Chapter 869: Three years

Police sirens sounded from afar, Manila City has begun martial law today.

Old Anpa stood in place with his hands squinted and stared at Wei Sheng for a moment. Eventually, his eyelids twitched slightly, and he turned around and said, "There is a disturbance, don't leave a trace."

Like the landing operation, everyone knows who did it, but it is not easy to leave evidence.

The brigade came quickly and went quickly.

Old Anpa got into the car, and the little Anpa turned around and went out. He had already threw a grenade that had opened the insurance to Wei Sheng.

Then he closed the door abruptly and dodged toward the side wall. The explosion did not sound immediately, as if it was a pause.

The fire is soaring!

The sound was deafening, and the ground under his feet seemed to tremble. Xiao Anpa moved the neck that had just been hooked, and stepped into the car with a sneer.

The convoy was awe-inspiring, but swift and violently mixed with a few strands of contempt, slowly drove out of the alley.

Manila City is not peaceful today. After the hijacking of the Presidential Palace just ended, there was another big explosion that burst into the sky. On the street, pedestrians all looked towards the direction of the black smoke rising, but did not Don't understand what happened.


In the capital, Yang Lichun, who was cooking in the kitchen, suddenly felt painful for a while. She turned her head and said to her husband in the living room, "Why do I suddenly start to panic in my heart? Call Xiao Sheng and ask about it abroad. Nope?"

"I can't get through with my mobile phone when I'm abroad, so let's wait for a letter from my girl." Wei Jiefang said with a smile.

Turning his head to look at the sky outside the window, it was sunny, but the scene seemed extremely deep.

Wei Sheng only said that he needed to go abroad for business, and he left yesterday.


MSS headquarters.

Three floors.

Liu Qingping's face paled after he learned the truth, and the corners of his lips trembled unconsciously for a moment. Then, he returned to his usual calmness.

Manila's eyeliner has returned the exact news.

Wei Sheng is dead, the body is found, but it has been blown up, the wreckage and clothes are all there.

He finally settled slowly on the chair, closing his eyes and frowning, he never expected that things would develop to this point.

Unexpectedly, he pushed the child into the fire pit.

And the other child, how should I explain to him.

Liu Qingping turned his eyes to look outside the gate, knowing that the young man had stayed there since he was left outside the gate.

How could this be.


Wei Sheng's death did not cause too many storms, but she was dead, and MSS sent someone to find Wei Sheng's home in private.

Both Cui Yongzhen and Li Zhengwen knew that Yang Lichun's cries almost spread all over the floor that day.

Then Cui Yongzhen went to the other door to inquire about the specific situation, and when she learned of the death, even she was stunned.

When asked what happened, Yang Lichun bit his lip and cried and passed out, but finally did not give an answer.

She also saw that Wei Jiefang, a big man, squatted in the corner of the kitchen and cried.

This news is nothing short of terrible news to the Wei family, and to the Cui family, it is also equivalent to a shocking thunder. Cui Yongzhen can only lament that the world is impermanent. A good person, how to leave and leave?

What worries her most is her son.


No matter what mistakes Wei Sheng has made in this life, or what honor he has received, what right choices he made, and what wrong choices he made, time will not stand still because of her death.

The sun still rises and sets as usual, the four seasons are still clear, spring and autumn are still clear, sunny days are still shining, and cloudy days are still rainy.

The development of the city is still drastic, with lots of houses being demolished, lots of tall buildings erected in the city, urban roads becoming wider and wider, and all kinds of ground ring bridges are built up.

Time flies, three years are fleeting.

During these three years, Wei Jiefang and his wife were sad because of the death of their daughter. They stopped doing business and returned to the south.

Because of his compassion, Cui Yongzhenxu would visit the door every time he returned to Chaonan during the past three years, bring something, and hold Yang Lichun a few words of comfort.

Fortunately, Wei's grief and decline only lasted for a while. The couple later regained their lives, and in the following time they made the Lichun brand impressive, thanks to the 3 million yuan fund left by their daughter.

In the past three years, Liu Jianren has never left the care of Wei Jiefang and his wife. At the beginning, he proposed to return the company to the Wei family several times. Wei Jiefang refused his intention on the grounds of inability. Things seem to gradually disappear.


Country M, San Francisco, San Mateo County.

At ten o'clock at night, in late August, there was no wind at night.

The huge plastic canopy on a clearing in the north of the county seat opened with a bang. In this silent night, it was extremely ear-piercing. After the canopy was opened, the dark and shiny fuselage was suddenly exposed.

A huge plane like a beast appears above the open space, with its two wings stretched backwards like solid triangles. At first glance, it looks like an eagle swinging behind its wings, making people want to send it to the vast sky. Gallop proudly.

"Have you really developed the F-22?" The middle-aged man pulling his suitcase closed his pupils quickly, and quickly stepped forward to stroke the extremely cold body.

"The F-22 stealth fighter, a fighter with super maneuverability and high stealth, can carry powerful weapons and ammunition. Compared with F117A, it has improved range and long-distance bombing ability. The radar reflection cross-sectional area is only one percent of conventional aircraft. Able to conduct stealth operations 24 hours a day," the man facing him said quietly.

"Can I go up and have a look?"


The moment the man with the suitcase walked out of the fighter, he already lifted his sleeve to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead. This is a real fighter, not a model, let alone a joke.

He glanced at the black convoy under the fighter plane, and said that since Huang Gezhang's death two years ago and his adopted son succeeded to the throne, Hongmen of State Z acquired Beisha Island, built an armament factory, and began to interrupt arms purchase transactions with other powers. , And then fell into a deadly silence. Some time ago, there was a rumbling that it was selling an upgraded version of F711A. Hearing this news, no one laughed.

Where did you think it was true?

He walked quickly in the opposite direction until he walked out of the clearing, came to the black car parked by the highway, leaned over and knocked on the window.

The car window slid down, revealing the man’s fair and handsome face. Even if it’s not the first time I saw this face, the middle-aged man still couldn’t help being frightened by his Tsinghua University. He couldn’t help but sigh again. He was clearly in his early twenties and had such an achievement. , But Ruifeng's eyes were black and white, but there was always a touch of coldness hidden in her eyes.

He only glanced at it, then said in a concentrated voice, "Cui Shao, it's true."

The young man in the car slowly narrowed his eyes, his face under his short black hair couldn't help showing a bit of movement, and he spoke for a while, "hand in the deposit."

Immediately afterwards, the car left the convoy in the dark, and turned the car alone towards Los Angeles Airport.

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