Chapter 765: The princess and the knight (one more)

When Luo Dinglei saw Ma Xiaohong, he also walked out of the classroom with a sheet in his hand, "Xia Fei was out of school at noon today. He said you came and give this to you."

Ma Xiaohong took the list and glanced at it, took out a red water-based pen from his pocket, and pasted the list on the wall and wrote: Grade 2 and 3 in high school.

Then he greeted Wei Sheng and Luo Dinglei to go upstairs with her, saying that there would be a meeting before the auction to introduce some information that the class leaders need to know.

He also smiled mysteriously at Wei Sheng and Luo Dinglei, "By the way, there is a small event."

It was the often vacant classroom on the third floor. At this moment, there were already student representatives from the first to thirty classes in high school. What I have to say is that the significance of this event, from a certain perspective, is undoubtedly gathering a lot of capable people from all classes in the school.

Although the High School Affiliated to Normal University may not be as good as Chaonan City No. 1 High School or Green Island Global and other schools where the sons of politics and business are blooming, judging from the arrogant appearance of most of these students, they are undoubtedly among them in their own circles. The leader and the central figure.

Of course, it can also be seen that some of the students are quiet, thin and weak, or standing cringly in corners such as windows or doors, maybe their family is well-off or superior, or maybe they are just getting into assets. The class does not adapt to the different ways, comparison and show off, nor does it have a natural sense of superiority, and prefers ordinary students to live freely and quietly.

This classroom came in by pushing the door, and the students showed their sights. Luo Dinglei raised his chin first after seeing this group of people, as if he didn't want to overwhelm the aura. And Ma Xiaohong smiled and greeted everyone present. Although she only greeted the few people by name, she naturally gave people a feeling of taking care of everyone present. Perhaps this is her uniqueness.

Wei Sheng also saw Yang Miao in the corner next to the blackboard in this classroom.

At this moment, Wei Sheng couldn't help but feel an unprecedented astonishment, because she saw the straightforward girl with short hair, small eyes, and a few freckles on her face. She was standing in front of the classroom holding the donation box with her expression. Obviously embarrassed and confused, accepting the scrutiny of others in the house as if waiting to be priced.

Along with her, there are four male and female students. It is not difficult to recognize that these people are students from H Province in the High School Affiliated to Normal University. Recently, it is these people who have formed a small group with Yang Miao. Use the donation box to collect donations on and off campus.

After entering the room, Ma Xiaohong smiled and said hello to Yang Miao and the others, "You have arrived? That's it. Let me tell you that these classmates are relatives of the disaster-stricken people from the hardest-hit area in H Province. Whether as a Chinese! Or as alumni! I think we should all do our part for our compatriots."

While speaking, she took out a fifty-yuan bill from the delicate wallet with a serious face and put it into the donation box of the girl nearest to her.

The girl's fingers squeezed visibly while holding the box, and she smiled as gratefully as possible in embarrassment.

Yang Miao is also the same at this moment. She knows that Ma Xiaohong is kind. Although this kindness makes her uncomfortable, but she thinks it may be her vanity and strong self-esteem. So she smiles as much as possible, because she I think this is correct.

After all, I am also contributing to the disaster-stricken people in my hometown. This is not the same as holding a job and begging for myself!

Yang Miao told himself this secretly in his heart.

A boy in the fundraising team bent towards the crowd generously, "I thank everyone on behalf of the victims in the disaster area in H Province."

Yang Miao and several others also bent over.

Then the group of boys and girls gathered in this room, one by one hugged or impatient, or helpless, or indifferent, or with sympathetic gazes, threw the banknotes into the cash box.

There are ten yuan, fifty yuan, and even one hundred yuan.

Ma Xiaohong was still giving a affectionate and moving speech, as if he saw it as a small charity event.

Or maybe she is proud that she has gathered these wealthy children to solve the fundraising problem for Yang Miao and other students from H province. After all, they are running outside for a day, maybe the amount of donations is not enough for these few people in this atmosphere. The amount paid out is more.

Wei Sheng watched this scene in shock. She felt that all the people present had forgotten a fact. In fact, both Yang Miao and the students from H Province are like everyone in this house. They are doing charity for the disaster area, but their identities from H Province have led to this The charity activities seem to be short of others.

Under the support of the news agency, or Ma Xiaohong, this identity is constantly being brought to the table and enlarged and sympathized. In the end, these straight-backed students who are running around for their hometown become poor beggars, and all this may be just for Satisfy the hypocritical sympathy of some people.

This kind of scene can't help but remind her of being constantly carried on various podiums to extol the beauty during her last life as a supportive life in extreme poverty. The meaning of the situation is not the same, but in this scorching afternoon, it is inexplicably breeding in the bottom of my heart and suddenly erupting.

It has to be said that Ma Xiaohong is considered a success at the head of the news agency. Maybe she will become an excellent media person in the future, because she is good at grasping certain points, even covering the face with points and covering all.

Looking at the students from Province H, they may feel that there is something wrong with the situation they are facing, but they can't say it is wrong, because they have been unconsciously pressed into the so-called big hat representing the victims of the disaster. .

No wonder the school society sees big from the small, and this school is not a microcosm of society.

"Enough." Wei Sheng suddenly shouted blankly.

Her voice obviously provokes everyone in a daze, and even more interrupts the solemn and orderly fundraising activity.

Then she stepped forward and took Yang Miao's arm, turned and strode out of the classroom. In the afternoon when the sun was roasting the earth, she looked like a knight who rescued the princess from the ivory tower, with a straight and cold posture. .

Immediately afterwards, the few H province students who raised donations were taken aback, almost chasing them out with Ma Xiaohong. Among them, the H province boy who took the lead in thanking everyone reached out and grabbed Yang Miao in a bewildered face, forcing the knight and the princess. Both stopped.

"What are you doing?" the girl who was thrown into the first hundred-dollar bill and her hands tightened, asked her eyebrows.

Ma Xiaohong's face no longer had a bright smile either, she was carrying the sunlight from outside the corridor window, a bit of annoyance flashed on her face.

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