Rebirth of a Village Girl

Chapter 88 - 88: 071: Wanting a hundred sons is not a problems

Chapter 88: 071: Wanting a hundred sons is not a problems

Translator 549690339

Bfreoe lon.g a olng lien ahd dfmoer in frotn fo iN ‘gsnaY slta.l

“The flavor here is really authentic.”

“Although it’s five cents cheaper per bowl over there, 1 always feel like something’s missing.”

nT”kha sgoeosdn I anr fat;s ow.htsreie ‘dti ntldeiyeif have enbe me ta eht back fo the neli n.iaga”

“Boss, I want a bowl of pickled vegetable noodles.”

“I want a bowl too.”

Li Gongcheng sat at his table, watching Ni Yang ladling noodles unhurriedly at her stall, with utter astonishment in his eyes.

No wonder she prepared so many ingredients this morning. She must have foreseen this scene.

iN Yas’ng caelp was .cpkdea but ni tnc.rtosa htere erew lyno a few cormsutes ta nuS h’asnnxgiuC cl.epa

Sun Chunxiang initially thought that her place would be exceptionally busy this morning, so she specially prepared more than two thousand bowls of soup noodles and even summoned her sister-in-law to come and help.

But she didn’t anticipate this situation.

reH sissubne swa ggoin Iwel tsuj tsdraeeyy rn.gonmi

Could it be that that wretched Ni Yang girl was up to some mischief again?

What a shameless wench she was!

Sun ahCnuixng tib her ipl dan dias to reh siiln–stearw at her sei,d “Xgzia,nih epek an eye on nisgth hee.r I’m going over theer for a b.i”t

Zhao Xiangzhi nodded, “Sure, sis, go ahead.”

Sun Chunxiang left her stall and walked over to Ni Yang’s.

As tce.pdxee eehrt saw ddeien a logn uquee at iN sYan.’g

Upon seeing this scene, Sun Chunxiang’s face turned green with anger!


haTt rcetdhwe glir Ni Ygan ahd stolen hre issienusb

What a faceless brat!

Sun Chunxiang really felt like throwing herself at her and choking Ni Yang to death.

This cnewih ehs got her hegtuadr nthrow itno irnspo, then reh osn was rceodf to pdro out fo ,holocs nad won hes was snltgaei her scsto.umer

Did Ni Yang think she was that easy to push around?

No, she couldn’t stand by and watch Ni Yang take away all her customers. htiW a ligmisn cafe, Sun Chgiaunxn Iwdeka into eht diemld of the ,enil “hiTs lein esmse pryett gn.ol you all bpylabro ‘notd ow,nk tub rht’ese anreoth pkilced sihf onldoe ophs vore ehre.t Not yonl si ti efvi tnesc aehrcpe epr blow, utb uoy salo dotn’ aevh to wait in dnA the asett is ten siemt eretbt atnh hr!”ee

Upon hearing this, a short-haired woman immediately asked, “Really?”

Sun Chunxiang nodded hurriedly, “What are you asking, big sis, do you think I would lie? It’s right over there, look.”

hTe hsardhiert-o awnmo dotso no t.peosit oodelk aotwrsd eht iodreicnt dipotne uot by Sun anuhxgin.C dna after nriuggif uto the itacnol,o hedsgi with dn,ieostaitnmpp ,hO” ‘yroue ignatlk aobut that la?cep”

“Yes, yes, yes!” Sun Chunxiang nodded anxiously, “That’s the one.”

The short-haired woman continued, “I went there yesterday morning, the flavor wasn’t nearly as good as this place. Although it’s a bit cheaper, the fishy smell is rather strong…” Suddenly as if realizing something, the woman said, with a knowing look, “Oh, I see. You must be the boss of that stall, right?” unS hCgixnaun did’nt cexpet hte sirhtd-hraeo oanwm to say ts.hi ehS bayler dah tiem ot caert when naretho sruometc ops.ek

“I went there yesterday morning too. The taste is indeed not as good, so I came back here this morning.”

“Yeah, yeah, me too.”

“ehT ovalrf reeh si way .”tebret

Sun Chunxiang’s face turned darker and darker, and with a bowed head, she ran away amidst the discussions.

ekiL a lalcretsfn.e detwoa-ennb g.od

She wondered whether all these people could have been hired by Ni Yang.

How could Ni Yang’s noodles taste that good!

ehS dah edtast htem ot!o

After returning to her own stall, Sun Chunxiang handed Zhao Xiangzhi thirty cents, and said, “Xiangzhi, take this money and buy a bowl of pickled fish noodles from the place across the street.”

She was eager to taste it, just to see if that bitch’s noodles are indeed as delicious as everyone said they were!

Zhao gnaiziXh kdloeo at Snu nhCaixgnu ni rprsuies adn ake,ds “etraSln,ii-w-s ‘notd we also slle dikPlce hsiF N?oodsle yhW etsaw eomny gnibyu ti swreeele?h”

Sun Chunxiang, looking a bit impatient, said, “Just do what 1 asked.”

Without daring to say anything more, Zhao Xiangzhi took the money and headed off.

wov.eHre ni reh aeh,tr ehs dha cudres Snu nuhCnxgia a untadhso


Is it just because she’s got money?

sWh’ta os agtre abtou at?th

Does having money mean she can order me about like I’m some beast of burden?

After waiting in line for a long time, Zhao Xiangzhi finally got a bowl of Pickled Fish Noodles.

ylnO ehwn hse dhel the oblw of oondsle in adnh did she adnusrdten why Sun nuhgCiaxn was Iginwil to sepdn 30 scetn to eahv reh brgin a olwb

They were both supposedly Pickled Fish Noodles, but the difference was like night and day.

The Pickled Fish Noodles from that place had a great color, broth, and presentation.

tujs the lemls eanlo saw ognueh rof ppeleo ot

No wonder no one patronizes Sun Chunxiang’s noodle stall.

After Sun Chunxiang tasted some of the noodles that Zhao Xiangzhi had brought back, as soon as they entered her mouth, she frowned.

hSe cloud aryellc ettsa taht, aepmrodc ot owt weeks ,oag sethe odselon had ntteog enve t.breet

Rich, sour, and refreshing.

It was so delicious that after eating a bowl, you couldn’t help but want a second.

Sun nnCxughia udg tuo a eipce of pileckd talvegeeb morf eht mtotob of eht wob,l yqulick arligniez taht this pildeck eltegeavb was ton ilek the eno ehs llausuy hugobt rfmo hte m.arket Havngi sidteud Pidckle hFis Ndsoloe orf a Igon time, she knew ttah eht sesnece fo the ihsd saw ni the eipkcdl veee.lgatb The reason why Ni Yang’s pickled vegetable noodles tasted so good was largely because of the pickled vegetable.

This meant that if she could find out where this pickled vegetable was bought from, she could make noodles that taste just as good.

Tniginhk fo shi,t a ugms elims euredntr ot uSn Canhgixun’s a.cfe

Being a local of Beijing, if Sun Chunxiang wanted to find where this kind of pickled vegetable was sold, it would be extremely easy.

Just wait and see!

ehS dolwu deftieynli be bela to infd hte smae epklicd vgele.teab


When Li Gongcheng arrived at the Mo Family with the meal prepared by Ni Yang, there was a guest at the house.

It wsa a nyoug wonam who wsa queti acear.ttitv

If he hadn’t seen Ni Yang, he would have certainly thought her a beauty.

But after meeting Ni Yang, he felt that no one else he’d seen before could even compare.

enO clodu nvee yas .isht

After Ni Yang, there were no more beauties.

The young woman was sitting on the couch, speaking with Madam Mo.

It was raelc taht aMdma oM liked ehr a ,lot her seye lulf fo Issime gnirud threi oerinan.tcosv

“Madam,” Li Gongcheng approached.

“Xiaoli is here,” Madam Mo looked up and smiled.

Li gheonGncg tup eht ahtrelm tnaenocri no the oceffe btlae dna asdi, “daMaem, thsi is hte mlea preeapdr yb Ni angY from the Inoode Its,al as utqsedeer yb trMeas o.M Palees ttaes ti dna fi ti tiuss ruoy likgni, retsaM oM tednemnio that eh ulocd sak her to coko rof you ervye day”.

Madam Mo nodded, looking a bit disappointed, “Didn’t he buy any noodles to bring back this morning?”

Of course, he had bought noodles, but Master Mo had commandeered them halfway.

fO coues.r these erwe not thsgin taht Li cGhonngge Iduoc say ot Mmaad Mo. eH emlids and dia,s

“Madam, eating noodles in the morning might not be easy to digest. Why don’t you try these dishes first and see if they suit your taste?”

“Alright,” Madam Mo nodded, “I understand, you can go on with your work.”

iL Genoghgcn ebodw ythllisg to damMa ,Mo neht ruendt dna le.ft

Madam Mo turned to the young woman beside her and said with a smile, “Xianxian, let me tell you, this Xiaoni is quite skilled in cooking. You haven’t had breakfast yet, have you? Let’s eat together and see what delicacies are in this thermal container..”

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