Chapter 484: Cold War (4)

Yun Huan looked at the locked door with a helpless look on his handsome face. The little fella was truly pissed this time; it was their first cold war, and it was already unbearable.

But no matter how unbearable it was, Yun Huan had already made the decision to never let Qin Yi brave any dangers alone.

The little fella was stubborn, but there were some lines that could not be crossed.

Inside, the girl that Yun Huan thought was angry was comfortably stretching with two white balls beside her.

Qin Yi felt much better after waking up. She poked the two balls for fun, but they remained unmoved, continuing to sleep soundly. She soon became bored and stopped.

Before she went downstairs, she could hear conversation taking place in the living room.

The father and two sons had returned home.

Just as Qin Yi got down, she saw Qin Mian seated on the sofa with a black face. Although he was no longer young, his masculinity and other charms were still apparent.

“Yiyi, you’re up. Did we wake you?” Qin Hanmo’s expression was not good either, but the cold intent was not directed at her.

Qin Yi sat beside Qin Hanyu, asking, “What happened?”

Qin Hanyu was startled, stealing a glance at Yun Huan. As he had expected, the stinking face had become even more stinky, but strangely, he felt better; his messed-up mood had become much better already.

“Nothing. It’s just that the Chu family is colluding with the smaller families and causing trouble.” Upon mentioning this, Qin Hanyu’s face became ugly.

What a situation they were in, with short-sighted people being awful just for political power. Upon recalling their words, Qin Hanmo’s face darkened and he clenched his teeth.

“Ah Yu, control yourself. Just do what I instructed tomorrow. The matter of the Chu family isn’t important. Dealing with the zombie siege is the most important right now,” Qin Mian ordered, glancing at his eldest son. He had high expectations for his son, so his demands were naturally high as well.

“Yes, father. I was too impulsive.” Qin Hanyu took a deep breath and calmed himself down.

He was smarter than anyone else and could even be hailed as emotionless and cold, but everyone had their bottom lines, and his family was his.

His father was his hero and pride; he would never allow anyone to smear his father’s name.

Qin Yi extended her hand and knocked on the table.

“We can deal with the Chu family and the smaller families in the future. They can’t do anything as of now anyways. Since we are at peril, whoever causes trouble for the base will be considered guilty. They will not dare take such risks.”

Qin Yi’s thoughts were clear, able to see the whole picture.

“Right. What did the other bases say?” Qin Yi asked.

Qin Hanmo jumped up this time, his face dark. “Dad is feeling anxious because of them right now. Those bases are up to no good. It’s fine if they didn’t send anyone over to help, but they actually dared to criticize us. Yiyi, do you know, they suddenly requested that Dad report to them daily in order to let them prepare.”

Screw the report and preparation, they were truly too bored. He knew that they were laughing at their base and taking joy in their calamity. They were just using them as entertainment, a live broadcast for their pleasure.

He did not make any unreasonable requests when asking for help, but who would have thought that they would be so coldblooded, even daring to ask for reports.

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