Chapter 934: Nobody's optimistic white Honda (1)

Because of Su Jingzhou’s relationship, the two schools’ meeting teachers were transferred to the front row, and several physical education teachers also greeted the participating drivers to surround themselves and give talks.

The presence of Pengcheng University President Tsai Dexin undoubtedly added luster to this event, and Xue Yunafang did not show weakness, but also invited the President of Pengcheng University of Science and Technology Zhu Shilin.

At this moment, Zhu Shilin led the school leaders to the vacant seat where Cai Dexin was still in the air. The latter smiled and shook hands to greet him, seemingly peaceful.

When Wei Sheng returned to the seat, he realized that the seat had been transferred to the second row in front, and the principal in the first row was Cai Dexin, the principal of the school. This old man Wei Sheng had heard a lot of rumors about him since he entered the school. Member of the City Political Consultative Conference, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Pengcheng University, and expert enjoying government subsidies.

When he was the dean of the Teachers College, he arranged an assignment that caused a great uproar in the academic world. His academic achievements and writings were even more overwhelming, and he can be called a contemporary great man.

Among the statues of past principals displayed in the Science and Technology Museum of Pengcheng University, this is the only figure who was molded during his tenure.

Wei Sheng did not attend the entrance ceremony, so this was the first time I saw him after entering the school. Dong Haojie did have some tricks, and Rong Xiaoshan was jogging back at the moment, "Lao Cai and Zhu Shilin are up against him, Mianli hides the needle!"

Lao Cai is the nickname of Cai Dexin by Peng University students.

It seems that he just got in front of the good letter.

Ge Jingqiu tremblingly said with a small fan that he carried, "What's weird, this year the Provincial Honorary University is competitive, a science and technology major and a Pengda University, it would be weird if there is no ignition medicine."

Tian Quanquan’s cousin Wei Jun laughed, “Quanquan, your president with the surname Dong is really a bit level, to support such a big scene?”

The Fang Tian circle nodded when she heard the words, and she was relieved just now when Dong Haojie said that today was a team battle.

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of exclamation, everyone turned their heads to see, it turned out that the super running club of the University of Science and Technology arrived.

The appearance of Xue Yu from the University of Science and Technology really attracted a lot of attention. The uniform red and white racing suits stepped into the center of the conference at a cool pace. From a distance, they looked handsome and beautiful. The tractors that had arrived from the rear, and the competitors' cars were sent to the starting line one after another, attracting the attention of the students.

Compared with the shock caused by the mechanized operation of the entire park, they are obviously more curious about those expensive cars with advanced performance.

Especially when a burgundy Lamborghini appeared at the venue, there was a sharp roar, "Look! LamborghiniGallardo!"

Wei Sheng also turned to look, but it was a burgundy-red super sports car. She immediately recognized this Lamborghini Gallardo, which was launched in 2003, and the square field circle also recognized it. It was on the mountain that night. The car that Yue Linger drove seemed to be the car of the big science and technology Xue Yu. It is said that it was this car that he used to enter the Pengcheng Supercar Club.

"I remember there are two supercars in the HKUST club?" Wen Yan asked, holding the grass in his mouth.

Sure enough, there was a Lamborghini MurcielagoRGT with a black body as a mirror. It was pulled out by the tractor from the field. When they heard that the two supercars were both participating vehicles from the University of Science and Technology, the students of Peng University suddenly wailed.

"What the hell!"

"How does this compare?"

"Dong Haojie is the SB! The campus cup is the campus cup, what kind of competition between the two schools?"

"Grass! Take our Pengda stepping!"

"We rented the venue, right?"

But then, the most interesting thing of this game happened.

A white Honda Accord was parked in the middle of the two supercars, Lamborghini Gallardo and MurcielagoRGT, by a tractor, making the audience quiet.

The face of the field circle is also dumbfounded.

Before coming today, she went to wash the car specially, the body is white and bright, but still can't resist the comic effect brought by the gap.

After whispering for a while, the students from the University of Science and Technology seemed to learn that it was not their school's racing car, and suddenly burst into laughter.

Tian Quanquan, even if he is dressed handsomely on weekdays, plays the role of the male number one in the dormitory, and even helps Ge Jingqiu and other girls carry water and food, but he is still a girl in his bones, and his face is a little unbearable. At this moment it rose to red.

Looking at other vehicles, the lowest level is also a Japanese coupe. Obviously, Tianquan didn't expect a campus cup to be such a big scene earlier. The visual impact also made her deeply understand that Dong Haojie's attitude was not aimless.

Yun Zi took out the mirror to touch up her makeup and said lightly, "I knew I would lend my car to your cousin to support the scene. Although it's not too valuable, it's better than... Well, I feel ashamed of the price drop, Wei Jun , You said why the current students are so rich?"

Rong Xiaoshan accidentally injured the field circle due to the early melee of Pengcheng One, and later he was quite agreeable after drinking. At this moment, he couldn't help cursing, "They did it on purpose! Why did they park the Honda Accord to two cars? Lamborghini is in the middle?"


"The rules of the game are mixed battles, playing team, Linger drove my Gallardo to be the vanguard, I drove Xiao Wu's Murcielago side to follow up, Datong and Luo Bin you two flanked behind, Xiao Wu's car skills generally used Z4 to play guerrilla. Remember, Yao Yi, who mainly defends against Peng Da, Dong Haojie is second, remember!” Xue Yu concentrated five drivers including him for pre-race mobilization.

After saying this, Xue Yu turned his eyes to the Honda Accord with a sophisticated expression, "They are very thoughtful, I guess the other party's tactic is to use this broken car to fight guerrillas to help break through."

After hearing this, everyone frowned and nodded. Compared to the Accord, the most technologically advanced side is also the BMW Z4. The cost of scraping and repairing the car is amazing. The broken car is probably just for this purpose. .

"But I guess that car can't keep up at the start, and it's hard to run into us." Xiao Wu shook his head and smiled contemptuously.


Tianquanquan naturally didn't know that his Honda Accord was understood by the opponent as a tractor used for rampage tactics. At this moment, she was also gathered by Dong Haojie to mobilize before the game.

"Because we are at home, I have moved a little bit on the prize money of the game. If it only goes to our Pengda Campus Cup, I originally planned to win 50,000 yuan for the first prize."

As soon as Dong Haojie's voice fell, everyone except for Yao Yi, who looked fiercely, took a breath.

"The current melee rules are 30,000 yuan for the first place, 20,000 yuan for the second place, and 10,000 yuan for the third place. All of us are mainly responsible for protecting Yao Yi! They have two supercars and we lose slightly at the start. So at the beginning, don’t worry about anything, just chase! Once you get into the second or third place, you will maintain the formation as planned. I will follow Yao Yi. You two are responsible for pinching other vehicles in the rear, the field circle..."

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