Chapter 94: A Prosperous Business

Time passed by very quickly, and in a flash, March had arrived.

The skies were very clear during March, and everything has regrowing. Some hardworking families were starting to pick out the best crops to sow. For example, Mother Ji, as early as a few days ago, had plowed through a part of the fields and sowed peanuts.

It was more or less the same for the other people in the village to start becoming busy. They had been resting for the winter, and it was almost time to exercise their muscles.

During this period of time, the Lao Ji family had made another big move.

It was none other than how the Ji family bought a vehicle.

It was not very big, just a rickshaw 1 to pull goods. It made the villagers gossip about it. How could they have the money for this rickshaw?!

The villagers were envious. They were really seeing the Lao Ji Family make their fortune.

It seemed like since Ji Jianyun's wife was possessed by the Great Fox Immortal, their family began to flourish, right?

They had set up everything for the orchard: surrounding it with a barrier, as well as raising sheep, running a chicken farm. Moreover, they installed two large items at home: a washing machine and a refrigerator.

Just look, all these things were great.

Now everyone in the village was talking about Father Ji and Mother Ji.

They are all saying, Oh, the Ji family? They had really good luck. Look at how they lived their life, Father Ji and Mother Ji looked younger than before. And look at their figure, they were also a lot healthier.

In addition, it is said that every few days they would buy meat like ribs and pig bones. They ate extremely well.

Now that they had bought a rickshaw, what were they doing?

When Su Jindang went into town using the rickshaw to carry the chicken, everyone was even more amazed.

They all wondered, Could this be the chickens behind the gates? How long have they raised them? However, if the days were calculated, then the chickens were almost ready for slaughter.

But once they saw how the grown chickens looked and heard that there was going to be a shop in town to sell the chickens, everyone could only be envious.

Within a chicken cage, there were four or five chickens. Using the rickshaw, how many chicken cages could be placed on it? Wouldn’t they be making a lot of money?

You know, life is getting better and better now. The people in the town were getting richer since many of them could travel to the county by bike to work.

The wages were increasing and everyone's life was getting better. They didn’t need to use vouchers to buy things like in the past. If you had money, then you could just buy it.

Thus, many families in the town could afford to buy a chicken and stew it for nourishment.

Currently, the villagers would save some eggs to sell in the town, which sold faster than before and could be sold at a better price.

But they were doing it at a small scale. How long did it take to go to the town to sell the eggs? And they were reluctant to sell the chickens at home because they had to be saved to lay eggs.

The Lao Ji family was scaling this business to be bigger.

Although the villagers held very naive thoughts, there were many people who went on to do business at this time. It wasn’t to the extent of the Lao Ji family, but the market was very big so they were able to sell things easily.

A large part of that was because everyone’s wages went up last year, so their spending power went up too.

There weren't that many chicken sellers in town like the Lao Ji family. Chickens were being caught and sold by individual families of the surrounding villages.

A chicken shop opening up was new to everyone.

Before the shop opened, Su Danhong had asked Ji Hongjun and Xu Aidang for help to see if they wanted to kill chickens.

Su Danhong had made the right arrangements. Business during the first three days was really hot. Second Su sister-in-law had already moved into the town with Su Jindang. When the shop opened, second Su sister-in-law helped collect money and boil water. Su Jindang, Xu Aidang, and Ji Hongjun were responsible for killing chickens and plucking feathers. Even if the four of them worked together, they were so busy since everyone was rushing to have chickens.

After the first three days of great business, the later days slowly stabilized. Business was still very good though.

Ji Jianyun had promised to pay Su Jindang 20 yuan a month. He thought they would not sell much, but they actually sold more than 200 yuan worth of chickens in the past three days!

This was almost more than other people's salary for a whole year.

Su Jindang and second Su sister-in-law worked very hard and remembered each bill clearly.

When business stabilized, Su Jindang would take the rickshaw to the village in the evening to catch the chickens and sell them the next day. He would also give the money to his sister.

Su Danhong was very happy when the money came. She paid for the rickshaw, but it was a lot of money. She spent all the money she had earned selling a piece of embroidery.

It could be said that she really didn’t have a lot of money on hand. At the end of the year, she was going to ask Ji Jianyun to buy a big truck that could deliver large quantities of fruit!

That kind of vehicle was about two or three thousand yuan, which was almost the same price as a house.

The money was not going to be easy to save. She was not going to use the money from her embroidery. She wanted to use the money earned from the chickens and other savings to buy it.

This time the total was more than 240 yuan. Su Danhong gave back a little for gas money and asked her second brother to continue to do a good job.

Su Jindang stopped being formal to her. He took the money and drove up the mountain to catch chickens.

He has seen others drive this rickshaw before. In this era where riding a bicycle was prestigious, he was driving a rickshaw. You could imagine how happy he was these days.

After catching the chickens, he drove back to town.

As soon as he came back, second Su sister-in-law said with a smile, “Just now a regular customer came over to order a chicken. Go kill it first and put it in the well later. He can come and get it first thing in the morning.”

A chicken was about three yuan, which was easy to earn.

“Okay.” Su Jindang parked the vehicle in the yard and said, “Mother said we should save our money for the future.”

“Okay.” The smile on second Su sister-in-law's face only showed how happy she was.

In the future, she could manage the money herself. She didn’t need to live under the same room with her eldest sister-in-law.

Seeing that she was so happy, Su Jindang was also happy to kill the chicken and put it in the well water. Early the next morning, the customer came and took the chicken. As for the money, it was paid when the order was made yesterday.

As soon as he left, Su Jindang commented, “This man is rich. I think he comes here every day.”

“Didn’t he come to make an order last night? I asked him and his wife just gave birth to a big chubby boy a few days ago, and now it's time to give him milk. His wife ate stew with our chicken and said she produced a lot of milk. His son is growing well. So maybe that’s why he came again?” Second Su sister-in-law said with a smile.

He was also a worker in the county. He came early in the morning to take the chicken back to turn it into stew for his wife to eat. Afterwards, he was going to rush to work.

“Our chicken is really good, and there was nothing wrong with what we have sold,” Su Jindang acknowledged.

Furthermore, many people came to ask if they had any eggs.

But they didn’t have eggs at the moment. It was going to take a while.


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