Chapter 873: Like first sight

At the time when he was confident and thought that at a young age, everything would become uncertain in the future.

She just left suddenly.

Then when he filled in his first choice, somehow he wrote down Pengcheng University.

It has been a whole year since he and Cui Xian slept together. Although the other party did not often live in school during this year, he was never like other students holding a computer to kill games, and went to class with dark circles under his eyes. .

In the meantime, because of Shao Bingran's drunken nonsense, all the bedrooms knew that Cui Xian's girlfriend had passed away unexpectedly in high school. As a result, the whole school knew about it. A separate post was opened on the campus forum because of this incident.

Cui Xian didn't blame him, he was still like a foreigner, he seemed to be indifferent, and he seemed to go all out to live his own life.

He still occasionally suddenly rushed out of the dormitory at night, jumped the window and ran to the basketball court to play basketball all night, still occasionally staring at a certain building in a daze, still looking cold in the eyes of others like a prince, still a stranger Don't go in like never waste a word with others.

But because of this, there are many girls in the school who pay attention to him. Even if he hasn't been seen for a month occasionally, there are only a handful of days spent in school throughout the semester.

In Wenyan's words, those who like Wenyan and Shao Bingran are all nympho, and those who like Cui Xian are diehard fans of the flood of maternal love.

Just as many schools have a well-known dormitory, which may live a few school tyrants, or live a few beautiful women, while the 403 dormitory houses three famous boys in the school, Wen Yan, Cui Xian and Shao Bingran.

On the other hand, Rong Xiaoshan consciously included himself as the fourth handsome, and often went out to cheat the beautiful girls in the school under the 403 four handsome sign. He was especially active on the school website, and was repeatedly sad that the girls were willing to approach him. Chun, complaining that the other three people's light is too bright and he has nowhere to turn over.

Seeing Shao Bingran entering the door at this moment, Di Rong Xiaoshan, who was tall and thin and wore a pair of glasses, turned around and asked, "I will go to eat together later, I just found traces of the flowers of the University of Ge in the school forum, the small cafeteria in District B, do you want to Come and meet by chance?"

Shao Bingran smiled and said, "Just save the time when you encounter it. I'm really hungry. Wen Yan, last time did you say that the new restaurant in the school is located in which district?"

Wenyan put down Erlang's legs on the bed, "It's in area B."

"Wenyan, call my sister Jiajia out together? I haven't seen it formally yet." Rong Xiaoshan smiled again. Xu Jiajia is Wenyan’s current girlfriend. The reason for saying that she is incumbent is due to the handsome temperament of Wenyan. This year’s sophomore year, his girlfriend has changed a whole lot, even if he is so famous, he still wins again and again. Love and hate.

What he loves is that he can get in touch with the female circle of every girlfriend of Wenyan, and what he hates is that he has not profited from it until now and dedicated his first love.

Cui Xian doesn't have a girlfriend when strangers don't get close, while Shao Bingran seems to be gentle and polite, but in fact he has no girlfriend when he has a higher vision. Well, I really don't have a girlfriend anyway.

Seeing that Yan picked up the phone and called Xu Jiajia, Rong Xiaoshan was happy, "Cui Xian, didn't you eat? Let's chant?"

When Fang Cuixian nodded, Rong Xiaoshan almost didn't slap his face, saying that it's no wonder he doesn't have a girlfriend.

Pengcheng University has the reputation of a garden school. The school is divided into several large areas, all with red flowers, green leaves and birds, and a green mountain lake, surrounded by dense woods, which can be called a love paradise, and the dormitory is built in Cuishan By the lake, the students joked that they lived in a lake-view room.

It was time for meals, and the students had all finished their classes. The in and out of the dormitory were so lively, in groups or discussions or laughter, but in the sunset, they looked vigorous.

Rong Xiaoshan dragged Wenyan to explore the enemy’s situation and look for a target. Shao Bingran kept on the phone from time to time, because he had followed his father to intervene in Wancheng and started studying since high school. But at university, his father wanted to send him to country M, but he was caught by him. Filled with Pengcheng, and because Pengcheng is located in a special economic zone, policy support is relatively strong, and the economy is relatively developed. It is also one of the main cities of Wancheng.

Now he is led by Vice President Zhang of Pengcheng Branch of Wancheng Group, and Shao Bingran has already carried a big banner. Even when he was at school, he was busy with business and constant telephone calls, which seemed to be a major feature of him in the eyes of others.

Cui Xian walked behind with one hand in his pocket. Qingjun had no expression on his face, and stepped out of the bedroom building facing the golden sunset outside the window.

When she raised her eyes, she saw a girl looking at her smilingly and with a lollipop in her mouth.

He paused, then lowered his eyes, a flash of self-deprecating ridicule on his lips.

In recent years, he has had the experience of walking on the street and mistaken others for her countless times, sometimes because of a momentary absence and pure illusion, sometimes because of a back figure alone. He had suspected her death, and was lost. Only he knows what kind of process he has gone through in the process of acceptance.

The fact is, she did leave.

The girl who used to smile at herself with a lollipop under the blue sky.

The girl who stepped on herself over the wall in order to play truant.

Once on her birthday, she pretended to be a girl who was a domineering president Faner.

She used to be able to hold everything, but she was ashamed of a child in front of her.


‘Once’-these two words are the most difficult word.


"Hey." He was walking down the steps in front of the bedroom with his eyes down, and the other party shouted.

After returning to his senses, Cui Xian raised his eyes and saw that the man who opened the mouth was looking at him, dressed in a black leather jacket, just like the appearance of Hutai County when he first met.

But at that time, the leather jacket was much wider than her body. At that time, she raised the leather jacket unchecked and tried to take the ball...

And this look was very similar to what I saw earlier, her eyes flushed on the playground, her suppressed cold face was looking at herself with a strong smile.

Time seems to overlap at this moment, similar expressions, similar clothes, similar... people.

Time seemed to be still at this moment in an instant, because Cui Xian stood still suddenly, Shao Bingran, Wen Yan, Rong Xiaoshan and others turned around and stopped to wait, and then, Cui Xian was seen clutching his chest tightly with one hand. Suddenly, his eyes were red on that cold face all the year round, and he knelt on the ground with a bang.

The people around, also at this moment, really stopped walking, or were shocked, or could not believe it, or stared blankly at this scene.

Shao Bingran raised his head abruptly, followed Cui Xian's gaze, and looked over. The phone that was talking on his ear slowly took off his palm, slipped from that palm, and fell to the ground.

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