Rebirth to the Eighties to Get Rich

Chapter 244: Taller Makes Me Feel Safer

Chapter 244: Taller Makes Me Feel Safer

Mother Ji could understand Aunt Lis reluctance to have more contact with her.

She thought back to when Danhong was still immature. Wasnt she unwilling to associate with Mother Su?

Why would they want to have a relationship with each other? Naturally, she had to hold back. If she tried to get close, it would make things difficult. But if she didnt get close, and if her daughter offended her, then she would most likely never want a relationship!

They were all mothers-in-law. Didn't she have the same thoughts at the beginning?

But what else could Mother Ji say about this situation? She had done everything she was supposed to do, and if her daughter failed to live up to expectations, then she had nothing to do with her. She was already married, so she naturally left things to Li Zhi as the son-in-law.

After not seeing each other for a while, Li Zhi has lost a lot of weight. This was someone else's son, but when his mother-in-law saw him, how could she not feel for him?

Besides being a biological mother, if her son worked to earn money to support the family and her daughter-in-law took care of him like this when she was free at home, then she would not agree to it.

Li Zhi comforted her, Mother, don't worry, I'm fine. I've been through this before.

Mother Ji wanted him to stay for lunch. The lunch was very rich and she made him eat a lot. Li Zhi was really happy with the meal.

Although his wife was indeed ignorant and a little too arrogant, she was still his wife. Because of the way his mother-in-law treated him, he should be more patient with his wife.

Li Zhi didn't leave until three o'clock in the afternoon. During this time, Su Danhong was stewing another pot of soup. It was fish head and tofu soup. Li Zhi drank the thick white fish head and tofu soup to his heart's content.

Of course, it wasnt only Li Zhi drinking it. Father Ji, Mother Ji, Yan'er, and Renren all drank it.

When he went back, Mother Ji brought him a basket of strawberries and nothing else.

As for Su Danhong, she didn't say anything. She felt that he was a rare and good man who could take care of both the home and outside matters. Now that they were relatives, if he came, she wouldn't be stingy with him.

For example, the fish head soup in the afternoon was specially made by her. This was because Li Zhi had gone up the mountain, and he came with a bag of white rabbit candy and said it was for Renren and Qiqi.

Li Zhi knew how to be polite. Thus, she returned the favor and was polite back.

But if he asked for a lot of things to bring back, it would be impossible. Even if there were extra dried dates at home, she would not take out any of them.

After taking it back, she didnt have to think to know whose stomach it would go into. She was not that stingy though. It was fine giving Ji Yunyun something to eat, even if it wasnt much.

Su Danhong cooked the fish head soup, and added refreshing ingredients like red dates and wolfberry. It was nourishing and delicious. She just let Li Zhi drink it and go back, and didnt do anything else.

Her mother-in-law wanted to give him more things at the end. However, she was embarrassed to take them out while Su Danhong was there, so she pretended not to see it.

If Su Danhong was not here, wouldnt Li Zhi be able to carry another basket of eggs back? But if she was there, then there would be none to take.

Mother, I'm going to make wonton tonight. Will you and father eat it? Su Danhong asked.

We will, Mother Ji said.

Okay, we'll have wontons tonight. When it's done, I'll ask Jianyun to bring it up, Su Danhong said.

Okay. Mother Ji smiled and nodded.

Although its a bit regretful that her daughter-in-law didnt speak up just now, could she blame her?

In the past, Lao Das wife, Lao Ers wife, and Lao Sis wife were not good with her. In recent years, they have all become more sensible, so Lao Sans wife was not stingy with her sisters-in-law.

For example, last year, when Lao Si came back, she gave him a big bag of dried dates to take to Jiangshui City. He could put some in when he made soup or whatever. It was very nourishing.

Lao Da and Lao Ers wives have been filial in recent years, so Lao Sans wife was very kind to them and took care of Xiaodong, as well as Xiaozhen and Xiaoyu. From time to time, they would come over to eat with their third aunt. How could she not care for them?

Of course she did, and every meal was praised by the little ones.

At this time, the strawberries were ripe, and it was often available. Su Danhong also asked her second brother to send a box of strawberries to Ji Jianwen and Yun Lili over in Jiangshui City. One box weighed ten kilograms.

That was for them to eat by themselves, or give them a reason to have a better relationship. Yun Lili even called back to talk to her third sister-in-law for a long time.

The relationship was much better now than before.

Mother Ji has also noticed over the years that Lao Sana wife was easier to talk to. As long as people treated her well, she would not be stingy. Lao Da, Lao Er, and Lao Sis children were all perfect examples of this.

But if she gave out her kindness and it wasn't returned once or twice, then don't think about it happening a third time.

And what did Mother Jis daughter do? She repeatedly took Su Danhongs kindness for granted and did not return it. Whenever she got the opportunity, she slandered her and said something bad about her. Ji Yunyun was a white-eyed wolf.

Thats why now, her daughter couldnt get anything from her.

Mother Ji knew this, but could she blame Lao Sans wife? If she was in Su Danhongs position, she would treat her sister-in-law the same way.

Moreover, Lao Sans wife was truly filial to Mother Su.

They had wontons in the evening, and the whole family was very content with the meal. The wontons were thin-skinned and filled well. Su Danhong seasoned the meat, so it was extremely tasty.

After finishing the wontons, Qiqi shouted that he wanted to eat toffee. Ji Jianyun said, I'll give you one tomorrow. I can't do it now. Youre about to go to bed and will get cavities. Do you want to become a toothless old man?

Qiqi immediately stopped shouting. He saw some old people with no teeth in the village.

Two candies tomorrow! He made a condition.

Okay. Ji Jianyun nodded.

Qiqi was happy with it. He stopped making trouble, and went over to draw with his brother and sister.

Li Zhi is having a hard time. After Ji Jianyun had eaten and drank enough, he laid on the couch that his wife had bought and he breathed out a sigh of relief.

As a big man who was pretty much 1.9 meters, the good couch was pressed down heavily. His two long legs with thick hair were still exposed.

He felt extremely happy. His wife didn't have anything special besides making him three meals a day, but she kept him really fat and strong.

He was 1.9 meters tall. He weighed himself yesterday and weighed almost 160 pounds. He felt like he was neither fat nor thin, and was just right.

The reason why he looked so good was because of no one else besides his wife.

But then he asked, Wife, I didn't seem to be this tall before?

When he was a soldier, he was still about 1.85 meters tall. In the past two or three years, he grew by almost 5 centimeters, which meant he had nearly reached 1.9 meters!

Taller is better. Taller makes me feel safer, Su Danhong said truthfully.

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