sold, the higher the repair rate will be. In our early development, the rear sales department must do the post-sale work with the best service attitude, can not leave the slightest bit of bad reputation by people. For the current batch of users, in less than three months of use, if it is because of our own problems, do a good job of registration, directly change the user, and can not let the user wait. “I will follow one of your inventory levels to ensure that you have a new supply of machines at the back of the sales department at any time.”

“Yes,”the director of the sales department immediately agreed.

“I won’t elaborate on the other repetitive tasks. Everyone has their own responsibilities. Meeting adjourned,”Lu man man was extremely domineering.

She left the meeting room first.

She finished her work.

She returned to her office.

This time, she did not sit on the chair in her office. Instead, she sat on the sofa in her office, as if she was adjusting her tense emotions.

Lu Man quietly rested for a while and looked at the time.

It was rare for her to get off work on time today.

She got up and was about to leave when Zhang Cui hurriedly pushed the door open. “CEO Lu, I just received news from director Wu that there is a problem with the production.”

“What problems?”Lu Man Man’s eyebrows suddenly tightened.

“I’m not sure about the details. It seems to be a problem with the parts,”Zhang Cui quickly answered.

Lu Man Man’s eyes narrowed. She opened the office door and went downstairs to the director’s Office of Group B of the marketing department.

In the office.

Wu ran was on the phone all the time. He looked very anxious.

Lu Man waited for a while before Wu ran hung up the phone and turned to look at Lu Man Man. He was a little surprised and controlled his emotions. “CEO Lu.”

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