Chapter 108: Plans to Buy a Truck

Everyone was happy. Ji Jianyun also calculated 30 yuan for Lao Qin. Last time, 30 yuan was actually too much. This time, 30 yuan was not much, but it was not a little.

However, between friends, no one was losing out at this amount. In addition to this money, Ji Jianyun’s relationship with Lao Qin became closer.

When he sent Lao Qin back, he also got Lao Qin a lot of things back. For example, a bag of chestnuts, which could have weighed more than ten jin, a lot of pears, peaches, and apples. It was so much that his family could never finish.

Lao Qin repeatedly said that it was enough, but Su Danhong gave him more. She bought a big pig leg for him to take back.

Both the husband and wife were really kind. Lao Qin patted his chest and declared, “Jianyun, when the persimmons are ripe, tell me, and I'll bring you the truck right away!”

“I will definitely have to trouble you,” Ji Jianyun said with a smile.

When Lao Qin was gone, the couple closed the door and began to calculate the results of the harvest this time.

The main reason was that Ji Jianyun had become very interested in money. Su Danhong didn't bother him and went out to dry some dates in the sun.

She wanted to have some dried ones. There were not only dates in the yard, but also chestnuts. These dried fruits were very nice with stewed chicken. It was very flavorful and delicious. Of course, when she stewed other types of bone soup, she could add some to it. Anyway, it was all very aromatic.

Ji Jianyun was counting money in the room. Soon, he got the final total. When he came to find his wife, his eyes sparkled. “Honey, how much money do you think we made this time?”

“How much?” Su Danhong laughed.

“Guess.” Ji Jianyun looked at her. “Maybe not 2,000 yuan, but there should be at least 1,500-1,600 yuan, right?” Su Danhong guessed.

But to the surprise of Su Danhong, Ji Jianyun directly reported a big number. “2,200!”

Su Danhong was really surprised. 2,200 yuan? Wasn't that a lot?

“How is there that much?” This was the profit left after all the wages were paid. If the total with the wages was calculated, then was there 2,400-2,500?

“It’s to be expected. We’ve been selling for more than half a month, and the college town was demanding me and Lao Qin everywhere.”Ji Jianyun explained with a smile.

This was also a bit beyond his expectation. He has an idea of how much he earned every day. The amount of fruits in the truck would slowly dwindle, and business was also extremely good. He earned more than 100 yuan every day, so he expected this total since they were busy for such a long time.

“2,200 yuan. Plus the 400 yuan from the cherries before, that’s almost 3,000. How much is a truck like Lao Qin’s that is brand new?” Su Danhong wondered.

“Over 3,000.” Ji Jianyun's eyes lit up. There wasn’t any man in the world who didn’t like vehicles. Moreover, he could drive the truck that his family needed to use. Of course, he also wanted a car of his own.

Since he earned almost 3,000 yuan this time, he would soon be able to buy a car.

“There are persimmons that need to be harvested later. I'm going to make them all into dried persimmons, otherwise they won't sell at a high price.” Su Danhong said.

“I think so, too. By that time, it will be almost New Year's Day. People will buy some to eat then, and the price will be better,” Ji Jianyun said and nodded.

He would be able to drive a truck home soon!

Su Danhong smiled when she saw him like this. Truthfully, she didn’t tell him they already had enough money if he wanted to buy a truck. Not only did they have money from when he went to sell fruits with Lao Qin, her second brother helped sell a lot in the town and transported people around from the county.

She kept all the money she had made and saved it for their usual expenses. As for buying a car, he had to figure out his own way of making money, and if he didn’t have enough afterwards then she would help him out a bit.

Ji Jianyun stored the money and then went up the mountain to see the persimmon tree. His money for buying a car was there, so he had to take good care of it.

When Father Ji saw him coming, he said, “Jianyun, the sheeps are all growing well here. This batch will be ready at the end of the year to be slaughtered. We’ll keep the young ones. You should go and get another batch of sheep.”

Father Ji was also in high spirits now. He was pointing at the sheep as he spoke to him.

They got fifteen sheep last year. There were six lambs born this year. The other sheeps grew very well. All were very fat and strong.

“All right.” Ji Jianyun agreed. He had already come up with a plan. The sheeps would be slaughtered at the end of the year and transported to the college town. It would certainly be sold out quickly there, but they would have to wait until the truck was bought.

Ji Jianyun came to see the persimmon tree, and Father Ji followed him. Despite him being the one who has been doing farm work all his life, he had to admit that Lao San’s wife was really prosperous. Just look at these fruit trees. The branches were almost overwhelmed with fruits, and every part of the fruit tree was full of fruit.

“How are you going to sell the persimmons?” Father Ji asked.

“I'm going to make dried persimmons and sell them in the college town,” Ji Jianyun answered.

They were not worried about whether there was enough space to make the dried persimmon cakes. This mountain was full of land, and there were a lot of open spaces that could be used to dry the persimmons.

Father Ji nodded. “When it’s ready it will almost be New Year, and it will sell fast.”

Ji Jianyun asked, “How’s it going with the chickens?”

“You can be rest assured that everything is taken care of. Do you want to collect chicks from the villagers this year?” Father Ji said.

“Go ahead. Do it just like last year, but don't charge that much,” Ji Jianyun said.

They still had a lot of hens that could hatch eggs.

He thought that if he raised chickens, the orchard would smell. Fortunately, Ji Hongjun and Xu Aidang were diligent. Their main daily tasks were cleaning the chicken coop and cleaning the sheep sheds. They also bought disinfectant from the hospital every month and it was not a small expense.

However, it was for safety and there were no alternatives for it. Anyway, it only cost between ten and twenty yuan, which they could afford.

Father Ji agreed, and then he went to tell Mother Ji, who said, “Why do we need to buy from the villagers? We have a lot of hens at home.” To her, there was absolutely no need to spend the money.

However, having said that, Mother Ji went to tell the villagers to see which one had extra chicks to buy. She gave them the money. It was not much, and was about the same as last year.

As soon as the old women in the village were asked about the chick, they were so happy that they all agreed.

Mother Ji was an influential figure in the village. These old sisters were obedient. Their own sons could not compare to one with a daughter-in-law who was prosperous.

Mother Ji went home after enjoying the flattery from these old sisters.

Su Danhong was making sesame cake1. When she saw her coming, she said, “Mother, come and have a taste. How is my cake?”

Mother Ji went to take a piece. She ate it and grinned. She said, “It’s delicious, more delicious than what is sold outside.”

“Mother, take some later to the mountains and ask father to try it,” Su Danhong said.

“You can just keep it to eat it yourself,” Mother Ji said. She liked how well Lao San’s wife ate everything. Her future grandson must be like that. It was fine if it was a granddaughter since they had Renren as their son. It didn’t matter whether the latter one was male or female.

“I've made a lot,” Su Danhong said.

“Your mother dotes on you. She specially asked me to bring sesame seeds for you to eat,” Mother Ji said cheerfully.

“I heard it from my second brother. Mother, it’s you who cut two jin of meat and went over there. Thank you for that,” Su Danhong said with a smile.

Mother Ji was in such a good mood. Didn’t she do it for Danhong? And it also made the Lao Su family look better. She did not do good things for others to not acknowledge it. Danhong understood her intentions, so she was happy.

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