Chapter60: The truth

Lin Yu Tong looked at Zhan Yi Feisubconsciously, he saw the indifference in Zhan Yi Fei’s eyes just flashingpast, and soon his face came up with a smile that a younger generation shouldhave when facing the elder respectfully but also grateful for the congratulations,the faking was impeccable.

Zhan Hong Wei is also able to fake like hehad not disappeared for more than ten years. See Zhan Yi Fei smiling at him andtaking a photo Zhan Yi Fei’s shoulder. "Good boy, you are so grown...”

Lin Yu Tong snorted quietly and felt thatthe joke was a bit cold. If you look at it thirty years and then grow up,then...

Zhan Yi Fei was close, and seems to have aheart with Lin Yu Tong, only when he did not hear this "joke." Hetook Lin Yu Tong’s shoulder. "Second Uncle, this is my lover, Lin Yu Tong.Little Tong, this is the second uncle."

“Second Uncle." Lin Yu Tong pretendednot to have seen Zhan Hong Wei, "Thank you for coming to theceremony."

"Thank you, for our family, let’s go in and talk." Zhan HongWei was rude, ignoring the curious eyes around him and talking to Zhan Yi Feiand Lin Yu Tong while walking to the wedding venue.

Zhan Hong Ying has already received thenews, and Zhan Xin Hua and Zhan Xin Jie greeted each other and simply saidhello and went to see other elders at home. As for the ten years that someonehas disappeared, in the eyes of the Zhan Family today, it’s like something thatdid not exist and the man was gone on a holiday.

The problems at home are solved at home,and when there are outsiders no squabbles are allowed. Lin Yu Tong canunderstand this mentality. It is just a little unexpected about The ZhanFamily’s acting. If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he would never be ableto connect the Master who saw the red dust with the current Uncle of The ZhanFamily. No wonder Zhan Hong Tu can deceive Zhan Yi Fei’s mother group to turnaround. This family can go to the acting challenges to form a group to win theprize.

Simply, everyone has not forgotten who theprotagonist of today is.

On the back of the invitation, the inviteescan see the general layout of The Zhan Family venue at the wedding. Thesoutheast side is a wedding venue, and the buffet banquet is in the southwest.When one is approaching the wedding venue they can’t see anything, but from theaerial image, they can see this place is modelled like a pair of huge whitewings embracing the shape of a small tree. The tree is undoubtedly greenest. Itis a peaceful tree with bright leaves, and the wings pattern was made using countlesswhite lilies, with a specially designed white openwork flower stand, full ofthree-dimensional feeling.

1]... Yi Fei means flying wings and Lin means forest or tree...

It is this kind of mind that can also makepeople feel Zhan Yi Fei’s love for Lin Yu Tong. The people who are sitting onthe scene are envious and embarrassed. Envy Zhan Yi Fei is rich and rich, andLin Yu Tong has such a good home.

Although it is always strange to use theword "home" on a man, if the other party is Zhan Yi Fei, it seemsnormal.

Lin Yu Tong whispered in Zhan Yi Fei’s earand said, "Fortunately, you don’t have to be like Chu Tian Yi, or I willdefinitely become a sieve today."

There are quite a few socialites present,like a diamond-level spouse like Zhan Yi Fei. Who doesn’t want it?

Zhan Yi Fei smiled and asked: “Do you feelanxious?”

Lin Yu Tong’s eyebrows are all full ofsmiles, but his words are very honest. “A bit.”

Whenhe first started living after the rebirth, he thought that as long as he hadthe ability to support himself, he would not be dragged down. And can ensurethat his family is happy ,all will be good, in fact, no matter how thingschange, there will be no impact. But now it’s different, even if it’s justassumed that one day he may be separated from Zhan Yi Fei, the pain is like abit of a bone cut, and it feels like poison is injected into the bone.

Zhan Yi Fei’s eyes changed and he felt asif he could overflow with the water. He gently licked Lin Yu Tong and printed akiss on his forehead.

The host laughed at the moment. "Twogrooms, you can’t sneak a cute moment when I introduce myself. I haven’tannounced that you can kiss each other."

Everyone is talking was about Zhan Yi Feiand Lin Yu Tong looked over. The two people were somewhat uncomfortable to be seenin that private moment, and said in unison: "Sorry, I can’t helpmyself."

It was a bit awkward.

Fortunately, the host also rang in the nextsentence. "Well, let us welcome the two newcomers with the warmestapplause."

Lin Yu Tong took Zhan Yi Fei’s arm and thepianist started the beautiful piano sound, the two walked through the pathpaved by the petals. The brisk feeling on his feet made him fall into a certainatmosphere of a dilemma. It seemed that after he had finished the road, all thatremained was happiness.

Zhan Yi Fei held Lin Yu Tong’s handtightly. Two people stood in front of the stage. The host laughed and said:“Mr. Zhan Yi Fei, Mr. Lin Yu Tong, first of all, I only wish with thedistinguished guests present to the two newlyweds are happy, and I am verygrateful that you can give me this opportunity to let me stand here to hostsuch a special wedding. Next, I have some questions to ask two."

The host is facing the guests, "Excuseme, do you want to know the history of the love of the two newcomers?"

"Think ~!"

"Look, I know I am not alone in this."The host smiled and looked back at Zhan Yi Fei and Lin Yu Tong. "Excuseme. Two newcomers, who are you who pursue each other first?"

"It seems that no one has pursuedanyone," Lin Yu Tong said.

"Oh? Is it because you fell in lovewith each other at first sight and then decided to be together?"

"No, it is actually I who secretlyloved him first." Zhan Yi Fei was very honest. "At first he didn’tknow that I liked him.

“How did it become discovered later?”

“Later...” Zhan Yi Fei thought that he had tornthe photos of Shen Jun and Lin Yu Tong, and felt that it was a bit shameful tosay that.

"Later, he knew that I was feelingcold at school, and he changed to the new air conditioner system for the wholeschool where I was studying, just to make me warmer." Lin Yu Tong saidhalf-like a joke. "If I didn’t like him, I would get in trouble with thewhole school."

Lin Yu Tong stretched out his index fingerand poked Zhan Yi Fei. "Mr. Zhan with a heart."

"Let’s helpless Lin." Zhan Yi Feismiled and accepted.

There was a laugh on the field, and evenZhan Hong Ying couldn’t hold back. She praised Zhan Hong Wei next to him."I like Little Lin. This kid is interesting."

Zhan Hong Wei’s eyes turned over and lookedat Lin Yu Tong for a while. In fact, this is not the first time he saw Lin YuTong. He had seen these two children in the cemetery as early as the Qing MingFestival, but they did not see him at that time.

He really thought that only a blind manwill marry another man. But seeing that they only have each other in theireyes, he felt that it is just fine. When everything around you is at yourfingertips, what better way to enjoy life than to be with someone you reallylike?

Probably no more.

Zhan Yi Fei then took the ring out.Similarly, it was a pair of small wings surrounded by a tree. The wings weremade of diamonds and the part of the tree was emeralds. He gave Lin Yu Tong alook back at what happened before, laughing and said: "This man hasfinally sent an eye-catching ring, the recognition should be quite high."

Recalling the first trip to The ZhanFinancial Group, Lin Yu Tong also laughed.

"Yes, it is estimated that I shouldnot have stopped downstairs." Zhan Yi Fei hugged Lin Yu Tong. "Thankyou for coming to me."

Lin Yu Tong turned his head at Zhan Yi Feikissed cheeks and whispered, "Yi Fei, I love you."

Zhan Yi Fei couldn’t wait for anyone, he couldn’twait to kiss Lin Yu Tong’s lips, while at the same time, remembering the cactusball in Gao Wen Liang hands he finally got it. He silently watched everyone’sattention on the two newcomers, he took the pot of the cactus ball, and thenencountered the interception from Cheng Tian halfway!

This is undoubtedly a wedding that does notfollow the mainstream. The host did not even ask the parents to speak on thestage. However, although this is somewhat irregular, Lin Zhi Song and Chen SuNing have no objection to this, and the people of The Zhan Family feel thatthis is quite good. In any case, those who like gossip will always wonder whyZhan Hong Tu is not there, but whoever sees it, the parties feel happy.

No one will mention Zhan Hong Tu on such anoccasion, and after all, the ones that were invited are not stupid. Now theyare clearly seen by The Zhan Family, and they should understand the attitude ofThe Zhan Family. Zhan Hong Tu is unpopular in the family for some reasons.

The host points to the buffet banquet at 12noon, and the weddings held by people like The Zhan Family. Half of them arefor weddings, and half are people in the circle who exchange businessinformation. Lin Yu Tong didn’t care too much. He should be toasting with ZhanYi Fei. The source of all things, the one who survived, the other did not feelit, Lin Yu Tong felt especially tired, it was really more difficult than whenhe wrote a novel.

Probably knowing that he didn’t like thisoccasion, Zhan Yi Fei didn’t always take him around in the crowd. When theywent to change clothes together, he told Lin Yu Tong to sleep and sleep. As forthe outside people, he will deal with it.

Lin Yu Tong felt that it was a bit rude, sohe didn’t really do it. After changing the clothes, he went out with Zhan YiFei to greet the guests until 4 pm, except for the special relatives andfriends. It was only after a short break in the house.

"I will go to see the second uncle, yousleep for a while, and I will call you at dinner." Zhan Yi Fei finished,helping Lin Yu Tong pull the bedroom curtains.

"Would you like me to go see him withyou? I just can’t wake up from sleep."

"Then you sleep until you wake upnaturally." Zhan Yi Fei said with a smile: "Your task is to keep yourenergy for the night."

"Hey, do you want to tire me out atnight? Mr. Zhan?"

"Yes, I need to be pampered by Lin."

Lin Yu Tong: "..."

Zhan Yi Fei did not specifically look forZhan Hong Wei after going out, because Zhan Hong Wei was drinking coffee on themain balcony on the second floor, and he seemed to know he will come out.

Zhan Yi Fei sat across from Zhan Hong Weiand stared at him for a long while without seeing him talking. He could onlyspeak first.

"Since you were gone, why comeback?"

"Just came back and see you."Zhan Hong Wei put away the joy of the day, seems to have become Master Cheng,indifferent, calm, and without expression. He looked up and asked only onequestion. "Do you still hate the second uncle?"

"Do you think I have time to hateanyone?" Zhan Yi Fei looked cold and cold. "Why did you leavequietly? You really didn’t know that my mother was pregnant with yourchild?"

"Yes." Zhan Hong Wei suddenlyturned his eyes. "Her pregnancy was known to your grandfather in less thantwo months of pregnancy. I remember when I came back from the field to talkabout business. Just seeing your grandfather and your dad were talking aboutthis. At the time your mother was also there, the father was very happy, sayingthat The Zhan Family had to add another grandson, and it was rare and he waspraising your dad.”

“So you thought..."

"Yes. At that time, your dad had beenunclear about his relationship with Wang Bing Yan. It is reasonable to say thatif he knew that the pregnancy that your mother was carrying was not his child,he will definitely hold on to this and say he can justifiably marry Wang BingYan. But he didn’t. He admitted that the child is his. I also learned a longtime later that your father didn’t deny it at the time, but it was not toprotect your mother, and not because the child is his, but because he hoped whenthe child is a little bigger, he will give the matter his directly attention sothat your mother will not have the opportunity to deny it."

"...Why did grandfather transfermost of his properties to my name? You can’t say what is because I was the grandson,I know that I have some status in The Zhan Family, but that was still far fromletting my father inherit it. After all, you are still alive with Zhan Hong Tu, so why would he sign the inheritance to me and not one of you.”

“When your mother passed away, Zhan Hong Tusaid on the spot that the child was not his, he wanted to pick up Wang Bing Yaninto The Zhan Family. Our father was very disappointed with his practice, so hedidn’t want to pass on his family business at all. I didn’t like doingbusiness, if it was not for you and your mother, I had no intention to inheritThe Zhan Family. But your mother was gone, if they want the Zhan Family to haveanother meaning? It is better to let the father pass the family business toyou. So, at least 100 years later. There is also a sense of justice for yourmother.”

“Is it? So what do you mean, Zhan Hong Tu’slies and your misunderstanding have become the reason for my mother’s suicide?”Zhan Yi Fei suddenly sneered,“SecondUncle, are under the impression that I will believe that? you thought, I amZhan Yi Fei from twenty-one years ago?"


"Even if what you said it is true, youleft because of misunderstanding. But my mum can bear such suffering for me inThe Zhan Family, how could she choose to commit suicide? Tell me, who isit?"

"It is indeed her own will. Since she waspregnant, your dad was afraid that she secretly abort the child, so he foundsomeone to monitor her. She has prenatal depression, but I was not here, youwere busy studying, your mother’s temperament was very quiet, so no one found itat all."

"Why didn’t you tell me before?"

"When you were young, you were solonely because of your parental relationship. I was worried that you willbecome more introvert after you knew the truth......Yi Fei, where are you going?”Zhan Hong Wei got up and grabbed a hand but grabbed it.

Zhan Yi Fei ran out without warning, butZhan Hong Ying stopped him in time at the door. "Where are yougoing?"

"Let go." Zhan Yi Fei looked darkand inky, and his voice was cold and scary.

"You are going to find Zhan HongTu?"

Zhan Yi Fei didn’t answer, even if it wasthe default answer. When Zhan Hong Ying saw it, he called Wang Bo directly,"Wang Bo, please go down and ask the Young Wife down, right away!"


"I will go, even if he comes down here." ZhanYi Fei’s eyes were firm...

"What to do? Kill him? You calm down firstat home!" Zhan Hong Ying said that Lin Yu Tong was stunned with a chickenhen head and went downstairs, Zhan Hong Ying directly pleaded with him."Little Lin, watch him, don’t let him do stupid things."

"Stupid thing? What stupid thing?"Lin Yu Tong was shocked by Zhan Hong Ying’s words. "Yi Fei, what are yougoing to do?"

"I..." Zhan Yi Fei looked at LinYu Tong’s fully trusting eyes and suddenly he couldn’t say it. It was not atthis time that Zhan Hong Tu, who was asleep for a day, slowly opened his eyes.

A/N see yall then ....the pdf is finished just need tons of checking and rewrites... eeyall in like a week

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