Chapter 47: assassination (1)

The Great Elder was vying for the position as head of the household and would never allow Ye Qingtang to walk away scot-free.

While having such thoughts, Ye Xun rushed off to meet the Great Elder immediately.

The Great Elder was seated in his study at the moment and while bearing an impassive countenance, he looked at Ye Xun who stood in front of him.

“Grandpa, Xun-er didn’t know you’ve returned beforehand. Forgive me for not being around to receive you.” Ye Xun apologized meekly while prostrating herself before the Great Elder.

“You may stand. It’s not your fault. I didn’t expect to return ahead of time as well.” The Great Elder raised a hand slightly, allowing Ye Xun to dispense with the formalities.

Ye Xun added meekly: “Grandpa, your journey must be tiring. But now that sis is officially a member of the Cloud-breakers, her future looks bright and she’ll surely be blessed with limitless potential.”

Ye Xun’s glib praises were like music to the Great Elder’s ears, though he remained indifferent and asked, “During my absence, did that Ye Qingtang get out of hand?”

“She heeded your warning and didn’t mention anything to Ye Ling about that incident.” Ye Xun dared not play around with the Great Elder and only gave facts.

The Great Elder nodded slightly before he spoke suddenly in a cold and menacing voice, “Least she’s smart enough to understand that’s for her own good. If she’s unable to keep her mouth shut, she’ll have to feel my full wrath.”

Ye Xun watched the Great Elder reveal his vicious and sinister nature before she stated suddenly: “Though she dared not defy you…. during the rites today, her display of strength was odd.”

“Odd?” The Great Elder furrowed his brows slightly.

Ye Xun proceeded to give an account of what transpired during the rites, in detail to the Great Elder.

The Great Elder exuded a slightly sullen demeanor after hearing her account.

“An innate seventh stage.”

Ye Qingtang had obviously lost her spirit root, how could she harness that degree of strength?

But the Great Elder was not too concerned about that, even if she was truly at that level, she was still beneath him. What mattered to him the most was the Second Elder’s return in a few days.

Comparing the entire household, only the Second Elder was above him in terms of strength, and was a staunch supporter of Ye Ling.

If they were to join forces against him, that would definitely be an obstacle to his plans.

“You may leave.” The Great Elder stated, without voicing that concern.

“Yes.” Ye Xun obediently left the room.

The Great Elder narrowed his eyes as he sat alone in his study.

The Second Elder would return in two days. The moment he showed himself, would also be when the entire household fall into the Great Elder’s hands.

A smirk played across the Great Elder’s lips as he summoned his confidant to the study.

“I’ll need you to make a trip to Qin Luo’s Pavilion, on the eastern side of the city….” With that said, he wrote a letter and handed it over to the confidant, who left promptly after receiving his instructions.

The Great Elder sneered as he remained seated by his desk.

Qin Luo’s Pavilion was a common teahouse though that was only on the surface. It was in fact, an underground organization that dealt with assassinations. Its leader, Qin Luo, possessed outstanding capabilities and with his band of elites, they were successful in all missions they had undertaken.

The Great Elder’s task for his confidant was buying their service to complete his plan.

As darkness settled deep in the night of the following day, most of the lights were already extinguished in the Ye residence.

Ye Ling sat alone in his study with his brows knitted. It was not till his attendants completed their preparation of the best liquors, did his rigid demeanor finally wind down.

The Second Elder would leave the training grounds early tomorrow morning. As long as he could return to the Ye household, things would finally work out in his favor.

As he peered at the jars of liquor on the table, Ye Ling heaved a sigh of relief, before he blew out the lamp and prepared to retire to his room.

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