Chapter 946: Selfish desires, dream of heaven

Tian Quanquan grew up in a single-parent family. His grandfather fled to Taiwan in early years. His mother grew up in Taiwan and married a wealthy Taiwanese businessman. Later, like most such families, his father returned late and his mother was noisy. The father has a new love and the family is broken.

Tian's mother followed Tian's father in business in her early years, and she had some savings. After the divorce, she resolutely took her field circle back to the mainland to find his father's brother who was separated by the war.

Tian's mother has been busy with business for these years. Although Tian Quanquan has no worries about food and clothing, she almost grew up with relatives who are not familiar with her. Today she lives at her aunt's house, and tomorrow she will live in her second aunt's house.

When she was a child, Wei Jun’s cousins ??often joked about her and excluded her from the small circle. After school, the girls learned that she had returned from Taiwan, and rumors kept her isolated.

For a long time, Tian Quanquan has also developed a boy-like character. She dressed herself as a boy, doing what boys do, making friends with men, playing games and Internet cafes, visiting military forums and getting familiar with various cars. I have endless topics to talk with boys. I am confident and cheerful among girls, even willing to take care of them.

It seems that this can make her abandon her frailty, low self-esteem, loneliness and incompatible.

She also adapted to this kind of life, and was more willing to live with such a strong skin. Until she arrived at university, she joined the car club. Some students from the north laughed at her as a second tail, and did not understand the meaning at first. Later, I learned that the other party was taunting her, not male or female.

She heard what Wei Sheng said to Yue Ling'er just now. Indeed, don't expect anyone to show respect to you unless you prove that you stand in that position.

Wei Sheng helped him fight this game, and Wei Sheng helped him adjust the angle of the car. Doesn't she just need a little courage in the end, can't she do it?

Do not.

She also needs to prove something.

Under extreme speed, the sound of hunting wind blew through the window, and the field circle held the steering wheel tightly, looking at the approaching obstacles, which only allowed the Honda body to cross!


The roar of the externally expanded motor was suddenly tightened by the walls on both sides, which brought a sharp and violent sound, and the Honda body was submerged in the obstacles on both sides!

The students in the front row had already clung to the railing and stared at the scene before them. Many girls subconsciously raised their shoulders at the last moment, closing their eyes, and then, there was a burst of violent cheers in their ears. In this extremely fast scene, a loud whistle was blown to cheer, and some people slapped their hands and shouted again and again.

Wei Sheng's fists clenched behind him slowly loosened, and smiles overflowed from his eyes staring forward.

Xue Yu, the captain of the University of Science and Technology, took a step forward at this moment, opened his mouth, and finally straightened up and pressed his lips tightly. He knew that by now there was nothing to say, even if someone really adjusted the angle for him, he could guarantee that he would not step on him before the door. Does the brake stop this test of heart rate?

Yue Linger stared at the seemingly narrow passage in the distance, and finally turned to Wei Sheng.

Zhu Shilin, the president of the University of Science and Technology, looked slightly stagnant, then turned to look at Cai Dexin and smiled, "Peng has a large number of talents, and it is inseparable from the overall teaching of President Cai."

Cai Dexin humbly shook his head, the two exchanged a few words, and Zhu Shilin took everyone away with his hands.

Inside the car, the field circle stepped on the brakes dazedly, stretched out his hand to wipe it while breathing heavily, suddenly realized that he was sweating profusely.

"Someone adjusts her angle! Have the ability to let her..."


Before Yao Yi's words fell, Yue Ling'er, who was standing not far away from him, suddenly slapped his slap. Yao Yi's face was stunned by the loudness, and the peerless beauty in front of him was staring mockingly at him. Two words faintly uttered from his lips, "Garbage."

After that, Yue Linger turned and walked aside.

The large group of people in science and technology also dispersed with a laugh.

Wei Sheng smiled and raised his eyebrows, while Yao Yi was picking up a cigarette under the comfort of the two Peng contestants, feeling ashamed and overwhelmed.

Immediately after the awards were announced, Tian Quanquan stood on the highest podium, followed by Yue Linger, once again...

Yao Yi did not attend and left the stadium at some point. It was Dong Haojie who came on stage temporarily. At this time, the audience had dispersed. After he stepped down, Dong Haojie organized a gathering of Pengda. In addition to a few drivers, there were also members of the racing club, including several Students who support the field circle on the campus website.

The field circle looked for Wei Sheng's figure, but saw that Wei Sheng was no longer there.

Kong Zhandong also looked for Wei Sheng without seeing Wei Sheng, and turned away with Su Jingzhou.

Even Wenyan, Rong Xiaoshan and others had doubts after the game, but the object of the question disappeared, and they could only interrogate Shao Bingran, the only one who knew something. As for Cui Xian, It seems that it has long since disappeared.


Wei Sheng did not leave with Cui Xian. In fact, Cui Xian had already left before the awards. She received a text message later.

At this moment, Wei Sheng rode a race bike borrowed from Manager Liu in the park. After driving out of Pengcheng Park, he rode all the way to the center of the city.

In the warm summer and spring, Wei Sheng can’t help but feel comfortable riding a bicycle alone in this coastal city. As the earliest special economic zone in China, whether someone says it is a place of selfish desire or a paradise of dreams, it is undoubtedly covered. With a layer of beautiful outer yarn, it is full of tall buildings and green.

Wei Sheng pushed his bicycle onto the jumping bridge, then slid down the jumping bridge, and arrived at the Yiwei Garden sales office. This bicycle belongs to the public house in the park. Wei Sheng rode comfortably, thinking that he really needs to travel in school, so he thought Thinking about staying, driving in such a city all day is not beautiful.

While locking the car, she said to the phone, "I'm at the door." After she said, she hung up the phone and put it in her pocket, and walked into the spacious and bright sales hall.

The reputation of Yiwei Real Estate has long been opened, and the facade is naturally not a small business or small business. Although it looks a little cold during the day, as long as it enters the night, it will light up a dauntingly brilliant halo in this flashy city. That is the halo reflected by the crystal chandelier on the marble floor. It is enough to set off the high property prices and make people's hearts beat faster.

Because the race with Datong Motorsports was finalized during the 11th minor holiday, the original plan to go home to accompany the parents during the small holiday was broken, but last night I received a call from my father saying that since Wei Sheng cannot go back, they will come in person at the end of the month , And even vaguely mentioned that several uncles from Chaonan City may also come together, taking advantage of the holiday to stroll around.

Parents are going to come to Wei Sheng to be naturally delighted, and they began to prepare for accommodation today, and now it is only a few days before the end of the month.

Wei Sheng has been living in school since he came to Pengcheng, and he has not prepared real estate. Temporary renovation is too late, so he has to follow the sample room. In addition, the team members who have been in Pengcheng for some days are not good to live all the time. In the hotel, simply finalize it together.

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