Rebirth: Over the Horizon

Chapter 81 - Dryad Problem, Easy-Peasy

With the Twelve gone once again, the Chosen gather over another meal of seed porridge to discuss their plans.

"This 'Polyphemus' sounds like a worthy foe. I shall seek him out and slay him in single combat to prove my worth." Colosson boasts, grinning widely.

"Cultivating the fields by the river seems like the highest priority."

Daedala says. "I doubt I will be susceptible to the tricks of this nymph."

"I will devise a logical way to solve this problem."

Chen Xi speaks next.

"I have my own idea. An explorer I once invited into my home shared the most delicious mushrooms I've ever tasted."

"He said they were from the swamps of Elysia. If they could be cultivated, I'm certain it would be a great boon to the villagers."

"Suit yourselves," Dannis replies with a shrug. "I'll be headed for the forests, myself."

"I've accompanied many fine noble hunters on boar hunts."

"I'm certain I can handle these 'deathtusks'. One pig is the same as any other, yes?"

Embris smiles coldly. "Perfect. Once you've thinned their numbers, I can deal with these dryads my patron spoke of."

"We've had problems with them in my lands before. Once their trees are burnt, the foul spirits wither and die."

Chen Xi looks a little horrified. "But… your majesty… Isn't the whole point to secure the olive trees?"

Embris laughs. "Hehehe...the point is to conquer the island."

"Once the grove is burnt, I am certain the land will make excellent farmland. That is what these villagers need most."

A stern voice resounded throughout the room.


It was Adam. Embris glances at him with disdain and says "Going to burn th-"

But, before she could finish her sentence a little bit of blood trickled from her neck.


The room become tense and some of them left like they are choking.

[You have Created Skill: BLOOD LUST]


"I-I A-am your...quee-"

"PIECE OF SHIT!" With that said, Adam moved his spear and a long scar appeared on Embris's face.


Adam storms out of the room, even Colosson and Velara were holding their breath.

Velara looked around the table and says, "I am going deal with the Kraken monster and make way for these people to fish."


Adam heads straight into the heart of the forest, he reaches the destination in the early afternoon.

Despite the fact that it is several months past harvest season, the olive trees in the open grove are as gorgeous and majestic as ever, their branches full of plump, ripe olives.

Before he could even fully admire the scenery, the dryads erupts from the trees themselves, their skin matching the dark brown bark in colour and texture.

Their hair is wrapped around each of them like flowing leaves. Their limbs have a strange sheen to them as if they've been dipped in sticky syrup.

"You. You are not of the wood." One of the larger dryads takes the forefront, leaning over him menacingly. "Leave this place now. It is not for you."

Without speaking, Adam takes out the wooden badge he got from the Dryad goddess.


Both the dryad glance at each other, the next second they burst into the air turning into beautiful golden particles.

The particles merge themselves and finally, Adam can see both the dryad's kneeling before him.

They are nothing like their previous appearance, there was a golden aura emitting from their body, they were wearing a white dress and their wavy silver hair seemed like floating in the air.

"We greet the respected Lord."

"May we know why to have you visited this humble place."

Both the beautiful dryad say in unison.

"Let the mortals use this place for a few years."

"Yes, my lord. We will do as you say."

Adam was a bit surprised by their obedience but he didn't dwell on it. 'This is just better.'

Adam returns to the village, the villagers are amazed but grateful. By night, the villagers are already making plans to build a proper olive press.

Just as he was about to rest, Daedala approaches him and asks, "Adam, I failed and nearly died at the hands of that Nymph, will you please help me."

[Side Quest: Help Daedala the mechanism expert.

Rewards: You will obtain 2 skills from her.

Failure: Lose of 2 skills permanently]


"Yes, I will come with you."

Daedala's fave becomes bright and she smiles "Thank you, Adam."

Adam was just thinking in his mind to seek a solution to the river nymph problem when a little squeaky voice interrupts his thoughts. "Oh! Hello there!"

He looks down and sees a rat. A rat with bright golden fur. Even in such a humble form, the obvious aura of power gives Elthnorn away as one of the Twelve.

"You're thinking of giving my granddaughter Nolly a little visit, aren't you?"

The ratlike avatar of the God of trickery leaps up to his body, crawling onto your shoulder to whisper in his ear.

"Look, I understand. I like a little mischief as much as anyone. More than anyone, really. I'm the God of Mischief, after all."

"But I know you sometimes have to tone it down a little, especially when you're stepping on the toes of a spoilsport like Borthe."

Even in rat form, Elthnorn proves capable of rolling his eyes.

"Anyways, go ahead and stop her. But don't hurt her, alright? She's a good kid. Promise me you won't hurt her."

"If you make sure she makes it through this whole little trial thing unharmed, I'll make it worth your while."

"I can give you a little edge when it comes time for my trial. Whaddya say? Do we have a deal?"

Adam rolls his eyes and says, "Do you expect me to believe that?"

"Hm? Why don't you have faith in me?"

"After all, you are good of trickery how do you expect me to believe you."


His face become ugly, it was the first time he was asked a question by a mortal.

"Well, how about this, I will give you my blessings?"

[Your HP and MP have been increased by 2000 and 200 respectively.]

Adam grins 'Should I trick him? Hum~'

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