Rebirth of a Farming Wife

Chapter 36 - Chapter 36: Chapter 36: Something’s Wrong

Chapter 36: Chapter 36: Something’s Wrong

Translator: 549690339

Xiao Xi had only wanted to let her uncle know how unreasonable Mrs. Wang truly was, and to have him protect her Miss a bit more in the future, but seeing Han Yu’s expression grow colder, and the occasional flashes of sinister darkness crossing his face, she shivered inside. Had she said something wrong? Uncle was indeed far more terrifying than the Eldest Young Master and the Second Young Master. No wonder when Uncle got angry, even her Miss would behave and dare not to act out, let alone her, a mere maid. Honestly, she truly didn’t know what she had said wrong!

“Uncle, everything this servant has said is the truth. Second Sister-in-law Han has indeed done these things. I dare not deceive you. If you inquire in the Village, you’ll know. I was just too upset that’s why…” Xiao Xi was somewhat timid in front of Han Yu, but she still had to defend her Miss.

“Enough, I know. I haven’t doubted your words. You may leave now.” Han Yu gestured dismissively. This servant girl was just like her mistress—sometimes too cunning, and at other times too foolish. His anger was towards Mrs. Wang’s actions—what was she afraid of! Most likely a guilty conscience. Xiao Xi had been with the Han Family for quite some time; Han Yu knew his daughter-in-law’s servant all too well. Fiercely loyal, if Mrs. Wang treated his wife poorly, it would be strange if Xiao Xi could hold back and do nothing.

Mrs. Yang, while working in the fields, encountered her neighbors from the Village and noticed they were looking at her with evaluative eyes, murmuring among themselves. She felt odd; there was nothing special about her today.

Could it be that her hair was not combed properly, or her face was not clean? She should have had no such issues, as she had asked several daughter-in-laws to check for her. So why were these people sizing her up like this?

It was Mrs. Wang who knew the reason behind this and felt uneasy. She had deliberately spread rumors about Su Wenyue to tarnish her reputation. It was fine for these people to gossip privately, but why come to her mother-in-law’s face and whisper among themselves! Now, her mother-in-law was protective of Su Wenyue. If the mother-in-law learned she was bad-mouthing Su Wenyue outside, surely she wouldn’t be let off easily.

“How strange it is! Why aren’t these people working in their own fields instead of loitering near our family’s land?” Mrs. Yang said, puzzled.

Mrs. Wang felt nervous and hurried over when Mrs. Yang asked, “Mother, just ignore them. I think they are idle, probably having heard some rumors. You know, ever since the Fourth Daughter-in-law joined our family, there hasn’t been a lack of gossip in the Village. Some even say our Fourth child is living off his wife.’

“That’s outrageous! Are there really such rumors? The nerve! Our Fourth child is a straightforward man, whether it’s working or anything else, he’s highly capable. The Fourth Daughter-in-law was matched by our father-in-law himself, it wasn’t Fourth child trying to marry above his station. These people know nothing yet babble on. Ridiculous—full of nonsense with nothing better to do!”

Mrs. Yang grew more upset the more she spoke. She couldn’t stand hearing this, as she held her son Han Yu in high regard. How could she not know her own son’s abilities? He certainly wasn’t living off his wife. Initially, she had thought Fourth Daughter-in-law had a good family background, looked beautiful, and had a fine temperament; a perfect match for her son, a match made in heaven. Now she realized that too great a disparity in status may have its drawbacks, or else why would there be such rumors in the Village? With these thoughts, her satisfaction with her son’s marriage dwindled.

“Yes, Mother, exactly. What’s the use of marrying a daughter-in-law from a high-ranking family? She can’t even do fieldwork, and we all have to treat her with kid gloves. No benefits, just gossip.”

“Hmm, Third Daughter-in-law, the way you talk sounds off to me. It seems you’re the one who can’t stand seeing Fourth Daughter-in-law doing well.

She’s quite generous, treats all nephews and nieces well. It’s only you who haven’t benefited from her. But who can blame you? You spend your days picking faults with her. She hasn’t really offended you, has she? You’re just jealous of what she has!”

Mrs. Liu, hearing Mrs. Wang gossip behind others’ backs, retorted sharply. With a straightforward personality, she had little patience for such backstabbing. And since Fourth Daughter-in-law had treated her well, she felt compelled to say a few words on her behalf, to prevent being backstabbed by Third Daughter-in-law. But with Mrs. Liu’s voice, though the words were meant for Mrs. Yang and Mrs. Wang, nearby people overheard, piquing their curiosity further, all ears for more tidbits.

Mrs. Li had caught wind of the Village gossip and knew Mrs. Wang was behind it. The hard worker she was, she put down her hoe and raised her voice more than usual.

“Yes, Third sibling, you’re being unfair. Fourth Daughter-in-law may not do fieldwork, but she excels in her household duties and can even read and write. She’s teaching my Baofu, and I’m truly grateful and respect her. Fourth younger sister-in-law is easygoing and never puts on her Miss’s airs in front of us sister-in-laws, always polite. Her demeanor, you won’t find a better one even if you search the whole Village. Third sibling, stop picking on her. Fourth younger sister-in-law is already doing well, and being born wealthy is not her fault.’

“What’s with all the noise, Second Sister-in-law? I never would have guessed— you seem quiet, but you’re actually calculating. It’s no wonder you’re speaking up for her; your house benefits the most from Fourth Daughter-in-law.”

Several people were defending Su Wenyue, leaving Mrs. Wang’s face looking rather unpleasant as she replied bitterly to Mrs. Li. She was picking on Mrs. Li, knowing she was typically a soft-spoken and meek person, unlike Mrs. Liu, who was more assertive.

Meanwhile, the quietly working Second Brother Han Ping saw his wife being bullied by Mrs. Wang simply for speaking fair words. Although it was inappropriate to interject in the women’s conversation, his frown deepened. Third Daughter-in-law was always looking to stir trouble as if the family’s peaceful days were too boring for her, inciting problems now and then.

Mrs. Yang, having had her temper stirred by Mrs. Wang, had cooled down after listening to Eldest Daughter-in-law and Second Daughter-in-law. She gave Mrs. Wang a warning glare. Mrs. Wang looked sheepish, and seeing that Mrs. Yang did not bring up the earlier issue, she felt relieved, thinking the matter settled. However, after completing the work in the field and returning home,

Mrs. Yang was called away by several familiar Old Ladies for some matter. Mrs. Wang remained apprehensive..

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