Rebirth to the Eighties to Get Rich

Chapter 159: Ten Times the Penalty for Exceeding the Birth Limit

Chapter 159: Ten Times the Penalty for Exceeding the Birth Limit

Sister Hong, youre here? Su Danhong asked. If I knew you were here, I would have brought some embroidery pieces from home.

Zhen Miaohong also didnt expect her to come over today. She smiled and welcomed the mother and son in. She said, I just came back yesterday. I was planning to unpack my things, then go to see Renren and get some strawberries. I heard Xiao Cui say that the strawberries you brought over last time were delicious, but I didnt get a chance to eat them.

That happened? If youre not busy, you can come over and eat lunch this afternoon. Ill ask Jianyun to send you back, Su Danhong said with a smile.

Thank you, its hard to cook for one person, Zhen Miaohong said.

After handing over the shop to Xiao Cui to manage, Zhen Miaohong and Su Danhong headed back. On the way, they talked about why she came to town today.

Su Danhong laughed and said, Jianyun has taken over the contract of his uncles mountain nearby.

Is that the mountain you showed me last time? It did not look very good. Can those fruit trees be planted? Zhen Miaohong said.

She had been there, and Su Danhong had shown her around her. At that time, she said that the soil was not good.

Although Zhen Miaohong didnt farm, she knew a few things about it.

It couldnt grow anything, so it was transferred to Jianyun, Su Danhong said.

Zhen Miaohong frowned and said, Why would Jianyun agree to it even if it was his uncles? The mountain is not good. Cant his children take it? Even if it doesnt cost much, its unnecessary, right?

Giving it to others would never make the mountain successful, but it might happen under Jianyun, Su Danhong explained.

Zhen Miaohong still disagreed. The main issue was about the land, not the management.

It doesnt matter what happens, the fruit trees over there are almost done being planted. We are building another chicken shed and planning to raise more chickens, Su Danhong said.

Youre raising more? Are you going to sell them? Zhen Miaohong asked.

She had visited Su Danhongs orchard before. There was already a chicken shed and hundreds of chickens being raised. She heard that during the winter last year, another chicken shed was built and another batch was raised. It was a lot.

There was Su Jindangs shop in the town, which couldnt sell all the eggs. Besides, she had heard about how those chickens in the mountains could really lay eggs. She also heard that they could lay that much because the food was good. There are basically one egg in a day. For some growing hens, it was two eggs in a day.

With so many eggs, where could they sell it all?

Thats why Jianyun went to the college town to set up a shop there yesterday. Today I went to find sister He and asked her to pack her things up with brother Sun and go to the college town to manage the shop for me, Su Danhong said with a smile.

When Zhen Miaohong heard this, she ocmpletely understood and said with a smile, Thats great for you too! So secretive to open up a shop in the college town!

How can we compare to you? Su Danhong asked. ** x. **

Zhen Miaohong chicked. In the past few years, she has made a lot of money. It could be said that her earning was dozens of times higher than her husband.

Danhong, I have some inside scoop. Our province is going to develop greatly. If you and Jianyun have more than enough money at home, then just buy the shop and do a long term business. Dont rent it to others. Dont talk about any problems. The price will continue to go up, Zhen Miaohong said.

We already bought it. Su Danhong nodded.

Thats good. Zhen Miaohong didnt ask how much she bought it for. Anyway, in the college town, the lowest amount would be 4,000 and the highest was 5,000. She knew it had to be in this range.

They went to Su Danhongs home as they cheerfully talked.

Your hands are like magic. These chrysanthemums are also growing very well. Zhen Miaohong had seen the chrysanthemums in the yard as soon as she entered. The flowers were randomly placed. It had been growing very well. Anyone could see how it was thriving.

Su Danhong smiled and said, If you like it, I will give you two pots to take care of. I will definitely give you the best flowers before the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Then I will accept your offer, I want these two pots. Although Zhen Miaohong knows that these chrysanthemums were grown to sell later, she also understood what Su Danhong and Ji Jianyun were like.

Apart from the flowers, the price of those apartments had risen a lot now. The total of the three apartments had already exceeded 10,000 yuan.

There were only a few households with 10,000 yuan to their name.

Besides that, they were buying a shop. Even if Zhen Miaohong didnt know the exact details, the couples financial situation was good.

Thats why she didnt treat Su Danhong politely like she was a stranger. These two pots of chrysanthemums fit her taste. Out of the dozens of flowerpots, she saw these two pots as soon as she had entered.

Su Danhong smiled. She went to change Qiqis diaper, and fed him milk. Qiqi lay comfortably on the bed and played.



Your situation is perfect now. Your mother must be so delighted that you had two sons in a row, Zhen Miaohong said with a smile.

I want a daughter next, Su Danhong stated.

You still want a daughter? Zhen Miaohong asked with confusion. The fine is not light. The penalty for three births is ten times that for two births.

I know, but its not a problem. Money is to be earned and spent well, Su Danhong said casually.

When Qiqi was born, she paid a fine of 400 yuan. If she wanted a third child, she would have to pay 4000 yuan, which she knew.

In addition, they could do it because they didnt have anything to do with the army. If Ji JIanyun was still there, he couldnt even have a second child, otherwise they wouldnt be able to work there.

Despite how rich Zhen Miaohongs family was, she was still a little impressed by Su Danhongs tone about money.

4,000 yuan could buy a complete house, even if the house price was rising now.

If she had to pay a penalty like that, even she would be stressed out.

Sister Hong, since you came here Ill cook more dishes for lunch, Su Danhong said. She saw that Qiqi was asleep. The boy didnt usually wake up that early in the morning.

Sister Hong went to the kitchen with her.

They chatted while cooking. After a while, Ji Jianyun came back with Renren in his arms.

Oh my gosh, Renren is back, do you remember your godmother? Zhen Miaohong picked up Renren and smiled.

Hello godmother, I remember you! Renren nodded earnestly and said. I brought strawberries back. Does godmother want to eat them?

I will, thank you Renren. Zhen Miaohong didnt want to let him go. She really liked her godson. He was growing up so well, and called her godmother in a soft voice, which she cherished.

Godmother, let me down and Ill wash them, Renren said.

Okay. Zhen Miaohong put him down.

Renren asked for a bowl from Su Danhong, and then went out to wash the strawberries. The strawberries were washed very well , and then he brought them back.

Thank you, Renren, Zhen Miaohong said.

Renren pointed one out to her and said, This one, eat this one, this one is the sweetest! Mm! Its really sweet! Zhen Miaohong smiled.

Renren also grinned and asked, Godmother, have you seen my brother?

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