Chapter 793: A bit small

It was an unexpected surprise to see Gao Rui here, and Gao Rui was surprised to see Wei Sheng originally, but after learning that she had transferred to Beijing as an exchange student as early as September but did not contact him, she did not seem to contact him. How happy.

He glanced at Cui Xian first, and then shook his head, "I think you just forget about sex, value **** and despise friends, you can't be a typical example!"

Wei Sheng smiled awkwardly.

That Fang Cuixian didn’t say anything. Earlier he went to school at Chaonan No. 1 Middle School. Whether it was with Shao Bingran or Gao Rui Tang Yuling, they all got together because of Wei Sheng, and it didn’t take long before he transferred to S Hai. The love of Mo Ni's acquaintance can only be regarded as a friend, and it is no different from the current Luo Dinglei.

What's more, Gao Rui used to compete with him because of Tang Yuling.

"What's the situation? Little Mayor, a friend came from afar?" Gao Rui asked a friend who entered the door with a loud voice, leaning on the front desk.

Gao Rui turned his head to look at the interrogator. He was a young man with half-length and no-short hair. He was eighteen or nineteen years old. "Wei Sheng that I mentioned to you!" After that, he turned to Wei Sheng and asked. "Quickly tell them, "Pretty_Boy", did you sing it during the school celebration? They insisted that it was released by the M2M group in March this year."

Wei Sheng is even more embarrassed at the moment. This story undoubtedly tells us that we must not use plagiarism to pretend to be 13, otherwise we will have to show up sooner or later.

Although Wei Sheng sent this song to Shao Bingran during the celebration of Chaonan City No. 1 High School in the first place, it was only a judgment on the emotions of the previous life, but it was suspicion of pretending to be a big-tailed wolf when it was openly given to the boys. It hasn't been released yet. She said vaguely that it was a foreign song, but wouldn't it be revealed right now?

"Cheng Lin, don't you all have swimsuits?" Wei Sheng turned off the topic and looked at the classmates.

All of Gao Rui’s friends looked at each other and laughed out loud. They undoubtedly thought that Gao Rui had remembered it wrong and still refused to admit it. He wanted to live up to his face. When he was ignoring this, he had to bet with them. .

The questioning boy smiled immediately, "Swimsuits are easy to handle, friends of friends are my friends, you choose your own, and whatever they choose later will be credited to my card."

Cheng Lin and others hesitated no matter where they were ashamed.

Until Gao Rui nodded his head, "Choose it, the upstairs fitness room is reserved by Luo Bing's house, and everyone should help me kill the big family!"

When he said this, he was relieved of embarrassment. Several girls laughed and thanked them, and went to the counter where they chose swimwear. Gao Rui was still upset about the topic just now, and asked, "Wei Sheng, tell them, did you forget? Just the one you sang during the school celebration and dedicated to the boys present. By the way, Cui Xian , Do you remember?"

Wei Sheng had already taken Cui Xian into the shop to choose a swimsuit, his mouth was vague, "Forget it, it seems that I let it go on the radio."

Gao Rui's eyes brightened when he heard it, and he was still talking, but he was so bluffed that he silenced his voice.

It turned out that Wei Sheng was trying to avoid Gao Rui’s inquiries, and he pulled something pretended to fiddle, and then he saw it was a pair of swimming trunks, and subconsciously placed it in front of Cui Xian’s waist, he looked rather serious and seemed to fit in. Inappropriate.

Gao Rui stared at the moment, but saw that Fang Cuixian stood upright and calmly, letting Wei Sheng stretch the men's swimming trunks in front of his crotch.

Cui Xian is not embarrassed, but Gao Rui turned around to find a friend with embarrassment, and left a sentence, "I am waiting for you outside."

It wasn't until Gao Rui left that Wei Sheng frowned and stared at the swimming trunks in front of him for a moment. Then, Cui Xian on the other side reached out and pulled Wei Sheng's swimming trunks, as if leaning over on the counter, his lips flapped. When she deliberately brushed her ears, she said quietly, "It's a bit small."

Wei Sheng's face flushed, and he grinned without embarrassment, and slammed his elbow against him pretentiously, "Be smaller."

He moved his mouth slightly, and then showed a clean and shy smile. He took Wei Sheng's palm and walked to the lady's swimsuit to the side. He pointed to the saleswoman at the crimson three-dot dress at the height, "Just this one. "

Wei Sheng stared, and the sales lady glanced at the two with an ambiguous expression. If an ordinary man stood here, it would not be considered a **** wolf to choose such a swimsuit for a girl. His male appearance is so clean and handsome, and it makes people feel pure when he looks at it. The sales lady also smiled embarrassedly and unloaded the swimsuit that was hanging on the height with a shelf.

"how much is it."


"So expensive?" Cheng Lin pointed her ears up to pay attention to this movement, while little Cui Xian over there had already taken out her wallet.


Outside the door, Gao Rui waited for Wei Sheng to come out. Luo Bing shook the membership card in his hand boredly. His card was naturally different from the promotional monthly card. It was a stored-value annual card for a swimming pool with money stored in it. Come here to swim on weekdays, you can eat and drink directly in the swimming pool.

While waiting, Gao Rui was talking to a few friends in "Pretty_Boy". A girl smiled and said, "Nonsense, if it is true, the Shades_of_purple album is not equivalent to infringement? Why is no one suing M2M?"

"Come out." Luo Bing raised his chin toward the crowd, then handed the card to the front desk and asked, "How much did it cost?"

Wei Sheng sent the pieces back to his ears pretentiously, and Lu Shishi was already proud to say, "Cui Xian paid."

A few minutes ago, Xiao Cui Xian had replaced Wei Sheng with awe-inspiring posture to pay for swimwear. This move undoubtedly won the unanimous favor of the girls in the second and third classes of the High School Affiliated to Normal University, except for secretly scolding Cui Xian for his actions. Luo Dinglei.

Luo Bing couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and glanced at Cui Xian, then handed the card to the front desk rather indifferently, changed the bracelet and put it on his hand, "Let's enter, then."

At the front entrance of the swimming pool, there is a middle-aged man with a big belly and sparse hair, holding a young girl with a leopard print skirt and goose down leggings, and an outstanding young girl stepped in. Just after Wei Sheng and others changed their bracelets , Followed by stepping into the dressing room.

Before Wei Sheng stepped into the ladies' area, he heard Luo Bing and others who did not enter the door stop talking and discussing.


"So pretty hey."

"Look at the two-step waist twist, I'm afraid she twisted."

Then, with superficial vanity, Wei Sheng walked into the dressing area with his brand-new swimsuit complexion in the voice of Cui Xianhao and Cui Xianbang.

And the enchanting woman with excellent posture, stepped in on the back foot, passed the bracelet on the wrist close to the door of Wei Sheng, raised her chin, and removed all the leopard print dress on her body. , The action neatly tore off the underwear and panties, enough to make any woman jealous of her beautiful figure, and she suddenly showed it in front of everyone.

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