Chapter 866: the reason

The residence was arranged by Old Anpa himself. Wei Sheng planned to live with Di Yawen, but this idea is undoubtedly unrealistic. She brought people to participate in this operation. Naturally, the fewer people knew, the better. , Otherwise would it not be equivalent to leaking secrets.

Now she has no documents, no mobile phones, and no money on her body, except for an apple that she brought out when she was on the ship.

Now half of them had been thrown into the submarine, and the other half had vomited in the harbor last night.

I want to contact Yan Baiqing but I can’t get in touch. I don’t know if they have prepared for themselves. At this point, I can only believe that the country’s authority has overwhelmed me.

Wei Sheng smiled bitterly.

It was almost noon.

Wei Sheng held the potato chips from the Mansion Security House and turned on the TV, tilting Erlang's legs in an unsightly gesture to see if he could watch the live broadcast.

The Manila News Channel is introducing in local Mandarin: "As Hong Kong's economy takes off, Hong Kong women have stepped out of their families for employment. Many Hong Kong families have begun to hire Filipino domestic helpers as domestic helpers. By the peak of this year, Hong Kong Filipino domestic helpers have reached 155,000. Manila TV will report for you."

The locals are not ashamed of their women going out to work as servants. On the contrary, being able to work overseas is something that local families are proud of and can talk about.

Watching the TV news, Wei Sheng couldn't help feeling a little worried while waiting.

Because the purpose of singing this play is to conceal both parties M and R, it is absolutely confidential.

Including Liu's subordinates who are currently cooperating with the headquarters, that is, the group of MSS internal personnel. They do not have the right to know the truth. They only believe that the successful landing, execution and proper deployment of this time are mainly dependent on themselves and the Philippines. Relationship of forces.

They believed that what was being carried out was a real hijacking and coercion operation.

The person who contacts the local forces in the Philippines is very important. Not only must the Philippines believe it is credible, but it must also have a direct relationship with them.

She Wei Sheng has dealt with Philippine forces and had a very close relationship. She went out to contact each other successfully and played a very important role in this operation.

Even in the eyes of everyone in MSS, everything seems reasonable and natural.

It's just that Wei Sheng still feels faintly disturbed.

Wei Sheng can only rely on Liu Bu's judgment now. After all, to rise to this level, she is indeed a little far away, or maybe it is because he is fighting too much underneath, which has caused too much suspicion.

In fact, this matter has been out of his control since the old Anpa pointed out himself.

But since it is something that has already been discussed above, it is no different to think about it.

This reminded her of what Cui Xian said in the Internet cafe that day: things she didn't understand, no comments, no guesses.

Anyway, because of this level of struggle, he is now sitting in a well and watching the sky.

It's a pity that I didn't even think about watching the sky, so the sky ran right in front of my eyes, and with my own ability, even if I couldn't get used to it, I couldn't lift the sky.

Still can't lift the sky.

This Fangzheng laughed at himself, and the news screen on the TV changed suddenly.

"Now we will broadcast a news about current affairs. There is a hijacking incident in the Presidential Palace near the Pasig River in Manila..."

Leaning on the short man, Wei Sheng straightened up and sat cross-legged.

If this matter goes on smoothly according to the plan above, you can be considered as participating in a major event of saving the country and the people, and maybe you will become a hero secretly.

Even if it is disclosed in the future, even if it cannot be included in the annals of history, it will be regarded as a history to remain in history.

Wei Sheng has made up his mind that when he is old, he must hold the hands of his children and grandchildren, and tirelessly blow out the arrogance that has been buried in his heart for many years.

In the TV, fighting was already in front of Gaomen's painted white mansion, and I don't know whether the grenade or the sparks left by the grenade spread on the ground.

The picture turns.

The dense smoke of the smoke bomb made the heroes look so beautiful!

Leaving the stalwart posture to the world.

This group of heroes is very heroic, fully armed, wearing a black mask, leaving only the three points of the eyes, mouth and nose, and they are completely blocked by the gas mask. It is really like...

Rob the bank.

The hijacking of the Presidential Palace is a major national event. According to the news, the Manila Police Department and troops rushed to it, and the surroundings of the Presidential Palace were quickly blocked.

Wei Sheng stared at the TV and frowned.

There is no camera in the mansion, and the situation cannot be seen, but the gate of the Qibai mansion has been blocked by reporters and armed forces who came to hear the news! The ‘contract’ with MSS should come into effect immediately.



Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner in the steel gate at the end of a corridor on the third floor of MSS headquarters.

"Liu Bu, C city casts the net properly!"

"Liu Bu, news from Manila, everything is normal!"

"Liu Bu, Radio Manila is reporting on the hijacking!"

Liu Bu's name is like the impression that Wei Sheng left when he first met him. He looks flat and Liu Qingping.

For Liu Qingping, it is undoubtedly one of the most important moments in life.

For both pros and cons, the knocking down and hijacking of the F711A stealth fighter angered the opponent, but it also involved the long-term safety hazards of the S Dam. After this battle, the safety hazards of the S Dam were undoubtedly lifted.

According to the agreement, the incoming Philippine armed forces will be captured by one's own side immediately.

In other words, those special Philippine workers who entered the country in an attempt to approach the bomb detonation distance were abandoned by the Philippines.

"Liu Bu! Manila signal is interrupted!"

A sound suddenly made Liu Qingping come back to his senses. He walked quickly to the monitoring station, took the headset and put it on top of his head, raised his hand to toggle the connection device, but only endless electric currents came from the headset.

"Liu Bu, the presidential palace has begun to exchange fire!" The report from not far away made Liu Qingping look slightly drunk. He turned and walked to the computer. At this moment, the computer screen has been cut into the local radio station in Manila. It can be seen that the local armed forces have broken through the defense line and rushed into the government.

what happened?

At this moment, the door was suddenly opened from the outside, everyone looked up, and saw the young man in white at the door, his face was as cold as the twelfth moon ice cave, his eyes were staring straight at Liu Qingping.

"Get out!" Liu Qingping shouted in a deep voice.

The boy frowned, and instead of going out, he stepped inside. "Last night the national defense dispatched the southern Xinjiang frigate to reach 30 nautical miles from the open sea. At the same time, the C627 conventionally powered submarine was instructed to be on standby in the open sea, including what happened in Manila today. I want an explanation. "

"Get out!" Liu Qingping's voice was even louder.

The boy's face seemed to be soaked with frost, extremely cold, "Where is she?"

Liu Qingping immediately recovered his complexion, swept his eyes around, got up and walked out, "You come with me." This action was jointly instructed by MSS and the high-level military.

In other words, no one at the level below Liu Qingping is aware of the conspiracy between the Philippines and one's own side.

Including all the staff of MSS present and participating in the work at the moment.

They only know that they have sent people into the Philippines to hijack the presidential palace and force the other party to withdraw from the armed forces, but they don't know that this is a scene.

This is top secret.

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