Rebirth of a Village Girl

Chapter 174 - 174: 085: Low-Key and Mysterious Mr. Mog, Treating Guests to a Meal_2

Chapter 174: 085: Low-Key and Mysterious Mr. Mog, Treating Guests to a Meal_2

Translator: 549690339

In the center of Beijing, there is an upscale teahouse.

Many business people choose to negotiate here, and of course, besides businessmen, there are also many high-ranking officials and wealthy young masters.

In an antique private room.

The subtle music notes and the scent of sandalwood fill the room, giving an illusion of being in an ancient time.

Through the colorful beaded curtain, one can vaguely hear respectful work reports. If you listen carefully, you’ll find that these voices are all speaking very good French.

“Mr. Mog, at half-past ten tomorrow morning, someone will come from M Country. Who do you think we should get to meet them at the airport?” “Also, the heads of the Li, Wang, and Zhao Families have all invited you to their parties. Shall we just reject them all as we have always done before?”

The man lazing on the sofa has a cigarette between his fingers. The smoky haze blurs his handsome features. When he speaks, it’s also in fluent French:

“My time is not to be spent on irrelevant people! For everything else, you can handle it. By the way, I see that Mo Baichuan has been quite idle recently. Figure out some work to give him.”

At this, everyone looked incredulously at the man on the sofa.

When did Mo Baichuan offend Mr. Mog?

With Mr. Mog’s status, the Mo Family wouldn’t even be worth mentioning in his sight…

There’s no need for him to go out of his way to make life difficult for a small fry like Mo Baichuan…

“I have to go, I have other things to attend to.” The man crushes his cigarette, stands up, and heads for the exit without giving the others a chance to respond.

Two foreign assistants with blonde hair and blue eyes immediately stand to see him out.

Just as he’s almost at the door, the man pauses as though recalling something. He looks back and says, “Oh, and get me a blender, imported, good quality.” After a pause, he adds, “It’s for making skincare products.” Skincare products?

The two assistants are taken aback.

When did Mr. Mog start going into the skincare business?

“When do you need it?”

“By tomorrow at the latest.” The man responds.


Though it’s hard to import products at such short notice, especially obscure items like blenders, no one questions who Mr. Mog is.

As long as he gives the word, even the stars would be plucked from the sky and personally delivered to him.

Wherever he goes, Mr. Mog is a symbol of power.

After giving these instructions, the man leaves the teahouse, leaving the two assistants looking at each other in bewilderment.

Zhao Jingrong, dressed flamboyantly, walks into the main hall of the teahouse.

Because she received reliable gossip that Mr. Mog would be visiting the teahouse today, Zhao Jingrong naturally came to ‘accidentally’ bump into Mr. Mog.

With her credentials, as long as she’s willing to put in the effort, and as long as Mr. Mog isn’t blind, he is sure to fall for her.

Once she wins over Mr. Mog, then she will be the most honored woman in the entire Beijing.

With this thought, Zhao Jingrong lifts her chin high, her eyes filled with disdain wherever they fall.

Suddenly, Zhao Jingrong tenses up.

The familiar figure ahead looked somewhat familiar?

The first thing that meets her gaze are polished leather shoes, then tailored custom suit pants, a white shirt paired with a black suit, a very successful businessman’s attire.

Moving further up, there’s a sexy Adam’s apple, a delicate jawline, thin lips, a high and straight nose like it was carved from a knife, and the slightly uplifted phoenix eyes, filled with infinite light, are like the starry sea.

There’s no lack of handsome people in this circle, but ones as handsome as this man are hard to come by.

Zhao Jingrong’s heart skips a beat wildly, but in the next second, the admiration in her eyes is completely replaced by thick disgust.

Because she suddenly recognizes that this man is none other than her ex-fiance, Mo Qishen!

What a shame, such a good-looking face, how did it end up on Mo Qishen’s face?

If Mo Qishen wasn’t a complete loser, he might have been worthy of her.

What a pity!

She doesn’t need to guess why Mo Qishen would show up here.

He must have known that she would come here today, so he came here to wait by the rabbit’s den, hoping to create an accidental meeting.

Such a man is really horrifying!

Isn’t he done already?

They’re clearly divorced, yet he still wants to pester her! Just like a fly! Disgusting!

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