Chapter 688: News in the box

"I would like to invite our guests today! Founder of Rebirth International! Wei Sheng!"

Zhu Xiaoxiao's voice poured into Wei Sheng's ears through the room, making her face shocked, and at this time the person had been pulled into the box by Li Lu.

But seeing the hostile group of young people in the box just staring at her sluggishly, Wei Sheng took off his sunglasses and turned to look at the big screen in the box. At this moment, it was playing the front of the Los Angeles Central Hotel. One scene.

Goodbye, whether it's Li Lu, Zhu Xiaoxiao, Ma Quan or Zhang Cheng, the faces are excited and the eyes are bright and proud. Wei Sheng wants to find a seam and get in.

In particular, the doors of one of the boxes outside the door opened, and the guests shouted, "What's the matter! Why did it stop halfway through the stage?"

"Grass! I'm here to watch the news? The news is broadcast halfway through singing! Waiter!"

"It's news in your room too? It's the same in my room. Half of the singing is gone, and the string is gone, right? This is it? The waiter! It's dead for a long time?"

"It's the news in my room too! The rebirth of the world is still in the end. It's broadcast at home and the station is broadcast. Come out and sing a song and then broadcast it!"

Li Lu was also scared by the boiling crowd. At this moment, a waiter rushed into the box and said towards Zhu Xiaoxiao, "Sister Zhu, I asked the receptionist to remove the video tape. I said it can’t be done for two minutes. It's long! You see this customer is in a hurry."

Zhu Xiaoxiao waved his hand indifferently, "Retreat now, retreat, we're done."

At this moment, Wan Ziyan, who followed Wei Sheng in the door, was already dumbfounded. Originally, Li Lu was hiding and squeezing her way. He thought it was a rich daughter with a deep background, otherwise, Zhu Xiaoxiao and others would receive such a grand reception. What's more, Zhu Xiaoxiao's snobbery, this is known in the circle, and her weather vane shows that her attitude must not be wrong.

But Wan Ziyan never dreamed that the girl in front of her turned out to be the founder of Rebirth International who has frequently appeared on TV recently.

This is not the same plane as the second generation ancestors who used some money at home to sway the market. If these people here are the standard second generation of rich officials, then this girl is not the rich generation, I am afraid that they are all friends. Official generation...

Of course, this is just a general idea. Wan Ziyan only knew that he had just treated such an extraordinary girl with the tricks of treating an ordinary girl. This is his biggest failure today.

He seemed to realize that he had just been seen through, but he was still at ease.

Immediately afterwards, these young people seemed to really accept Wei Sheng's integration into their circle, and they appeared to be much more enthusiastic than before. Li Lu and Zhu Xiaoxiao did not have Wei Sheng's promise to engage in such a battle, although it was unexpected. , But it also seems reasonable. It is also difficult to be angry with these young people who do things recklessly. Moreover, she does seem to need to have some intersection in the capital.

For example, at the end of singing, a boy said that his father was sponsoring an F1 competition recently. Wei Sheng thought of someone alone, thinking that that person should have been developing in Beijing in recent years, and she casually said that she did not intend to get results. Asked.

"Luo Quankun? You mean the coach of the Bulls? There was a grand prix after a while, the Ease Insurance F1 Beijing Grand Prix. One of the racing teams was the Bulls of Luo Quankun." The boy was a little surprised when Wei Sheng mentioned the name. Said.

Wei Sheng frowned, "Do we now have our own F1 team in China?"

The boy seemed to understand, he waved his hand and smiled, “It’s not ours domestic, but it was created by the Wotian Sports Management Company established in the United Kingdom. Last year, it entered the F1 event with a backdoor listing method. It is mainly operated in China. Our capital is not just repaired. The mixed track? But the effect of their team operation is not very good. I heard that no sponsors are willing to sponsor them. The nature of the ticket is relatively large."

Wei Sheng nodded clearly. He and Luo Quankun met abroad, but that was after seven or eight years. Luo Quankun was her first teacher who had contact with F1 racing, but at that time Wei Sheng still took the Mini Formula. The driver's license of the racing car, that is, the driver's license of the kart, can enter the formula car is also given by the teacher.

Kart is a miniature racing car in many types of racing cars. It has a small appearance and simple structure. It is the lowest starting sport in motorsports. It is also the "cradle" of formula F-1 racing. It is also called Formula Mini in Europe.

It usually takes 8 years for a driver to gradually advance from a small kart to F1, but in fact, only a few people have the ability and opportunity to reach the top of the racing pyramid. She is the miracle among those few people.

Like most professional sports, F1 is also a sport with a very commercial atmosphere. Therefore, in addition to the sponsorship of many teams and drivers themselves, even the Grand Prix itself sometimes has exclusive competition sponsors. Otherwise, it will be difficult for a team to sustain it. After all, this is the most expensive and most technical sport in the world.

It seems that Luo Quankun is now in a F1 team that has just started and is not quite satisfactory.

Wei Sheng’s identity as a racer is naturally not only as simple as driving a Ferrari sports car in the international black race, she also participated in the orthodox F1 team when she went abroad earlier, and took this as the goal, and finally won the international Won several awards, large and small, and later entered the Keno team engaged in automotive projects, championships with sports car long and short races.

But now, these basically have nothing to do with her, it's just this teacher, Wei Sheng wants to find an opportunity to visit.

Wan Ziyan sat quietly and stared at Wei Sheng and talked with the crowd. His expression was somewhat nervous. Perhaps he saw that Cui Xian never asked Li Lu to speak alone from the beginning to the end. It was only after the second half that he relaxed.

And Li Lu holding his arm always seemed very happy, Wan Ziyan also eagerly took Li Lu's hand from time to time to toast everyone.

Finally at the climax of the wine bureau, Cui Xian motioned Li Lu to speak outside, and Fang Wanziyan's expression suddenly became tense.

According to Cui Xian, this kind of thing is irrelevant to others, but Li Lu is also his cousin no matter how he said it. As for how Li Lu decides after the talk, or whether he wants to, that’s all. It's her own business.

When Cui Xian entered the door, he met Wan Ziyan's shameful eyes, and then Li Lu looked dull and asked Wan Ziyan to go out.

But at this moment, Wei Sheng was already red, and he waved his hands at the crowd repeatedly while belching. Ma Quan also hurriedly got up to help the driver. This caused everyone to chuckle. After a while, he asked Ma Quan to drink more than a dozen cups. Rushed to the bathroom and threw up.

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