Chapter 58: Su Danhong’s Mother

PR: Jae

How could Ji Jianyun understand?

But when he heard what his wife said, he simply smiled. He knew that his wife had some secrets. However, she didn't say, and he didn't ask. They both understood each other wordlessly.

Moreover, when it came to relationships between husband and wife, there was no need to reveal everything as long as they took each step together as a family.

“Are you raising me like an animal?” Ji Jianyun asked her.

Su Danhong gave him an angry stare. “If I were really raising you like an animal, then I wouldn’t treat you this well. You eat well and sleep well. You are also the baby’s father. Don’t you agree?”

Ji Jianyun’s heart melted when she called him “the baby’s father”.

He couldn’t hold himself back and kissed her twice. Su Danhong blushed from the fact that he always showered her with affection in broad daylight. She continued to give him an angry stare before ignoring him.

Ji Jianyun started inspecting their house. Now that it was getting colder, he needed to make some repairs. The firewood room at the back of the yard was also filled to the brim with firewood. They definitely had enough to last the winter.

More importantly, they had electricity now. It was installed half a month ago and made everything more convenient.

Because Su Danhong was about to give birth, Ji Jianyun did not dare let his wife overwork herself. He rushed to do all the work at home. Every time he saw how she wanted to go to the kitchen with her big belly, he felt scared.

His nervous behavior made Su Danhong upset.

“Honey, let’s go visit my Mother’s place,” Ji Jianyun said when he saw how bored she was.

“Okay.” Su Danhong nodded. It was really boring to stay at home. In fact, if Ji Jianyun wasn’t watching over her so closely and wasn’t so afraid of her being tired, she would have wanted to go back to her mother's house a lot sooner.

Not long ago, second Su sister-in-law had become pregnant and was now about three or four months along. This was good news, but according to Su Danhong’s mother, second Su sister-in-law didn’t need any supplements. Su Danhong thought about it and was going to ask Ji Jianyun to deliver some things over.

When they went over to the Lao Ji family, Mother Ji was chopping up chicken food. The best food to feed the chickens was diced small fish boiled with vegetables.

Also, the hens in the family laid eggs diligently because of Mother Ji's meticulous care. During this time, they had collected a lot of eggs.

They were stored for Su Danhong. Otherwise, Mother Ji would be unwilling to kill a hen during her confinement.

“Get a stool for Danhong to sit on.”

Mother Ji was very happy to see them coming, and quickly ordered her son around.

Ji Jianyun was about to get a stool, but Su Danhong stopped him . “I’m not going to sit, I’ll just stand. My muscles are getting soft from sitting all day.”

“That is reasonable,” Mother Ji nodded and said. “Now that you are about to give birth, it is better to move around more so it will be easier to give birth. When I was younger and about to give birth, I still had to earn 10 work points in the field the day before. There was endless work to do all day, so how could giving birth be considered a big deal? It's like laying an egg. It'll be over in a minute.”

Su Danhong was slightly shocked.

Ji Jianyun said, “Mother, this is still Danhong’s first child.”

“The more children you have, the more you need to move around. It will make it easier if you want to give birth to more children later. But there are family planning restrictions now. You will need to pay the penalty if you want to have more than one child. Giving birth to one child is good enough,” Mother Ji said.

Fines could be very high. Take a look at Lao Er’s family. The eldest child was a daughter and then they risked it for the second child. They wanted to have a son, but they still got another daughter. They were fined a lot and it was paid for by their parents.

“We'll talk about this later after the first child.” Ji Jianyun looked at his wife with a smile. He knew his wife wanted to have more children. She had even prepared homes for their wedding gifts.

Su Danhong glanced at him and said, “Go and scoop up some water for me. I’m going to feed the chickens.”

Ji Jianyun scooped half a ladle of water for her. Su Danhong took it and went to the chicken coop. When the water was poured down, she added the spiritual spring water. The hens seemed to have smelled it and walked over, one after another, to drink the water.

On the other side, Ji Jianyun was talking to Mother Ji. They were discussing disposable diapers. The last time Ji Jianyun went to the college town to buy the apartments, he saw some but because it was still two months away from the due date, he didn't buy them. He was afraid that they would go bad. That’s why he was preparing to go buy them before the baby was born. He was going to buy them right when they needed them.

Thus, he wanted to ask his mother to watch over his wife for the day.

Mother Ji refused the idea without even thinking about it. She angrily said to him, “Why do you need so many things? Which baby in our village has used disposable diapers? Not to mention the cost of going on this trip, those things are still very expensive. You have a washing machine, so what’s the problem with washing some diapers? Stop giving me this nonsense, you'll burn through too much money!”

Ji Jianyun did not expect his idea to be rejected and to be criticized all over. He had no choice but to drop the subject.

But when Su Danhong heard this, she gave him a look.

Ji Jianyun just stopped talking before it went too far.

The couple spent a lot of time with Mother Ji before they went back.

When they got home, Su Danhong said, “Jianyun, go to the town and buy it. Also, buy some more malted milk and those other things. I'm afraid there won't be enough for our child to eat.”

“If I go to the college town, then wouldn’t you be home alone?” Ji Jianyun frowned and disagreed with the suggestion.

“Then can you ask Aunt Yang to come and accompany me. Just ask her and see if she has anything she needs to buy. You can buy it for her, and you will feel better knowing that Aunt Yang is here. Also, it is just for one day, and you’ll be back the same day you left,” Su Danhong said.

Ji Jianyun went to find Aunt Yang and she agreed without another word. She had nothing to buy, and Jianyun was going to buy diapers and malted milk, so why would she add to that?

"Jianyun, just go. Don't worry about your home. Aunt Yang will watch over things for you,” Aunt Yang said and smiled.

Ji Jianyun was comfortable with this plan.

When Aunt Yang came over, Su Danhong had prepared a basket with some food in it and said, "Jianyun, it’s not convenient for me with my pregnancy, so please give this to my mother for me and ask her to make some delicious food for my second sister-in-law.”

“Okay.” Ji Jianyun brought the basket to the Lao Su family.

Mother Su welcomed the arrival of her son-in-law. Even though he had retired from the unit, he was a tall and upright son-in-law. He treated her daughter well and was filial. How could Mother Su not like him?

“Mother, this is what Danhong asked me to bring as filial piety for you. There are two jin of meat. She said it was for her sister-in-law’s little baby to supplement her body.” Ji Jianyun gave her the basket and smiled.

“Danhong gave us so many things, so how can her sister-in-law at home not get some?” Mother Su smiled and took it. She saw that there was not only two jin of pork belly, but also a few jin of white sugar. These were all good things. Mother Su said, “Take back the white sugar. Danhong will be giving birth soon. Take it back and give it to her to use.”

“We have a lot at home. We have both brown and white sugar. Mother, you can just keep it. Where's my second brother? Did he go out to work again?” Ji Jianyun asked.

The second brother he was referring to was Su Danhong’s second eldest brother.

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