Chapter 237 - Better Roles (1)

The drive towards Bluemedia in Guangshang took an hour and the moment Xi Qian alighted from Lu Qingfeng's car, her eyes scanned the place and held onto Su Xiaofei's hand. She was reminded once again of the difference of the status between her and her best friend.

The world Su Xiaofei and Lu Qingfeng were living in was vastly different from where she came from. Still, this wasn't enough for Xi Qian to disregard befriending Su Xiaofei after years of knowing each other.

"Feifei, are you sure that it's okay for me to be here?" She questioned Su Xiaofei for the umpteenth time of the day. Xi Qian still couldn't believe that she was going to meet her idol right now.

"Calm down, Qian. I have met Qin Muyao before, and he's a decent person. I'm sure he would appreciate meeting a loyal fan after enduring the recent controversy." Su Xiaofei replied as they sauntered inside the building and walked straight to the private elevator leading to her mother's office.

Xi Qian didn't fail to notice that some people stopped in their tracks to give the three of them a good look, probably discerning Su Xiaofei and Lu Qingfeng, given how good-looking these two were. It wasn't the first time it happened anyway, and Xi Qian was already used to it.

It wasn't like her face was lacking. In fact, she was also beautiful in her own way. However, standing next to these two, it would make one think that Xi Qian's appearance was ordinary.

"Who are they? Are they Boss Fang's new recruits?" Someone asked.

"Who knows, but I have to say that their appearances are more appealing than other young celebrities we've encountered in the past. Both of them would look good in print ads, don't you think?"

Bluemedia wasn't only catering and managing artists anyway, they also manage some popular models in the industry. This was why, even if a recruit didn't excel well in his or her training, they could opt to join the modeling department later.

When the doors of the elevator opened at the top floor where Yun Qinrong's office could be found, they were greeted by Wan An, who had a bright smile on her face upon seeing Su Xiaofei again.

"Hello, Miss Wan. I'm here to see President Yun." Su Xiaofei greeted her, Lu Qingfeng and Xi Qian behind her politely nodded at Wan An in greeting.

"Yes, President Yun and Boss Fang are both waiting for you. You may go inside." The woman led her into the President's office and opened the door for the three of them.

The three found Yun Qingrong seated with Fang Yi and talking to a familiar young man across from them.

Qin Muyao stood up the moment he saw Su Xiaofei and greeted her.

"Manager Su, good afternoon."

"Good afternoon, Mr. Qin. I'm happy to see that you look better than the last time I saw you." Su Xiaofei replied.

The young actor avoided her gaze, feeling a little ashamed that Su Xiaofei remembered the shameful condition he was in during their first meeting.

"E-en. Thank you for your help, Manager Su. I'm indebted to you."

Su Xiaofei shook her head. She felt like Qin Muyao was forgetting that he had agreed to become her cash cow. Until she was satisfied with the fortune he brought in for her, he'd be bound to this contract.

"Feifei, come here and join us." Yun Qingrong's gentle tone called after her daughter, reminding Su Xiaofei of the purpose of her visit.

"Mama." Su Xiaofei came to her mother and gave Yun Qingrong an affectionate hug before taking a seat next to her. "I brought Xi Qian and Xiao Feng with me. Xiao Feng said he needs to discuss something with you."

"Qian, I heard that today is your entrance exam's day. How was it?" Yun Qingrong asked Xi Qian.

"Aunty Qing, please don't remind me. My head is aching." Xi Qian replied once she was seated next to Lu Qingfeng. She rubbed her temple, thinking that her soul almost departed from her body when she saw the questionnaire.

Yun Qingrong and Fang Yi laughed at Xi Qian's expression. They both could tell that it hadn't been easy for this young woman.

"Anyway, Feifei, these are the brand endorsement and project offers that arrived for Qin Muyao. I invited him here to ask for his opinion, but he said that he would trust your judgment on them." Yun Qingrong then passed a folder to her daughter for Su Xiaofei to check.

Su Xiaofei quickly gave it a good scan and sorted the brand proposals first, while Qin Muyao looked at her nervously. It didn't take long for her to decide which ones they should accept and which ones to decline.

"Here, Uncle Fang. Please accept these endorsements for Qin Muyao. As for the other projects, I would need to study the roles and the scripts first, if that's alright." She handed the folder back to Fang Yi.

"It's fine, Feifei, but are you sure you don't want to look at these projects?" Fang Yi eyed the stack of scripts Su Xiaofei discarded earlier.

Su Xiaofei shook her head.

"The roles are repetitive in my opinion. If Qin Muyao portrays the same roles repeatedly, I fear that he wouldn't be able to get more challenging roles in the future." She paused and glanced at Qin Muyao's direction.

"What do you think? Is this okay with you?" She asked him.

"I trust your judgment, Manager Su." Qin Muyao repeated his claim earlier, but it only made Su Xiaofei frown.

"This won't do, Mr. Qin. Since your future roles are at stake here, you have to take this more seriously. I don't expect you to be a more "Yes, boss" guy. If a script takes your interest, you have to say it vocally. If you are displeased with something, you need to tell us so we can understand you better.." She insisted.

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