Chapter 1671: Chapter 1671 changing the country is already a foregone conclusion (4)

Translator: 549690339

Gu Zhengying really felt that his life would be ruined by Gu Xin. It would be a mess and the people would not be able to make a living!


Mo Xiuyuan Villa.

After dinner, Lu Man sent her parents away.

The whole night was filled with their nagging and concern.

Sometimes, Lu Man also felt that she should not be so unfilial and should not always let herself be in danger. Her life was nothing to some people, but to some people, it was really important.

After sending her parents away, she walked to the bedroom.

The child would be more noisy at night, and it was the same tonight.

She lay on the bed and touched her stomach.

Feeling her touch, the child inside moved even more obviously.

Lu Man smiled.

She felt an indescribable feeling in her heart, just like that, she felt the miracle of life.

After lying down for a while, she got up to take a shower and was ready to fall asleep.

Falling asleep was actually very slow.

After many people had experienced many things, there would always be some psychological shadows left in their minds, lingering. It would probably take a very long time, a very long time, for her to forget.

Gradually, she fell asleep in the end.

After falling asleep, she felt an embrace, hugged her, and hugged her all night.

When she opened her eyes the next day, she realized that there was no one else on the big bed except for her.

Was she hallucinating? !

She smiled and got up from the bed and went downstairs.

Downstairs, Moli was watching TV. She was probably so bored that she was going crazy.

Wang Zhong was still going in and out, happily preparing breakfast. When he saw Lu man get up, he hurriedly called out, “Mrs. Mo. .”

“Are there only the three of us in the house?”

“Didn’t you see the 50 bodyguards my brother prepared for you?”Mo Li rolled her eyes. “I really don’t know what my brother is thinking. So many people are wandering around him, making him feel like he doesn’t have any privacy at all.”

Lu Man Man didn’t listen to Mo Li’s mumbling and only looked at Wang Zhong.

Wang Zhong nodded. “Well, besides the people outside, there are only the three of us. Does Mrs. Mo have any orders?”

“No.”Lu Man Man shook her head.

It was just a dream.

“Then come over and have breakfast,”Wang Zhong said respectfully.

“Okay.”Lu Man walked over.

Mo Li also walked over.

The two of them sat at the dining table. It was obvious that Wang Zhong was taking care of Lu Man Man.

Mo Li was unhappy. “Wang Zhong, who is your wife? !”

Wang Zhong’s face trembled.

“Come over here and stand next to me,”Moli instructed.

Wang Zhong looked at Lu Man Man.

Lu man man looked at Moli. “You and Wang Zhong should move out.”

“What?”Moli widened her eyes.

Wang Zhong was also dumbfounded. “Mrs. Mo, did I do something wrong?”

“Nothing, I was just saying.”

“You’re threatening me, aren’t you, Lu Man Man? Let me tell you, it’s useless to scare me. You Don’t have the final say in this family!”Moli said fiercely. “My Brother is the head of the family!”

“Then we’ll talk about it when your brother comes back.”Lu Man Man put down her knife and fork, stood up and left.

Moli looked at Lu Man Man’s back and turned back to look at Wang Zhong. She couldn’t help but mutter, “I didn’t feel that I was so weak in the past. This time, Lu Man Man has gone crazy. It’s no longer interesting to argue with her.”

Was arguing an interesting thing? !

Wang Zhong really did not understand what was going on in Moli’s little head!

Lu Man Man returned to the sofa, turned on the television and watched some entertainment programs.

Just as she was killing time, her phone rang.

She looked at the caller ID and answered, “Gu Xin.”

“Man Man, something big has happened!”The person on the other end of the line shouted.

Lu man man rubbed her ears.

Usually, if something big had really happened, Gu Xin would not call her that.

“SIGH, am I too excited? Did I scare my goddaughter?”Gu Xin mumbled.

“No, just tell me if you have anything.”

“You probably didn’t go online and see the video, right? Right now, all the websites in northern Xia country have gone crazy. You can find any video website and see a short video. It’s very popular now!”

“What’s the content?”Lu Man Man frowned.

“You should also know that before the Qin family became the commander-in-chief, it was actually the Mo family’s world.”. “Back then, when I heard that the Qin family became the commander-in-chief, it was a little illogical. I don’t know if someone intentionally made a video and restored all the speculations that were circulating among the people back then. Hurry up and take a look. Maybe it will be deleted soon!”

“Okay.”Lu man hung up the phone.

She quickly used her phone to go to a video website and clicked on the time that had the highest click-through rate so far.

The first scene was a large grassland with a pack of wolves living in harmony.

Among the wolves, there was their own king and their own community, living in peace.

The scene changed.

A group of hunters came from all directions and killed all the wolves on the grassland with knives and spears. After killing them, a flag of “Qin”was erected on the grassland. From then on, the Wolf clan was exterminated, the humans occupied their territory.


Another scene.

A Lone Wolf walked alone in an unfamiliar place. It was covered in blood. It endured the sadness and survived.

Later, it met another wolf and gave birth to a wolf child.

As the wolf child grew up, the hunters found their tracks and began to hunt them down.

They continued to hunt them down, generation after generation, hunting down the remaining descendants.

The final scene was fixed on the hunter holding an arrow bow as he prepared to assassinate the last wolf. The dark green eyes of the wolf reflected the sharp arrow, getting closer and closer to him!


There was only a two-minute video.

But it expressed everything.

Qin represented the current ruler of the Qin family.

Wolf. It represented the former ruler of the Mo family.

Rumor had it that only the Mo family had dark green eyes. The meaning of the last close-up was very clear.

Lu Man Man looked down at the comment section.

This video, only those who had a little common sense knew that it was exposing everything about the Qin family. Therefore, there were actually very few comments. Many people didn’t dare to act rashly, but the click rate of the video was already shocking.

And this action was nothing more than..

Everything was already set in stone.

It was just warming up ahead of time.

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