Chapter 742: Night finals

Where did Wei Sheng control so much? The thieves swept around, and when no one was looking, the tiger jumped to the boy and hugged him, and then turned around and walked away arrogantly.

The young man reached out his hand to touch his lips, swept around the corners of his eyes, and couldn't help laughing.


Tonight’s game is even higher than yesterday’s. With the last night’s battle, today’s news is that the flow of people going up the mountain is about to fill up the mountain. In other words, the speed of vendors will always be much faster than you expected. In the afternoon, the mountain is already selling For car fans, the Asian Tigers have white and blue shirts with the Asian Tigers logo printed on them.

The Bulls are red and white short-sleeved shirts, ten yuan each. Now standing by the track and looking around, there are almost only these two colors left, even some fans of fake cars that Wei Sheng knows. For example, Zhu Xiaoxiao and others are now wearing the Bulls fan clothes with a mentality to join in the fun. They don’t know where to learn, and they are painted colorfully. They even asked Yu Wenwen and others to lift up for the Bulls. Cheering banner.

Today is still a relay race, but Luo Quankun told Wei Sheng to replace it with a two-person relay race. According to his intention, Wei Sheng played first, so he just saw that Wei Sheng hadn't arrived yet, so he almost rushed back to the camp to arrest people.

"Let Shuma play first, and then the pressure is too great, it will easily affect the performance." Wei Sheng said.

Luo Quankun did not agree with his insistence on the theory of anger, "It's better for you to go first..."

Wei Sheng interrupted Luo Quankun's words, "Isn't Nagarde holding the field from the rear? Since I have checked his details today, wouldn't it be a waste of time to play against him? Ask Shu Ma to go first."

Seeing her resolute attitude, Luo Quankun had to make a substitution. Dajue Weisheng did not listen to the command, and did not know whether she should be pulled into the team for cultivation in the future. This girl is brave and mad!

It was incumbent that Shuma got the order and got into the car with his muscles and bones. The race was about to start now.

On the Asian Tiger team’s side, the player who was at the same level as Nagarde was also a retired player from Country M. They were all retired players of the Barbier team. The opponent's attitude was rather arrogant and did not seem to be stationed in Country Z. His little team’s little race was in the eyes, and he looked relaxed and relaxed, and even stood by the car and lit a cigarette before the start of the race.

The fans of the Asian Tigers are excited, the clamor is much louder than that of the Bulls, and the shouts are almost shaking.

"Audience friends! The time to witness the speed and passion is coming! This is Beijing Sports TV, and the host will broadcast it live tonight..."

"Burning passion for the summer! Witness the miracle and glory! With the sound of the engine, deduct a different style of speed and fashion! Hello, everyone, I am Shen Lang from the Sports Daily, and today I will join the Sports Channel to interview you live..."

The radio and newspaper reporters and hosts who came to hear the news crowded into the crowd, live broadcast the pomp in a bold and passionate tone. Wei Sheng stood in the crowd with his chest in his arms, couldn’t help putting sunglasses on his face, and looking for Huo Feier. I borrowed her peaked cap to avoid being inadvertently taken into it by an inadvertent camera. Even though it was on TV, no one would know her.

Different from the enthusiasm of Huo Feier and others at this moment, the head teacher Jiang Yuchen was embarrassed at this moment. Today she received two bad news. One is that Coach Luo personally asked her not to stop Wei Sheng from playing in the evening. I can only agree, and I have seen Wei Sheng drive in the morning. Seeing Coach Luo like this, it shouldn't be a big problem.

The other bad news is that Luo Dinglei informed her that she is about to quit school today. He does not intend to take the college entrance examination, but will enter the racing industry with Coach Luo. Coach Luo also expressed his attitude, saying that he really wants to cultivate his nephew. If it were not for Luo Dinglei's insistence, then he should have officially entered the team as early as when he turned 18 last year.

Since receiving this news, Jiang Yuchen has been flustered, feeling incomprehensible.

Fang Yuan Yiyang saw that she had been looking bad, but said that she was frightened by the momentum, and couldn't help but stretched out her hand to hold the person in her arms, and he was fortunate that Jiang Yuchen obviously followed him more than ever today, at least not. Not too much to push back his intimacy.

Lü Lei and Jia Wenqiang were leaning next to Zhu Xiaoxiao and the others, even if the other party asked them to take the banner or wave the flower ball in their hands, it was incumbent. Xia Fei held his chest and squatted aside dejectedly, looking over there wearing a top. Wei Sheng in the peaked cap felt quite uncomfortable.

But no matter how bad Xia Fei is, this car race is coming as scheduled.

At the referee's command, the two cars, one white and one yellow, popped out like cannonballs. The crowd burst out like thunder. The excitement seemed to be contagious. The enthusiasm of the fans ignited everyone present.

Yue Ling'er walked straight to Wei Sheng's side, turned his face and suddenly said, "How sure are you?"

Wei Sheng turned around when he heard the words, and said with a smile, "Everything has changed since I got on the road, so it's not good to say."

"Are there any circumstances?" Yue Ling'er seemed determined to ask the bottom.

Wei Sheng couldn't help but shrugged, "If Nagarde's level is only as high as what he did at noon today, I am 100% sure, but he obviously didn't try his best at noon."

Yue Ling'er could hardly hear the latter words, because the previous words were enough to surprise her. She obviously lost to Nagarde at noon today, and she seemed to be trying desperately to catch up, but she said that if the opponent's level is only noon With so many performances, she is 100% sure to beat each other?

Ten percent!

This also means that she didn't pay attention to Nagarde's performance at noon today? This made Yue Ling'er couldn't help squirming, and finally ended the conversation without knowing what to respond.

Shuma's performance is the same as yesterday, there is no extraordinary performance, and there will be no obvious technical errors. It is considered to be stable after a lap, but the opponent's level is obviously too high, and Shuma has been left behind.

The performance of the Bulls fans was obviously a bit sluggish, because there was nothing to make them excited and applaud. From the two cars side by side to the starting point, and then after the first corner, the opponent dropped Shuma. After being behind, it just fell further and further, and Shuma, who was chasing behind, obviously had less pressure to be chased. He played steadily and followed behind, so that the opponent would not be completely blinded.

Luo Quankun regretted not implementing the tactics, but now it is too late to regret.

He now only asks Wei Sheng, the little ancestor, to be as good as hers. No matter how good it is, according to what this morning...

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