Chapter 639: Chapter 639. Ever since she got married, she had never thought about divorce (9)

Translator: 549690339

Lu Man made comments one by one. For some projects that were not too important or difficult, she would not interfere. Sometimes, she could not have too much power and could not be too arbitrary. Otherwise, it would cause disharmony in the team.

She raised her eyes and looked at the report of Group A of the marketing department, Zhang Xiande’s report, “Currently, we are working with the General Department to organize the Crane Group. We are also discussing with the CEO of Crane Group, Yan Crane, about retaining the original mid-and high-end users of crane, and then promoting the retention of the entire LU group’s users. At the same time, we are also waiting for the marketing department’s Group B’s new mobile phone research and development to go on sale to increase our brand competitiveness.”

Lu Man looked at him and asked, “How is the overall situation of the Crane Group Now? How much market share is there? How is the new share?”

“It’s stabilizing. The market share is still around 15% , and the new share is around 20% .”. “The stock market of the crane group has also stabilized. Last month’s revenue accounted for about 8% of the total revenue of Group A in the market.”

Lu man nodded slightly. “The crane group is a piece of fat meat. It can be considered a loophole in our market. After the reorganization, we will comb through the base station of the crane group and increase the investment to create the brand effect.”

“Yes.”Zhang Xiande nodded, showing great respect.

Lu Man’s eyes moved slightly. Her gaze landed on Lin Chuchen, who was sitting next to Zhang Xiande, “Director Lin, this is your first day in the company. Let me introduce myself to everyone. Although there are different departments, most of them work separately.”

“Yes.”Lin Chuchen stood up from his seat. He was not nervous and appeared very steady, “Hello, everyone. I Am the new employee, Lin Chuchen. It is my honor to be able to join the LU group and become the assistant to the marketing director of Group A of the marketing department. “I’m from Nancheng. I’m 30 years old this year. I just came back from abroad. Basically, I don’t have many friends in Wencheng, and I don’t like to make friends. I’m a typical workaholic.”. “I hope that everyone can give me more advice in the future.”


Lu Man looked at his appearance.

He was not handsome, but he was definitely not ugly. His temperament was not bad, and his figure was very good.

“Then does Lin have a girlfriend?”A high-level director joked.

“Not yet,”Lin Chuchen said straightforwardly.

“Lin is 30 years old, young and promising. If you don’t have a girlfriend, wouldn’t it be a waste of such a good time?”The high-level director continued to tease.

“In my life plan, work will always be number one. As for my personal problems, I always think that it’s best to let nature take its course.”

Lu man sized up Lin Chuchen just like that, without batting an eyelid.

“No Wonder, at such a young age, I heard that you’ve made a name for yourself overseas. In the future, everyone will have to help each other.”

“Yes, of course.”Lin Chuchen’s attitude was friendly. His words and actions were still neither humble nor humble.

Lu Man snapped back to her senses and ended the topic, “Since everyone is in the Lu Corporation, and they are all the top management of the Lu Corporation, we will be a team in the future. There’s nothing wrong with helping each other.”. “If there’s anything you don’t understand in the future, you can look for me directly. I wish you all the best in your work in the Lu Corporation.”

“Thank you, President Lu.”

“Please take a seat.”Lu Man asked him to sit down.

Lin Chuchen returned to his seat.

Lu man turned her eyes and looked at the simple summary in her notebook, “Today’s meeting is over. From now on, we will have a weekly meeting like this every two weeks. It will only take one morning. “In a while, the senior management will report to my secretary what I just mentioned in the meeting. Thank you. Meeting adjourned.”

After saying that, Lu Man left the office first.

Her way of doing things was simple and efficient. She was never sloppy. The things that she had set her mind on were done in one go.

Lin Chuchen looked at Lu Man Man’s back.

This woman was just as the rumors said. She had extraordinary abilities.

He had originally thought that there was a lot of hype involved.

The corner of his mouth curled into a smile.

His smile was blurry.

Lu Man returned to the office and sorted out some of her marketing plans.

The Secretariat would give her a complete report on the other meeting minutes.

She had always been immersed in her work and sometimes it was easy for her to forget many things. When she came back to her senses, she remembered that Lu Yanran had said that she was waiting for her.

It had been five hours since Lu Yanran had called her.

She pursed her lips and picked up her phone. She looked at an unread message and replied, “Are you still there?”

“Yes,”the other side replied quickly.

Lu Man pursed her lips, stood up and walked out of the office.

She walked to the secretary’s office and said, “I’ll be out for a while. I’ll keep the documents that I’ve organized on paper on my desk. If anyone else is looking for me, give me a call.”


Lu Man walked out of the company and went straight to the coffee shop across the street. She followed the address and found the private room. She pushed the door open and entered.

Lu Yanran sat on the sofa in the private room, a glass of water was placed in front of her.

When she saw Lu Man Man appear, she also stood up.

Lu Man Man looked at her appearance. Even though she had put on light makeup, she was still haggard to an indescribable extent.

She looked very cold.

Sometimes, she really couldn’t live with herself.

She couldn’t sympathize with her either.

She said straightforwardly, “What’s the matter? Tell me.”

Lu Yanran looked at her. She had never been so jealous of a woman.

But at that moment, she was jealous of her, of everything!

She said, “Do you know whose child my child is?”

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